Why do liberals dislike america so much?

I'm not telling you that you have to respect the flag or love America. You should acknowledge that conservatives who boycott the NFL or object to anti-flag demonstrations are not being "political." I can love country alongside God and family, even if you cannot. However, you should at least acknowledge that there is an America for you to reside within because of patriots and flag-wavers.

I do love America you silly. The flag is just a colored piece of cloth. Symbols like that only mean what the individual wants it to mean. It's a secular object of pride, not fit for Christian faith. Loving the flag, isn't loving country. Loving the country itself, the land the people, is loving country. If the flag suddenly disappeared, and we had no memory of it, would the country we love, still not be there just the same? I'd rather love America, then some over inflated symbol, that doesn't do it justice. Especially when we see people pissing away the real greatness of America, when they want to demand you pledge allegiance. Demanding allegiance is antithesis to freedom. Many soldiers understand the real value, and stand behind the protests.
I do love America you silly. The flag is just a colored piece of cloth. Symbols like that only mean what the individual wants it to mean. It's a secular object of pride, not fit for Christian faith. Loving the flag, isn't loving country. Loving the country itself, the land the people, is loving country. If the flag suddenly disappeared, and we had no memory of it, would the country we love, still not be there just the same? I'd rather love America, then some over inflated symbol, that doesn't do it justice. Especially when we see people pissing away the real greatness of America, when they want to demand you pledge allegiance. Demanding allegiance is antithesis to freedom. Many soldiers understand the real value, and stand behind the protests.

Does the flag not mean all of those things to you, or does it somehow represent something hideous? I suppose if I had been brainwashed into believing that it represents leftist ideology, I would want to disrespect it, as well. Again, no one is demanding your allegiance. It is simply surprising to many that you are unwilling to give it.

I work alongside plenty of airmen who are pissed about the flag protests.

Lastly, how is love of country not prideful and idolatrous, but love of the country's symbols is?
I do love America you silly. The flag is just a colored piece of cloth. Symbols like that only mean what the individual wants it to mean. It's a secular object of pride, not fit for Christian faith. Loving the flag, isn't loving country. Loving the country itself, the land the people, is loving country. If the flag suddenly disappeared, and we had no memory of it, would the country we love, still not be there just the same? I'd rather love America, then some over inflated symbol, that doesn't do it justice. Especially when we see people pissing away the real greatness of America, when they want to demand you pledge allegiance. Demanding allegiance is antithesis to freedom. Many soldiers understand the real value, and stand behind the protests.

You failed, right here; because your hatred of America is based on a false premise.
Your apology is accepted.

So now that you realize how silly you came off, maybe drop the dEmS aRe ThE rEaL rAcIsTs nonsense.

And there's the proof that you have no idea about anything you try to speak of, just like your asinine conclusion, regarding smaller magazines.
Does the flag not mean all of those things to you, or does it somehow represent something hideous? I suppose if I had been brainwashed into believing that it represents leftist ideology, I would want to disrespect it, as well. Again, no one is demanding your allegiance. It is simply surprising to many that you are unwilling to give it.

I work alongside plenty of airmen who are pissed about the flag protests.

Lastly, how is love of country not prideful and idolatrous, but love of the country's symbols is?

Jade just flat assed insulted every single member of the military, who gave their life defending the flag and doing their best to make sure it didn't fall, from 1776 to present day.


When obama is in charge, liberals are barely over the 50% number.
Otherwise, way down in the 30's.

WIth republicans, they love america no matter who is president, even if it's obama who republicans obviously hated with a passion.

It seems that republicans/conservatives are more principled, and still love america more and don't let their hatred for a president make them dislike their coutry

Liberals on the otherhand, do not appreciate america. They don't like free speech, they don't like guns, they don't support our police, they always whine about moving to canada. Liberals are pathetic losers.

You are confused yet again. they don't hate America they just dislike people like you .
Aren't you a Catholic, or Christian? Don't you know about the sin of pride, symbol worshiping, etc? Republicans keep adding more to the fake Christian tally. The only things I hold up high, are the same things that hold me up high. God, and family. I never let people that don't practice what they preach, tell me what I'm supposed to do. So if they demand I respect the flag how they want me to, they better be up to snuff themselves.

Yes, we already know you despise the US, so why haven't you moved to Canada yet?
Pride? What's wrong with being proud to be an American (obviously, you're not)?
Symbol worshiping? Who worships the flag? You have a serious deficiency in understanding the difference between respect and worship.
The only things you " hold up high, are the same things that hold me up high"? Self-centered much? Why do you despise the country that
supports you? What have you done to support yourself? Is it that difficult to stand for the few minutes the National Anthem is being played?
Is it too difficult to respect the symbol (flag) of this country? Tomorrow is Memorial Day, will you also dis those who gave their lives to keep
you free to be an ungrateful asshole? Or will you burn a flag along with the other ungrateful assholes because you are free to do so?
You are confused yet again. they don't hate America they just dislike people like you .

Of course you dislike people like us, we hold our traditions, morals and our constitution as honorable and respected.


When obama is in charge, liberals are barely over the 50% number.
Otherwise, way down in the 30's.

WIth republicans, they love america no matter who is president, even if it's obama who republicans obviously hated with a passion.

It seems that republicans/conservatives are more principled, and still love america more and don't let their hatred for a president make them dislike their coutry

Liberals on the otherhand, do not appreciate america. They don't like free speech, they don't like guns, they don't support our police, they always whine about moving to canada. Liberals are pathetic losers.

I wouldn't say republicans/conservatives hated Obama (the man) himself, but rather his policies. And his wife's comment "For the first time in my adult life, I am really proud of my country because it feels like hope is finally making a comeback" sure didn't help. What did she really mean by her comment? Was she not proud to be an American before her husband was elected president? Comeback? Comeback from what? The long standing traditions and respect for this great nation?

Yes, liberals do not appreciate America, as evidenced by their support for burning our flag, despise for standing for the playing of our National Anthem, destruction of monuments, reestablishing the racial divide and their continued whining and hatred of a duly elected president (just to name a few).
Ask all you want.

As a matter of fact, why don't you ask as many times as I've asked you for proof of your guess that smaller magazines will mean less people killed.

We're already destroyed you on that, so let's move on.

What have I said that shows I want to undermine America?
America was founded on ideas of freedom from religion and freedom from the dictatorial impulses of government. One primary reason liberals register a negative view today is because religion has reentered mainstream politics through single issues, especially abortion. To control a woman's birth decisions is not a function of the state. America's conservative religious want to control but not support nor educate. That is evident in a variety of issues including homosexuality and transgenders. Individual freedom, a core of American democracy is being lost when government tells you how to live. Kinda simple really. If abortion is bad let your god decide not your government for surely once born you will not care.

"Abolition of a woman's right to abortion, when and if she wants it, amounts to compulsory maternity: a form of rape by the State." Edward Abbey


"And so we’re mistaken if we believe that the collapse of Christianity in America has led to a decline in religion. It has merely led to religious impulses being expressed by political cults. Like almost all new cultish impulses, they see no boundary between politics and their religion. And both cults really do minimize the importance of the individual in favor of either the oppressed group or the leader."

