Why do liberals dislike america so much?

You losers would have been so helpful in 1775.

I think you are looking more for resolve, then pride. I can't speak for all, but if you ever needed resolve, I got it in spades. The overzealous patriots of today are more concerned about the flag, and rituals of subservient pride, then it's core meaning.

This explanations for Billy. The flag is like Luffy, from One Piece, and those that pledged alligiance to him. He wouldn't let them, because serving under something, and allegiance are antithesis to freedom. They then took the freedom to support him anyway, without submitting to him like a boss.
Leftists have never been anything to America except a means for radicals to take over once progressives have undermined our institutions with their illiberal values.

Most of the values Americans now take for granted were given by Leftists, such as women being able to vote and having a five day work week. Even freedom of speech is a left-wing idea.


When obama is in charge, liberals are barely over the 50% number.
Otherwise, way down in the 30's.

WIth republicans, they love america no matter who is president, even if it's obama who republicans obviously hated with a passion.

It seems that republicans/conservatives are more principled, and still love america more and don't let their hatred for a president make them dislike their coutry

Liberals on the otherhand, do not appreciate america. They don't like free speech, they don't like guns, they don't support our police, they always whine about moving to canada. Liberals are pathetic losers.

Leftists have been taught to believe that the United States is the problem. They don’t see it as the last outpost defending against totalitarianism.

They embrace totalitarianism. They are fearful of life. They are fearful of death. They are fearful of taking chances.

They hide behind phony compassion for the poor and for children but they are the least generous people in the world.

They hate the very principles upon which America was founded. As such, they will never love America the way Conservatives do.
And you are woefully ignorant, if you think that there aren't minority groups who aren't proud to be Americans and would willingly defend what she stands for.

Non-white groups generally don't see themselves as American. They see themselves as Blacks/Jews/Ect who are living in America.
Being American doesn't mean anything anymore. And even if it did, it's stupid to be proud of something you had nothing to do with. Congratulations, through completely random luck, you were born in America.

I'm guessing Liberals don't have this false pride as much as Conservatives because Liberals tend to be smarter.

Umm, nothing will make us become nutty patriots, with blank senses of pride, or reason. We aren't that shallow. Why doesn't one of them explain how America is so great. How are we better then others anymore? Why does a lot of the stuff you feel pride over, even matter anyway?

Why not move to a place that you can be proud of? You would have accomplished something then.
i disagree with this premise. As americans, we all hold up certain values and ideals. I believe there are cultural genes that get passed down between generation. Consider the ancient romans. When they started, they were just a small town by a river of former criminals. There were hundreds of small town-states all around them. Yet through their tenacity became the greatest empire ever known. Why did that happen? luck? I don't think so, I think it had something to do with their cultural genesis. There is a reason why some cultures and value systems do better than others, and every american has a part to play in that.

Not Democrats.
I think you are looking more for resolve, then pride. I can't speak for all, but if you ever needed resolve, I got it in spades. The overzealous patriots of today are more concerned about the flag, and rituals of subservient pride, then it's core meaning.

This explanations for Billy. The flag is like Luffy, from One Piece, and those that pledged alligiance to him. He wouldn't let them, because serving under something, and allegiance are antithesis to freedom. They then took the freedom to support him anyway, without submitting to him like a boss.

Respect for the flag is a personal preference that conservatives have and leftists do not have. It has nothing to do with policy. Many people who love the country and respect the flag become disgusted when they see that leftists do not. The funny thing about living in America is that one does not have to actually love this country. But, leftists are always going to get called-out for it, and for good reason: Why should those of us who are patriots have to be impacted by any measures supported by those who are not? During the Revolutionary War, many patriots forced many loyalists to go live in Canada.
Because we aren't being America anymore. So how can we be happy? Happy by the way, because pride is a sin. You'd think all the God bless America people would know that, and not do the opposite. Your trolling is piddly really.

Jade you are completely wrong about pride in ones country.

There is a difference between the kind of pride that God hates (Proverbs 8:13) and the kind of pride we can feel about a job well done (Galatians 6:4) or the kind of pride we express over the accomplishment of loved ones (2 Corinthians 7:4). The kind of pride that stems from self-righteousness or conceit is sin, however, and God hates it because it is a hindrance to seeking Him.
So just because you dislike the president that should not distract from your pride in your nation. I disliked Obama but that never caused my pride in my country to waiver. Presidents are transitory the nation goes on.
The left loves America but fights a despot and plutocrats changing the country into their fiefdoms. Those who do not fight for democracy will lose it. The right has taken the knee for every single despot that came along. The left is "power to the people".
Most of the values Americans now take for granted were given by Leftists, such as women being able to vote and having a five day work week. Even freedom of speech is a left-wing idea.

All of the values that this country was built upon are liberal values. Leftism didn't really exist until the Jacobins came to power in France. In the case of women's suffrage, the amendment was passed a year after the progressives were swept out of Congress in the 1918. They had been too busy prohibiting alcohol and deforming the Senate.
All of the values that this country was built upon are liberal values. Leftism didn't really exist until the Jacobins came to power in France.

That's when the terms "Left" and "Right" started being widely used. But the concepts existed long before that.

In the case of women's suffrage, the amendment was passed a year after the progressives were swept out of Congress in the 1918. They had been too busy prohibiting alcohol and deforming the Senate.

Regardless of who passed it, it's a left-wing concept, and at the time was considered to be far left. Western Civilization itself, with its democratic elections and equality before the law, is a liberal left-wing concept.
That's when the terms "Left" and "Right" started being widely used. But the concepts existed long before that.

Regardless of who passed it, it's a left-wing concept, and at the time was considered to be far left. Western Civilization itself, with its democratic elections and equality before the law, is a liberal left-wing concept.

Liberalism is not left-wing. Leftism is illiberal, and seeks to undermine the liberal constructs of our republic.
Liberalism is not left-wing. Leftism is illiberal, and seeks to undermine the liberal constructs of our republic.

Give it any name that you want, but there have always been a faction that believes in top-down government. During the ratification of the Constitution these types were present and in a minority. They are still a minority, but have been able to fool millions of followers into believing that the opposing party stands for something other than their actual platform.