Why do people still believe in Jesus and Christianity?

If he died and came back, wouldn't that show there IS an afterlife?
If he died and didn't come back, who's using his account?

The point is nobody knows once you cross that barrier you don't come back so you don't live to tell your tale.

My thoughts on it is if you don't believe in the afterlife and someone else does don't worry about it.
You say that but you're here arguing with people about it. I do not care about poetry you will never see me arguing about poetry. If you really didn't give a shit about it what made you click on this thread?

I really have no idea what you're talking about. Honestly.
Matter cannot be created from nothing nor destroyed into nothing. Neither can energy. You are denying the 1st law of thermodynamics and the law of special relativity.

In this matter of the fabricated misnomer immaculate Jesus the Christ conception created from nothing there seems to be an extensive ongoing tautology for the diatribe energy to destroy all else in it's megalomaniacal crusade of "serve the Pope or die" from Islam "death to the infidels" sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming.
I'm not sure how the OP defines it, but I define Christianity as the belief that Jesus exists and is exactly who he says he is (per the Holy Bible).

I'd have though that if you believed that, you'd take some notice of what he said, but all you care about is money.
It does not bother me if you want to believe in a literal interpretation of the Book of Genesis.

I look to physics and cosmology for plausible speculations about the origins of the universe. But there is nothing about quantum gravity, dark energy, the cosmological constant which necessarily rule out the possibility of a purposeful design of the universe, perhaps involving a divinity or a higher truth of some sort. That is why I never join teams when the Bible Thumpers engage the Militant Atheists in their perpetual phony pissing contest on this terrain.

Cosmology involves a great deal of FAITH to accept such study as TRUTH. As demonstrated Science that can be applied must be OBSERVABLE, testable, reproducible. Who among mankind was around at the beginning to observe anything?

Yeah......IT DOES NOT BOTHER YOU.......that must why you did not post dozens of times on this thread condemning Christianity. LMAO:laugh: Emotional Twat.

You are correct about one thing. BIBLE THUMPERS. BIBLE THUMBERS are people that hold up the Bible trump on it and pretend to be speaking about the contents therein while contradicting the actual contents therein. Individuals such as some TV evangelicals ......who send a message out, "God loves you.......but send your money to my address". Individuals who come to the populous in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves.

I simply defend the actual content of the Holy Scriptures and practice Christianity in a Sola Scriptura manner. Even if evidence would come forward that denounced the entire content of the Holy Scriptures......what has one lost in believing when they follow the advice in the scriptures and rightly divide the word of truth? What's wrong with a life that respects truth, honesty while honoring one's elders and the disadvantaged? :bigthink:

The fault of many people, they attempt to declare that every sentence in scripture is a mandate or order from God......in reality the Holy Scriptures are but a recorded history of TRUTH as directed by the Holy Spirit of God. One must rightly divide the content which is all inclusive that records the good, the bad and the ugly in a history that follows the several covenants between God and Man ending with the last covenant/contract between God and Man.....the covenant of grace, the New Testament Covenant of Christ. What history recorded by MAN does not paint a pretty rose colored history directed only toward the nation that records it....leaving out many of the truths that said nation was constructed upon?

There is not one totally honest and all inclusive history inspired by MAN, they are all skewed and manipulated to benefit self interest. The Holy Scriptures include the many evil deeds of mankind...men that were bound by covenant/contract.....yet ignored the conditions of said covenant to commit evil deeds....and be punished for those deeds. One such nation was Biblical Israel who ignored the covenant and paid the ultimate price.

One must divide the word of God into the right compartments in relation to Covenants. 1. The Noahic Covenant 2. Abrahamic Covenant 3. Mosaic Covenant 4. Lastly The New Testament/Last will and testimony Covenant of Jesus the Christ
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Cosmology involves a great deal of FAITH to accept such study as TRUTH. As demonstrated Science that can be applied must be OBSERVABLE, testable, reproducible. Who among mankind was around at the beginning to observe anything?

Yeah......IT DOES NOT BOTHER YOU.......that must why you did not post dozens of times on this thread condemning Christianity. LMAO:laugh: Emotional Twat.

You are correct about one thing. BIBLE THUMPERS. BIBLE THUMBERS are people that hold up the Bible trump on it and pretend to be speaking about the contents therein while contradicting the actual contents therein. Individuals such as some TV evangelicals ......who send a message out, "God loves you.......but send your money to my address". Individuals who come to the populous in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves.

I simply defend the actual content of the Holy Scriptures and practice Christianity in a Sola Scriptura manner. Even if evidence would come forward that denounced the entire content of the Holy Scriptures......what has one lost in believing when they follow the advice in the scriptures and rightly divide the word of truth? What's wrong with a life that respects truth, honesty while honoring one's elders and the disadvantaged? :bigthink:

The fault of many people, they attempt to declare that every sentence in scripture is a mandate or order from God......in reality the Holy Scriptures are but a recorded history of TRUTH as directed by the Holy Spirit of God. One must rightly divide the content which is all inclusive that records the good, the bad and the ugly in a history that follows the several covenants between God and Man ending with the last covenant/contract between God and Man.....the covenant of grace, the New Testament Covenant of Christ. What history recorded by MAN does not paint a pretty rose colored history directed only toward the nation that records it....leaving out many of the truths that said nation was constructed upon?

There is not one totally honest and all inclusive history inspired by MAN, they are all skewed and manipulated to benefit self interest. The Holy Scriptures include the many evil deeds of mankind...men that were bound by covenant/contract.....yet ignored the conditions of said covenant to commit evil deeds....and be punished for those deeds. One such nation was Biblical Israel who ignored the covenant and paid the ultimate price.

One must divide the word of God into the right compartments in relation to Covenants. 1. The Noahic Covenant 2. Abrahamic Covenant 3. Mosaic Covenant 4. Lastly The New Testament/Last will and testimony Covenant of Jesus the Christ

You need to learn to write with more economy.

I specifically said that cosmology's explanations for the origin of the universe are largely in the realm of speculation. Speculation and faith are two separate and distinct words, which mean different things

I do not join teams of either bible thumping fundamentalists or trollish militant atheists. The belligerent militant atheists get just as mad at me as do the Christian jihadists.

My team is the truth and genuine knowlege, as best I can ascertain it. I have an extensive body of posts defending authentic Christianity. And I am among the first to stick up for genuine scholarship and inductive knowlege of the physical and biological sciences.

The fact that you really want me to pick a team and stay in that lane is of no consequence to me.
Sorry, but while I readily agree that mankind is very clever with his tools, some people, including yours truly, think there's more to existence than simply building the best tools or collecting the most tools.

I happen to believe this as well. I feel that atheists are missing out by denying the spiritual aspect of the many things that comprise a human being. IMO recognizing one's spiritual aspect doesn't necessarily mean belonging to a recognized religion, or even routinely spending time with other like-minded ppl discussing it. It's more of a recognition of my place in this universe, my connection with all that there is, and an abiding sense of wonder and awe at it all.

IMO, religions are paths to spiritual enlightenment but not the enlightenment themselves. Too many religions get wrapped in supporting their own existence instead of fulfilling their primary mission. No religion, IMO, is it "right" since they are simply different paths to the mountaintop, not the mountaintop themselves. People who claim theirs is the one true religion are running around in circles in the foothills, not climbing the mountain.

"There are many paths to the Divine."
I happen to believe this as well. I feel that atheists are missing out by denying the spiritual aspect of the many things that comprise a human being. IMO recognizing one's spiritual aspect doesn't necessarily mean belonging to a recognized religion, or even routinely spending time with other like-minded ppl discussing it. It's more of a recognition of my place in this universe, my connection with all that there is, and an abiding sense of wonder and awe at it all.

"There are many paths to the Divine."
Agreed on atheists although, in my experience, most atheists aren't really atheists who believe "when you're dead, you're dead". They have supernatural beliefs such as life after death, reincarnation, "magick" or define god through Pantheism or Panentheism.

FWIW, I lean toward Panentheism and used to be a full-blown atheist until experiencing a NDE at age 16. Then I wasn't so sure. :D
PS. No, I didn't see Jesus or God or any other spiritual entity.
