You really should get educated on this stuff before you post. The major weapon at Columbine was a TEC-9 which is considered an assault pistol.
You shouldn't try and tell others to get educated when you yourself don't know what you're taking about.
You really should get educated on this stuff before you post. The major weapon at Columbine was a TEC-9 which is considered an assault pistol.
But not considered an AR-15, or even an assault rifle, which was the weapon we were talking about.
You shouldn't try and tell others to get educated when you yourself don't know what you're taking about.
Which is why it's called an assault handgun do you understand the distinction
Trying to assert that a TEC-9 isnt a Tech 9 just makes you look foolish
Your attempt to move the goalposts notwithstanding, you've simply proven my position. Assault rifles are not inherent to these attacks. I notice you ignored Virginia Tech. The reality is, semi-automatic is not saved solely for the weapons that you think look scary.
What exactly makes it a "assault pistol? Go on, explain it to me.
another uneducated deplorable.
No no no no, I said explain it to me. Use YOUR words. Tell me how it is different from other pistols.
you arent sober are you? The pistol acts in a semi automatic manner
you arent sober are you? The pistol acts in a semi automatic manner
I'm not pushing an argument against any firearms that are currently legal. Just pointing out the irrationality of liberal's hyper focus on tactical rifles. We know that when the sale of these firearms actually was banned for 10 years, it had virtually no impact on gun violence.
I wonder if the anti gun agenda is actually as fake as the immigration agenda. Your side doesn't actually care about the victims or fixing anything. Just using a tragedy to claim Republicans like to see children killed.
The left is not obsessing about semi automatic and automatic weapons. However they are weapons of war designed to kill as many people people in as short a time as possible. they are not suited for home defense and not allowed for hunting. Can you figure out what their purpose is, if you try. They are military weapons that have no use in a society, but mass killers are attracted to them. If you plan on killing a lot of people in a short time, they are suitable. Other than that, they have no use. They do not belong in civilian hands. They should not be sold.
I get that conservatives really do not care about mass executions of school children, and have never offered any tangible solutions to reduce them. If anything they are forever trying to weaken background checks, make it easier to buy guns, and fetishize military-style weapons and high capacity magazines.
But, I believe much of our civilized society finds the mass executions of school children in a place that is supposed to be safe for them, to be completely unacceptable. Relatively more unacceptable than a couple of drug dealers wasting each other, or a murderous spat between jealous lovers.
We know that when the sale of these firearms actually was banned for 10 years, it had virtually no impact on gun violence.
I wonder if the anti gun agenda is actually as fake as the immigration agenda. Your side doesn't actually care about the victims or fixing anything. Just using a tragedy to claim Republicans like to see children killed.
You are making stuff up just so you can look stupid again
You really should get educated on this stuff before you post. The major weapon at Columbine was a TEC-9 which is considered an assault pistol.
Which is why it's called an assault handgun do you understand the distinction
Trying to assert that a TEC-9 isnt a Tech 9 just makes you look foolish
you should read the title of the thread
another uneducated deplorable.
you arent sober are you? The pistol acts in a semi automatic manner
There's no pleasing the bleeding heart liberals. They'll complain about any gun these kids use.
The grown ups are talking.
you russian bots do hate information dont you.
Says the guy who apparently can't define what a "assault pistol" is but is certain he knows anyways.