I agree. Polls show some of this, but I suspect that many Democrats are unwilling to admit their hatred of America to a pollster.
Polls are worthless, IMO.
I agree. Polls show some of this, but I suspect that many Democrats are unwilling to admit their hatred of America to a pollster.
When obama is in charge, liberals are barely over the 50% number.
Otherwise, way down in the 30's.
WIth republicans, they love america no matter who is president, even if it's obama who republicans obviously hated with a passion.
It seems that republicans/conservatives are more principled, and still love america more and don't let their hatred for a president make them dislike their coutry
Liberals on the otherhand, do not appreciate america. They don't like free speech, they don't like guns, they don't support our police, they always whine about moving to canada. Liberals are pathetic losers.
I don't trust polls. I suspect that liberals 100% hate America.
This thread is the exact kind of divisive, dishonest bullshit that is ruining the shreds of this once great nation.
You should be ashamed of yourself.
Polls are worthless, IMO.
This thread is the exact kind of divisive, dishonest bullshit that is ruining the shreds of this once great nation.
You should be ashamed of yourself.
This thread is the exact kind of divisive, dishonest bullshit that is ruining the shreds of this once great nation.
You should be ashamed of yourself.
she got 31% of the vote in 2018 and constantly talks about hating white people, hating america, etc. just a normal democrat america hater.
News polls generally are. The never show the questions that were asked, or how loaded they were, they never show who was polled, and they never show the raw data itself.
try being more proud in our country
I love the salty libs getting butthurt over this thread
it's like.. the proof is right there in front of all your faces and there is nothing you an do about it except whine. It's a much different reaction than I normally get from liberals. This one stings you guys, I know it does.
All polls are worthless, even if the methodology is cited.
Here's why: People lie all the time, and polls only record what people say. What people do is reality.
please stop being an idiot. polls are very valuable and often times very accurate. don't be a science denier.
I respectfully disagree.
you are respectfully retarded then
How so?
Are pollsters able to determine that the responses they get are truthful?
Then there are the other issues: