Into the Night
Verified User
You want to disprove a fantasy realm of existence? You're the one claiming it exists.
Your claim that something doesn't exist is a positive statement. The burden of proof is upon you.
You want to disprove a fantasy realm of existence? You're the one claiming it exists.
Science. Nobel Prize for science. Clearly you lost the argument.
Yet you treat it like one.
Science is not a prize or an award.
No one on this thread is.
I never in my life thought science is a deity. It's bizarre you keep mentioning it.
You seem to think I am someone else. Please read my actual words.
you are extremely stupid
Read his website and you'll see he's not stupid, just not firing on all cylinders:
Meet his sock puppets:
not until you show me how quantum mechanics finds a scientific test for anything outside of our universe......
I wouldn't......I couldn't......that's why it isn't science......
Okay. What does "sterile universe" mean?
He's stupid. I read his comments here.
Quantum Foam
"At the quantum level, matter and antimatter particles are constantly popping into existence and popping back out, with an electron-positron pair here and a top quark-antiquark pair there. ... The idea that space is a bubbling brew of ephemeral particles sounds like complete nonsense, but the idea has been confirmed."
Source: Fermi National Particle Physics Lab
Sounds pretty spiritual to me.
The peace and comfort was very impressive. Complete bliss...and disappointment that I had to leave.
Believe me, I studied everything known on the subject including Fourth Force psychology, which was 90% bullshit due to the paranormal crap.
Regarding research: no findings. Sometimes negative results can be illuminating. There's zero evidence of ghosts, goblins, angels, gods, devil or anything else that's supernatural just as there's zero evidence on the cause of the Big Bang, alternate universes or anything beyond the Natural Universe....a universe that is projected to end in the Big Chill of entropy death.
The point being is that things can exist but they are beyond our perception. Quantum physics might be able to build a "radio" one day that allows us to perceive other planes of existence. Regardless, I'm convinced there's more to existence than what we can only see in front of our noses.
False dichotomy fallacy. Divisional error fallacy.
Science does not require any test outside the observable universe.
Obviously, it means devoid of life (other than on Earth). Geez, even Dutch Uncle is winning THAT argument!
Still disagreed. More mentally ill than stupid. Sure, he's not a rocket scientist but he's no retard.
He said Newton never described the motion of planets. He's an idiot. A bloviator. A buffoon.
time or energy
singularity plurality
There is absolutes. Science uses absolutes like a baker of beard does.
The Cosmos is composed of OPPOSITES. Aka Duality. Aka ying-yang
We see duality in all things great and small. Ie: Something and Nothing.
Dualities CANNOT be separated! They exist together.
Here's a brain teaser koan about absoluteness: Is it an absolute when you want to turn right ---you turn right. There is no other way to "turn right" except to "turn right". It's an "absolute".
So all the in-absolute scientific documentations (recipes) are existing because PERSONA is the steward.
God is a persona. The Created cosmos is persona paradigm