There is "no debate". How does your LACK OF FAITH effect "my" faith? It does not as I have tested the scriptures and came to the objective conclusion (through the testimony of direct witnesses provided in the text of the scriptures, in a prima facie manner that have not been debunked as of today) that Jesus was and remains the Christ of prophecy (God Incarnate) sent to earth (not to preform miracles and feed the poor, overthrow a Roman Totalitarian regime) but to fulfill the requirements of the Old Law (having been born of a woman, born under the law) while following the Old Law to the letter in not sinning once (It took GOD incarnate to accomplish what man alone could void of sinning in the very letter of the law)....His last recorded words, "IT IS FINISHED", meaning His death ushered in a new testament of grace...between God and Man, a new covenant, the last and final covenant........Break it at your own peril....dismiss that covenant, its your free will and you must live with the consequences of your decisions.
Until someone can disprove the records of those who were direct eyewitness to the events recorded in scripture.....the scriptures remain unbroken. A court determines guilt on the eye witness testimony of at least 3 individuals......the scriptures are filled with dozens of direct eyewitness testimonies. Prove those testimonies to be in error.....I will stand corrected.![]()
where do you keep your Hitler finger when you aren't pointing in people's faces......
I think all the Bible Stuff was written, like, 50 or a hundred years after the guys death. So, 'eyewitness', ... not so much.
It's been obliterated by scholars for over a hundred years. We know that Jesus himself is most likely pure myth.
I am. Proive it?
Define 'physical nature'. Buzzword fallacy.
If there is NOTHING BEYOND THE NATURAL..........let them explain via the natural laws of physics just how the natural universe came into existence.![]()
Possibly by quantuum physics.
You are a prisoner of classical mechanics - that every event must have a cause.
This is a false premise.
It is well established in quantum mechanics that the creation of matter can be uncaused— it can spring from nothing.
It is not implausible to speculate that the singularity at the origin of the universe did not necessarily have to have a cause; that we are required to assume something had to exist before the singularity.
It is well established in quantum mechanics that the creation of matter can be uncaused— it can spring from nothing.
Possibly by quantuum physics.
You are a prisoner of classical mechanics - that every event must have a cause.
This is a false premise.
It is well established in quantum mechanics that the creation of matter can be uncaused— it can spring from nothing.
It is not implausible to speculate that the singularity at the origin of the universe did not necessarily have to have a cause; that we are required to assume something had to exist before the singularity.
your religion sounds like everybody else's........
Quantum mechanics blew Albert Einstein's mind, and if a mind as brilliant as his had trouble accepting it, I can see how it would literally seem like voodoo to persons of inferior intelligence, such as yourself I stated. Enlighten us........using QUANTUM MECHANICS demonstrate to us how matter can be must be the fault of STUPID people that simply don't understand (I saw this coming even before you had a thought on how to respond) how the laws of physics simply do not apply when there is a need for MATTER to be created from NOTHING. This is more than laughable as pointed out by your use of the words.............SPECULATE and the ever popular OBJECTIVE (he said sarcastically) term NOT IMPLAUSIBLE. Why not go through the entire spectrum of words....."looks like", "suggests"...."could have", "Possibly" and all the other SUBJECTIVE TERMS used in an attempt to explain away logic and reason. Real, APPLIED (applicable) SCIENCE does not use such terms...real science uses objective, testable, REPRODUCIBLE FACTS in concluding TRUTH.
SPECULATE: to believe something based upon uncertainty or tentative grounds.
TENTATIVE: Under terms not fully worked out or agreed upon.
Again......the scriptures remain UNBROKEN unless you demand Speculation and half assed hypothesis trump the natural laws of physics.
Question? If Quantum Mechanics can explain how something came from nothing.........why did Hawking omit this brilliant fact of science and attempt to declare that everything came from nothing because a natural law pre-existed creation? The Law of Gravity........which is something rather than nothing.
Science deals with physical nature. So unless God is a physical object, science has nothing to say.
Did it say some place in the bible that God is a physical object??
Are you a physical object?? Like a sock or clone??
quantum physics is a faith statement that some folks pretend is science........but there are no facts involved in the field of experimentation, no scientific theories......nothing but fantasy......
Mantra 8b.
Why do people still believe in Jesus and Christianity?
Werner Heisenberg did experiments.
He earned his doctorate in 1923, with a thesis on a problem in hydrodynamics, though he nearly failed due to his poor performance on the required experimental questions on the oral examination.