Why do libs obsess over "assault rifles" when handgun deaths are so much more common?

It is well established that so called assault rifles are used in far fewer murders than hand guns. Why the obsession with "assault rifles"? Is it because they look scary? Or because mass shootings generate headlines and captivate public interest? Or most sadly, because you think a bunch of dead children is most useful to score cheap political points?


Far more die from automobile accidents; yet idiots on the left always want to blame Republicans and the NRA for gun deaths, of which deaths are infinitesimal compared to cars.

More than 1,023 children 13 and under died in 2016 from automobile deaths.

More than 2,820 teens died in 2016 from automobile deaths.

That's a total of 3,843. Yet no one is blaming Ford, Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge or Chevrolet for their deaths. That's the stupid logic of the left.

the long term goal is an outright ban on guns, but it can only happen if they are allowed to slow chipping away at the rights currently remaining.

I just wish they would be HONEST about their goals. The Party of the Jackass and their leftist FAKE media allies pretend that they don't want that. It is a flat out lie.
So exactly how many school kids ( and people in general) have to get killed by these things before NRA flunkies realize that the almighty dollar just isn't worth it?

Yep; in leftist dumbfuck land, it's always the fault of a Republican or NRA, not the whacko who LEGALLY obtained their weapons. Moron.
So exactly how many school kids ( and people in general) have to get killed by these things before NRA flunkies realize that the almighty dollar just isn't worth it?

How many meaningless words have to be put on a piece of paper before you leftwing idiots realize written laws are not what stops people who don't care about what the law says?

There are laws that say schools are gun free zones. Why didn't those laws work?
Yep; in leftist dumbfuck land, it's always the fault of a Republican or NRA, not the whacko who LEGALLY obtained their weapons. Moron.

Yet he totally ignores that in the last two mass shootings, entities that should have done their jobs in an effort to prevent this type of thing failed to do so.

It's this simple. People who hate guns are going to find a way to blame the gun despite no gun ever growing arms and legs, walking to where the shooting took place, and firing itself. They hate guns so much that I believe some of them want things like this to happen in order to push their agenda.
your stupidity is showing again. I own guns and am not a liberal. your problem is you arent smart enough to have a conversation with. Any gun that fires in a rapid fire manner should be banned as rapid fire means more will die quicker in an event like Parkland...its that simple.
your stupidity is showing again. I own guns and am not a liberal. your problem is you arent smart enough to have a conversation with. Any gun that fires in a rapid fire manner should be banned as rapid fire means more will die quicker in an event like Parkland...its that simple.

I own what you would likely refer to as assault pistols. If you want them out of my possession, get off your ass and come get them, boy. It's that simple.