Why do people feel the need to ban others from posting in their threads?

Are people who ban others from threads

  • Total voters
(checks ignore list)
Yep, still on there. lol


Let me guess, Angry Bird has spent another entire day talking about me, right? If only Mrs. Bird got as much attention............
Just wondering.

First it is useful to note that the thread ban was created for whiny liberal broads who couldn’t deal with big bad me. True story bro.

I started using thread bans initially to throw it back in the face of hypocritical libtards.

Now I have three thread ban criteria

1) I start a lot of threads in APP and thread ban nobody there. But libtards are afraid of APP and essentially thread ban themselves

2) I sometimes post things in which I don’t give a flying fuck what liberals think so I have a large thread ban list

3) I have a core thread ban list

Evince - fucking shit posting retard
Cawacko - whiny, virtue signaling pretend conservative.
Threedee - See Cawacko
Domer - Complete worthless douchebag
Nomad - See Domer
Zappas - hypocritical whining prick who deserves to die in the most painful way imaginable.

There you go
(checks ignore list)
Yep, still on there. lol


Let me guess, Angry Bird has spent another entire day talking about me, right? If only Mrs. Bird got as much attention............

And once again the need to brag about your ignore list and STILL talking about someone you supposedly ignore.

You just use the feature as a methid to annoy people. Which doesn't work and it just shows what a cowardly failure you are.
Ignoring is easy, but getting others to do it the same isn't. One prick starts in, and it can get others going. I ban those that have proven they can't handle an adult discussion without dragging it, or others down. Especially if it's about recipes, or travel. The level of loser it takes to go into those types of discussions, and act that way is tragic.

Yet you don't ban Domer you lying bitch
LOL...good stuff from the :village: of the oft banned...
Not sure they mentioned me, though;)
Oh wait....never mind...
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First it is useful to note that the thread ban was created for whiny liberal broads who couldn’t deal with big bad me. True story bro.

I started using thread bans initially to throw it back in the face of hypocritical libtards.

Now I have three thread ban criteria

1) I start a lot of threads in APP and thread ban nobody there. But libtards are afraid of APP and essentially thread ban themselves

2) I sometimes post things in which I don’t give a flying fuck what liberals think so I have a large thread ban list

3) I have a core thread ban list

Evince - fucking shit posting retard
Cawacko - whiny, virtue signaling pretend conservative.
Threedee - See Cawacko
Domer - Complete worthless douchebag
Nomad - See Domer
Zappas - hypocritical whining prick who deserves to die in the most painful way imaginable.

There you go

Sad little pussified toad.
I never ban anyone from anything

( I did ban my own self as a joke and protests a couple of times)

I never even neg rep people

I have posted at this site since its inception and have NEVER in those over a decade of years neg repped one person



if you don't listen to them all you cant point out their full evil

That is how I knew the right had coupled with some foreign entity on the internet at least before the news broke

remember me telling you that some of these people were NOT Americans BEFORE the election took place

the right called me crazy as usual

and as usual I turned out to be correct

if you don't take in all the evidence you wont see the full picture


you can chose not to read certain posters all on your own if you chose to

incomplete information or bad information in means bad decisions out

its exactly why the right is always on the wrong side of things

they pretend things that vex them are not real

meaning they operate without all the facts

which makes them WRONG all the time
Nobody cares, you are the number one reason why thread bans are a good idea.

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Here is my regulars:

evince - I ban her because she is a mental patient, she'l spam threads with off topic bullshit, she's an idiot, she offers no value besides entertainment.
domer76 - just an asshole that can't have a civil discussion
nomad - another asshole that always has a chip on his shoulder
cypress - liberal soyboy, smug prick, he posts so he can jerk off to his own words later

Can't argue with any of that, Domer and Nomad are just prize arseholes, however I have pissed them off so much they have banned me!!

Desh is batshit crazy without any shadow of a doubt, seriously wacko.

Luke Skypestalker is a totally sanctimonious, hectoring twat. Even when he says something I agree with, he fucking annoys me.

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Why do you call jaded drag queen a pussy? That isn’t nice.

Members banned from this thread: Cypress, The Deep State, Mott the Hoople, midcan5, evince, christiefan915, ZappasGuitar, signalmankenneth, Taichiliberal, Covfefe, Rune, Thing1, I'm Watermark, toto, serendipity, stoned, Text Drivers are Killers, CFM, jbander, Bill, domer76, sear, archives, Nomad, Micawber, crowonapost, Amadeus, Tomas Fabregas, Silver Buzzard, Kacper, floridafan, Zippity Doo Da, Mason von Mason, JnqYaqui, PraiseKek, Tranquillus in Exile, Master Fang, Controlled Opposition, Craig234, MAGAt, katzgar, DonaldvoTrumpovich, Jade Dragon, Nordberg, Crazy Cat Lady, SUPERLIBERAL, Thumper, Lily WAQ, dicr, Troll, Tommatthews, drgafan, Popeye, cash, 2TeachIs2TouchKidz and mkravets
Members banned from this thread: Cypress, The Deep State, Mott the Hoople, midcan5, evince, christiefan915, ZappasGuitar, signalmankenneth, Taichiliberal, Covfefe, Rune, Thing1, I'm Watermark, toto, serendipity, stoned, Text Drivers are Killers, CFM, jbander, Bill, domer76, sear, archives, Nomad, Micawber, crowonapost, Amadeus, Tomas Fabregas, Silver Buzzard, Kacper, floridafan, Zippity Doo Da, Mason von Mason, JnqYaqui, PraiseKek, Tranquillus in Exile, Master Fang, Controlled Opposition, Craig234, MAGAt, katzgar, DonaldvoTrumpovich, Jade Dragon, Nordberg, Crazy Cat Lady, SUPERLIBERAL, Thumper, Lily WAQ, dicr, Troll, Tommatthews, drgafan, Popeye, cash, 2TeachIs2TouchKidz and mkravets
What's your point?