Why do liberals dislike america so much?

Not being proud isn't the same as hating.

you can splice it however you want. liberals are misanthropic america haters. you arne't proud of your own country. where exactly is your home? go move to canada and stop fucking up our country when you don't even like it to begin with
I guess it depends how you're defining these terms.

Well, it's problematic when you speak of certain partisans pursuing specific policies that happen to be leftist, because they are not liberal. That is why it is convenient when people label themselves and their platforms as progressive. The term literally speaks to itselfa preference for evolving beyond the liberal constructs and constraints of our established order in the pursuit of such ends as social (in)justice.
you can splice it however you want. liberals are misanthropic america haters. you arne't proud of your own country. where exactly is your home? go move to canada and stop fucking up our country when you don't even like it to begin with

I love the country and despise trump. I have faith that this great country will come together and heal after trump's reign of terror ends.
you can splice it however you want. liberals are misanthropic america haters. you arne't proud of your own country. where exactly is your home? go move to canada and stop fucking up our country when you don't even like it to begin with

Lulz. One can love one's country and be disgusted with it's actions, fucktard.

It requires critical thinking and honesty, so it's nothing you'd understand.

Why do you hate the United States?

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you are one of the 30%ers then

as you can see from the OP, most liberals simply do not like america

I love where I live, but blank patriotism is bogus, and lame. I'll criticize loved ones for their faults, that's part of what love is. Blind patriotism is an antithesis to caring about America.
Gallup says this is what the country looked like as of 2018 so why are conservatives still so bitter about liberals?

rana has cognitive dissonence

I have known her for 13 years. She knows me as charming, irresistible, and a fine upstanding gentlemen. She likes me.

But she also sees me say things that in her mind only a monster would believe. She isn't able to combine both images she has of me in her head. She has an NPC malfunction

So she just says I trolls and tries to tell herself I don't actually believe what I post.
I know exactly what you are, a socially awkward, spoiled, upper middle class brat. Who talks a big line and trolls.

I do like you, but you, like all brats, say things for the shock effect. You may, indeed, truly think and believe the things you post, but you’re passive aggressive and the type that never acts on your threats.

You don’t know what CD is if you think I suffer from it. My actions do not conflict with my beliefs.
you can splice it however you want. liberals are misanthropic america haters. you arne't proud of your own country. where exactly is your home? go move to canada and stop fucking up our country when you don't even like it to begin with
Oh, brother, becoming a bit of a drama queen, as well.
What a stupid premise. There is nothing holy about America. We slaughtered the native Americans, enslaved and abused blacks and waged wars across the globe for land and resources. We have an enormous portion of our citizens in jail and some make a profit off that.
We have the potential, but atavistic thinking will not make us better, Trump will absolutely not make us a better and fairer place.
We can be a better country. We have the freedom to fix our ills.
Respect for the flag is a personal preference that conservatives have and leftists do not have. It has nothing to do with policy. Many people who love the country and respect the flag become disgusted when they see that leftists do not. The funny thing about living in America is that one does not have to actually love this country. But, leftists are always going to get called-out for it, and for good reason: Why should those of us who are patriots have to be impacted by any measures supported by those who are not? During the Revolutionary War, many patriots forced many loyalists to go live in Canada.

We don't support the flag, because you shove it down our throats, and get butthurt over it. A huge portion of those doing so still parade around a flag of treason. Talk about disrespecting the flag. What they place in an empty symbol, I'd rather place in people. I love this country, but I sure as hell am not proud of it. Not only is pride a sin, but the country doesn't deserve it. We should all be embarrassed for the shell of ourselves this country is. Just like with family, you won't kiss ass, and say you're doing great, when you're a mess. You'd knock them till they woke up, and got things together. That's what caring about someone, or something really means. Much better then hollow cheering, that we're the best, no matter what the score is. As a country we are far from the best, and in many ways we just plain suck. If you care for real, you'd work to change it.
I know exactly what you are, a socially awkward, spoiled, upper middle class brat. Who talks a big line and trolls.

I do like you, but you, like all brats, say things for the shock effect. You may, indeed, truly think and believe the things you post, but you’re passive aggressive and the type that never acts on your threats.

You don’t know what CD is if you think I suffer from it. My actions do not conflict with my beliefs.

Not true

You made all of your money off of fossil fuels

You live in red states yet call yourself a leftiST

I would never live in blue state
We don't support the flag, because you shove it down our throats, and get butthurt over it. A huge portion of those doing so still parade around a flag of treason. Talk about disrespecting the flag. What they place in an empty symbol, I'd rather place in people. I love this country, but I sure as hell am not proud of it. Not only is pride a sin, but the country doesn't deserve it. We should all be embarrassed for the shell of ourselves this country is. Just like with family, you won't kiss ass, and say you're doing great, when you're a mess. You'd knock them till they woke up, and got things together. That's what caring about someone, or something really means. Much better then hollow cheering, that we're the best, no matter what the score is. As a country we are far from the best, and in many ways we just plain suck. If you care for real, you'd work to change it.



I hope one day you eat yourself into a massive heart attack