fully immersed in faith..
Yes. And why do you need to state that?
because you are arguing with me while restating the same thing I said.......
Yes. And why do you need to state that?
This is essentially correct
Quantum mechanics are science. They are all theories that are falsifiable. Science is not experiments nor a study or research.
Quantum mechanics is not a theory. It is a set of falsifiable theories, like everything else in science. It is a branch of physics.You would be wrong.
One of the 20th century's most important physicists, Richard Feynman, said quantuum mechanics is one of the most successful theories in science.
Einstein helped to create quantum mechanics. It didn't blow his mind. You don't get to speak for everyone. You only get to speak for you. You cannot describe how many people understand quantum mechanics. Argument from randU fallacy.It is also the most difficult to wrap one's brain around. It blew Einstein's mind, and there are probably only 50 people on the planet today who really understand quantum mechanics.
WRONG. Philosophy defines what 'real' and 'reality' mean, not science.Quantuum physics may even call into question our concept of objective reality.
Quantum mechanics is not voodoo. Insult fallacy. Denial of science. Denial of quantum mechanics.Which is why it seems like voodoo to people of subpar intelligence, like you.
And this does away with the necessity of CAUSALITY? How? As I have stated previously.......its always the fault of the STUPID (like the anonymous message board poster RALPH) and his/her inability to comprehend what is being taught as truth. Simply reproduce any matter from NOTHING through experimentation. Simply because someone states they "OBSERVE" something void of having the ability to reproduce that observation does not constitute a FACT of science. Why is this no-reproducible? By self confession the supposed (wink, wink) anti-matter is not a STABLE entity....
You might call using a "particle accelerator" to create what is called Anti-Matter particles .....or watching these particles being CAUSED by NATURAL processes such as cosmic ray collisions or radioactive decay.........POPPING into coming from nothing, even anti-matter particles must have a natural CAUSE.
Thus......Truth is not established, Prima Facie wise or otherwise as demonstrated there is more than enough established REASON TO DOUBT that MATTER can be created from nothing, especially when even this effect called anti-matter has demonstrated CAUSE and EFFECT. Simply because observable matter can be shattered or demonstrate radio active decay and called ANTI-MATTER simply proves the point....nothing measurable or quantifiable can come from NOTHING.
Now.....use science to refute the scriptures provided concerning creation and cannot because you cannot produce Observable, Reproducible, and consistent facts to debunk the scriptures statement concerning CREATION.
how can something be "science" if it can only be framed by a "thought experiment"?......
What experiments did Einstein do?
thanks for conceding you have no answer to the question....
What experiments did Newton do?
Quantuum mechanics renders old fashioned Newtonian cause and effect paradigm moot, at least at quantuum scales.
Many extremely smart scientists consider quantuum fluctuations a possible explanation for the origin of the universe. That sounds at least as plausible to me, as a literal interpretation of the Book of Genesis.
Wrapping up: as a matter of faith, there is nothing which says quantuum mechanics, Planck's constant, and an intelligent/purposeful design of the universe have to be incompatible.
Just answer the question. What experiment did Einstein do?
based on the fact that it cannot be tested by the scientific method.....
That's weird. You recently complained and argued to me that quantum mechanics was not science.<snip>
Quantum mechanics is science.
It is a branch of physics.
Into the Night: "When you study quantum physics, you will be studying math, primarily probability math, but also some in statistics. It is NOT science!! It is math."
Response from Cypress:
"Quantum mechanics is the branch of physics relating to the very small."
you will have to be more specific.......I would expect any scientist you can mention engaged in one or more experiments a day over the spread of his career......the question should be, "what experiment may be done to test a scientific theory".......
I suggest you read up on Einstein's various letters and writings, and the history of the Theory of Relativity, the Theory of Special Relativity, the Theory of the Photoelectric effect, Planck's Law, the Stefan-Boltzmann law, Wien's Law, the Michaelson-Morley experiment, and the development of quantum mechanics.
I suggest you look up the history of the Theory of Motion, and the Theory of Gravitational Attraction. The development and initial testing of these theories is described in The Isaac Newton. Here Newton publishes not only his theories, but how he developed them and tested them.
like a sock or clone??
It does not bother me if you want to believe in a literal interpretation of the Book of Genesis.Plausible? Nothing subjective about this term whatsoever, its real scientific. You have FAITH that what you believe is based upon truth in spite of the FACT that a simple lay person such as myself presented evidence that gives anyone with the least bit of intellect in regard to reason logic REASON TO DOUBT "your faith" based upon Conjecture, Speculation and theorized ideology? And you are effecting my faith based upon the, I must ask again? You can believe that everything came from nothing if you wish, as for me I believe this plane of reality had a CAUSE and that cause is superior to nature.
You have done nothing except argue with circular reasoning while not presenting one FACT of SCIENCE to validate your faith in conjecture.![]()