"Why do Liberals think Trump supporters are Stupid?"

Its good to know that there is someone left who believes that bull shit

I agree that 306-232 isn't really that impressive an electoral victory, given such victories as Harding, Coolidge, Hoover, FDR, Ike, LBJ, Nixon, and Reagan. I was impressed that night when he carried Wisconsin. I thought he would just pick-off PA and the ME-2 vote.
I agree that 306-232 isn't really that impressive an electoral victory, given such victories as Harding, Coolidge, Hoover, FDR, Ike, LBJ, Nixon, and Reagan. I was impressed that night when he carried Wisconsin. I thought he would just pick-off PA and the ME-2 vote.

He got Wisconsin because of GOP voter suppression.

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I agree that 306-232 isn't really that impressive an electoral victory, given such victories as Harding, Coolidge, Hoover, FDR, Ike, LBJ, Nixon, and Reagan. I was impressed that night when he carried Wisconsin. I thought he would just pick-off PA and the ME-2 vote.

Even if trump had only won by 3 or 4 votes, it would still be fun to keep lefties talking about it. No matter how much lefties try to marginalize the win, they are still stuck talking about how Trump won. Lefties absolutely hate that Trump won, so I love to hear lefties re hash it over and over.
As usual, nothing to contribute besides insults.

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So THAT is why trump is pissed about the shut down. He hasn't played golf at Mar-lar-go for 35 days. But now that government is re-opened - thanks to the democrats - trump can waste another $4 million flying to Mar-lar-go and play a round of golf .....and meet his russian billionaire friends.
Even if trump had only won by 3 or 4 votes, it would still be fun to keep lefties talking about it. No matter how much lefties try to marginalize the win, they are still stuck talking about how Trump won. Lefties absolutely hate that Trump won, so I love to hear lefties re hash it over and over.

In 2012 , trump whined about the electoral college and demanding it be abolished. In 2016 he won the electoral college - thanks to the russians and jill stein - by a few thousand votes. The LEGITIMATE president is the woman who got 2.8 MILLION more votes than the orange turd.

Oh and the mid-terms sent a loud and clear message to trump and the republicans that they are fucking awful. A booming economy and low unemployment and 40 republicans lost their house seats. Oh and they won some senate seats by very narrow margins. Ted Cruz just scraped through thanks to the caravan of drug dealers and terrorists. Oh what happened to that caravan BTW? Magically disappeared once the mid-terms were over. Just more racist BULLSHIT from the nazi trump and his racist redneck nazi loving supporters.
Even if trump had only won by 3 or 4 votes, it would still be fun to keep lefties talking about it. No matter how much lefties try to marginalize the win, they are still stuck talking about how Trump won. Lefties absolutely hate that Trump won, so I love to hear lefties re hash it over and over.
Still determined to demonstrate that Trump supporters are stupid.

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The LEGITIMATE president is the woman who got 2.8 MILLION more votes than the orange turd.

There were not 2.8 million votes available, there were only 538. A candidate only needs to win 270 votes to win the Oval office. Trump got an ass kicking 306 votes, and Hillary only rounded up a lousy 232. Trump kicked Hillary's ass.
There were not 2.8 million votes available, there were only 538. A candidate only needs to win 270 votes to win the Oval office. Trump got an ass kicking 306 votes, and Hillary only rounded up a lousy 232. Trump kicked Hillary's ass.
And still obsessed with Hillary.

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Says the stupid bot.

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Wouldn't you think the moron would get tired of repeating the same lie several hundred times
same lie over and over
He is a moron and will never grow up or ever get the ability to hold a intelligent conversation
Have a nice day