your stupidity is showing again. I own guns and am not a liberal. your problem is you arent smart enough to have a conversation with. Any gun that fires in a rapid fire manner should be banned as rapid fire means more will die quicker in an event like Parkland...its that simple.
actually its a legal definition not mine. People like really need counseling as there is no sane reason to own those sort of guns.
absolutely the magazine should be banned. Your need to shoot a deer that many times ruins the meat and suggests you need more target practice.
already have. hint: try to follow the conversation. you shouldnt need the assault weaponry now that Obama is out of office.
is there a point to your stupidity or are you just being stupid?
That's literally the only thing it says.Assault weapon is a non-technical term referring to any broad category of firearms with certain features. Assault weapons include some semi-automatic rifle, some pistols and some shotguns.
Any gun that fires in a rapid fire manner should be banned as rapid fire means more will die quicker in an event like Parkland...its that simple.
Thats not a legal definition. At all.
That's literally the only thing it says.
So you have a problem with revolvers now too? Are those assault pistols because they can be fired very fast?
Yeah, the point is you don't know what you're talking about if you think a semi auto pistol is a "assault pistol". If you're going to use terms, you should probably know what they mean, especially if you're arguing for or against legislation regarding them. Otherwise you look like a fool.
when you make stupid stuff up you just are stupid
why do you seem to think that asking stupid questions is anything other than stupid.
not my term, its used in various states laws...educated people know this.