The score was actually 306 to 232. Trump kicked Hillary's ass.
Hay stupid here is what real butt kicking looks like
List of Landslide Presidential Elections
Under that standard definition, the following presidential elections would qualify as Electoral College landslides:
1996: Democrat Bill Clinton won 379 electoral votes against Republican Bob Dole, who received only 159 electoral votes.
1988: Republican George H.W. Bush won 426 electoral votes against Michael S. Dukakis, who received only 111.
1984: Republican Ronald Reagan won 525 electoral votes against Democrat Walter Mondale, who got only 13 electoral votes.
1980: Reagan won 489 electoral votes against Democrat Jimmy Carter, who got only 49 electoral votes.
1972: Republican Richard Nixon won 520 electoral votes against Democrat George S. McGovern, who got only 17 electoral votes.
1964: Democrat Lyndon B. Johnson got 486 electoral votes against Republican Barry M. Goldwater, who got only 52 electoral votes.
1956: Republican Dwight D. Eisenhower got 457 electoral votes against Democrat Adlai Stevenson, who got only 73 electoral votes.
1952: Eisenhower got 442 electoral votes against Stevenson, who got only 89 electoral votes.
1944: Democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt got 432 electoral votes against Republican Thomas E. Dewey, who got only 99 electoral votes.
1940: Roosevelt got 449 electoral votes against Republican Wendell L. Wilkie, who got only 82 electoral votes.
1936: Roosevelt got 523 electoral votes against Republican Alfred M. Landon, who got only 8 electoral votes.
1932: Roosevelt got 472 electoral votes against Republican Herbert C. Hoover, who got only 59 electoral votes.
1928: Republican Herbert C. Hoover got 444 electoral votes against Democrat Alfred E. Smith, who got only 87 electoral votes.
1924: Republican Calvin Coolidge got 382 electoral votes against Democrat John W. Davis, who got only 136 electoral votes.
1920: Republican Warren G. Harding got 404 electoral votes against Democrat James M. Cox, who got only 127 electoral votes.
1912: Democrat Woodrow Wilson got 435 electoral votes against Progressive Theodore Roosevelt, who got only 88 electoral votes.
FDR's win in
1936: Roosevelt got 523 electoral votes against Republican Alfred M. Landon, who got only 8 electoral votes now that was an ass kicking
Not what Trump did
Have a nice day