Why do people feel the need to ban others from posting in their threads?

Are people who ban others from threads

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Here is my regulars:

evince - I ban her because she is a mental patient, she'l spam threads with off topic bullshit, she's an idiot, she offers no value besides entertainment.
domer76 - just an asshole that can't have a civil discussion
nomad - another asshole that always has a chip on his shoulder
cypress - liberal soyboy, smug prick, he posts so he can jerk off to his own words later

Naw. You’re just another two bit pussy like the rest of them.
Deflection,ask Owl and JD about their lists,I'm not their spokesman.
My point I made sticks.

How can I fuck face? They have me banned from their threads like the fucking cowards they are! Proof Mason is Bowels puppet mouth.
The ignore thing is a total lie she reads every post that is about her. Hell she claims to have me on ignore but she replies almost every time I mention her. She loves to project by calling others what she is. She is a real POS.

EE is like a forth grade boy who pushes the girl he has a crush on.
ya ya

makes one want to ban people

ignore his stupid fucking ass and let him prove what a fucking dickless idiot he is by allowing people to see what a read waste he is

you don't need to ban someone to ignore someone

I ignore Boris ( I cant remember the rest of his name)

I have not banned him but just pretended his posts are not there even while destroying his bullshit with facts for years now

every once in awhile I directly speak to him just to prove I can read or not read his fucking dribble any time I chose

he has had that done to him by me for years now over a couple of sites

don't let them rile you

they are just crowd noise

Ignoring is easy, but getting others to do it the same isn't. One prick starts in, and it can get others going. I ban those that have proven they can't handle an adult discussion without dragging it, or others down. Especially if it's about recipes, or travel. The level of loser it takes to go into those types of discussions, and act that way is tragic.
Deflection,ask Owl and JD about their lists,I'm not their spokesman.
My point I made sticks.

You should ask Angry Bird 1) why he keeps replying to me even though he knows I don't read his silliness, and 2) how many threads about him or Toxic I have started. Here's a hint:


(It's his hemorrhoid cushion in his favorite color. Also the digit zero. lol)
You should ask Angry Bird 1) why he keeps replying to me even though he knows I don't read his silliness, and 2) how many threads about him or Toxic I have started. Here's a hint:


(It's his hemorrhoid cushion in his favorite color. Also the digit zero. lol)

He wears it for a hat:palm:
You should ask Angry Bird 1) why he keeps replying to me even though he knows I don't read his silliness, and 2) how many threads about him or Toxic I have started. Here's a hint:


(It's his hemorrhoid cushion in his favorite color. Also the digit zero. lol)

And the Attention Whore displays a model of her vagina in the desperate hope to lure some poor soul like Mason to his doom.