We don't support the flag, because you shove it down our throats, and get butthurt over it. A huge portion of those doing so still parade around a flag of treason. Talk about disrespecting the flag. What they place in an empty symbol, I'd rather place in people. I love this country, but I sure as hell am not proud of it. Not only is pride a sin, but the country doesn't deserve it. We should all be embarrassed for the shell of ourselves this country is. Just like with family, you won't kiss ass, and say you're doing great, when you're a mess. You'd knock them till they woke up, and got things together. That's what caring about someone, or something really means. Much better then hollow cheering, that we're the best, no matter what the score is. As a country we are far from the best, and in many ways we just plain suck. If you care for real, you'd work to change it.