I stated. Enlighten us........using QUANTUM MECHANICS demonstrate to us how matter can be must be the fault of STUPID people that simply don't understand (I saw this coming even before you had a thought on how to respond) how the laws of physics simply do not apply when there is a need for MATTER to be created from NOTHING. This is more than laughable as pointed out by your use of the words.............SPECULATE and the ever popular OBJECTIVE (he said sarcastically) term NOT IMPLAUSIBLE. Why not go through the entire spectrum of words....."looks like", "suggests"...."could have", "Possibly" and all the other SUBJECTIVE TERMS used in an attempt to explain away logic and reason. Real, APPLIED (applicable) SCIENCE does not use such terms...real science uses objective, testable, REPRODUCIBLE FACTS in concluding TRUTH.
SPECULATE: to believe something based upon uncertainty or tentative grounds.
TENTATIVE: Under terms not fully worked out or agreed upon.
Again......the scriptures remain UNBROKEN unless you demand Speculation and half assed hypothesis trump the natural laws of physics.
Question? If Quantum Mechanics can explain how something came from nothing.........why did Hawking omit this brilliant fact of science and attempt to declare that everything came from nothing because a natural law pre-existed creation? The Law of Gravity........which is something rather than nothing.