It's a simple thing........if the BS hypothesis concerning (wink, wink) Quantum Mechanics is a FACT OF SCIENCE......
Science is not a fact. There is no such thing as a 'fact of science'. Science is a set of falsifiable theories. Quantum mechanics (not a proper noun, it is not capitalized), is a branch of physics and it contains many theories. All of them are falsifiable. Science is a set of falsifiable theories. Nothing more. Nothing less.
.just demonstrate this fact through the accepted method of SCIENCE.
Science is not a 'method' or a 'procedure'. Science is a set of falsifiable theories.
Show us the experiment that used the Scientific Method to demonstrate that Matter can be produced from nothing......
Science is not experiments. It is not a method or a procedure. There is no theory of science that states matter can be produced from nothing, not even in quantum mechanics.
this is what REAL SCIENCE requires,
True Scotsman fallacy.
Empirical evidence that is Observable, Reproducible with consistency upon each application.
Science does not use supporting evidence. Observations are subject to the problems of phenomenology. They are not part of science. No theory, scientific or otherwise, is ever proven True. A theory of science can be proven False. A nonscientific theory cannot be proven True or False.
Just produce Matter from nothing.........or not, as there is nothing FACTUAL about a hypothesis that dreams of producing matter from nothing.
There is no theory about it either. A hypothesis comes from a theory, not the reverse. An example is the null hypothesis of a theory.
Clearly the seculars are propagating a false premise.....that false premise, "The First Law of Thermodynamics" does not exist.
Here you are correct. No theory of science may conflict with any other theory of science. One or both theories must be falsified. This is known as the external consistency check.
Thus, the false premise that Matter can pre-exist the ENERGY required to cause the effect of Matter.
Energy does not cause mass. Mass does not cause energy. They are however, convertible from one to the other.
Even with the supposed theory of the BIG BANG..........
The Theory of the Big Bang is not a theory of science. It is a religion. It is based on faith, and faith alone. The theory is not falsifiable.
Energy existed (from where did such energy come?).
The Theory of the Big Bang does not describe where the energy for it came from, similar to the way Newton did not define what gravity actually was, only how it behaved.
You can't answer that, thus the BS statement that Quantum Mechanics proves that matter can come from NOTHING.
Science has no proofs. There is no theory in quantum mechanics that describes matter coming from nothing.
Yet....such as never been OBSERVED, Reproduced or consistency applied to demonstrate that knowledge as being FACTUAL.
Observations are subject to the problems of phenomenology. They are not a proof. They are evidence only. They are not part of science. 'Fact' does not mean 'proof' or 'Universal Truth'. A fact is simply an assumed predicate. We use them to shorten our speech, sort of like pronouns.
In other words you are demonstrating FAITH....blind faith.
The Theory of the Big Bang is not a theory of science. It is a religion. The Theory of Abiogenesis is not a theory of science. It is a religion. The Theory of Creation is not a theory of science. It is a religion. The Theory of The Continuum is not a theory of science. It is a religion.
It takes faith to believe that everything COULD HAVE came from nothing (BIG BANG) void of proof.
It takes faith to believe that the Universe has always existed, and always will as well. Science does not use supporting evidence. No theory is ever proven True.
It takes faith to believe that life came from non-living matter void of proof.
Correct, except the 'void of proof' portion. It is not possible to prove any theory (scientific or otherwise) True. This is called the Theory of Abiogenesis. It is a religion. It is not falsifiable. It is not a theory of science.
It takes faith to believe that non-living matter can be created from NOTHING
No. It takes denying science. Such a belief can only be called fundamentalism, since it is denying science to try to prove a circular argument.
It takes faith to believe that life and everything you see in this reality came from 2 simple elements....hydrogen and helium void of observed proof.
Observations are not a proof. Observations are subject to the problems of phenomenology. They are evidence only. This particular theory is not falsifiable. It is not a theory of science.
Why FAITH? Because these things sure as hell can't be OBSEVERED, Reproduced, or consistency APPLIED as being objectively TRUE.
Science has no proofs. It is not possible to prove any theory True, not even a theory of science. Observation is not a proof. Application is not a proof.
There have been countless attempts to reproduce LIFE from non-living matter
The first problem these guys run into is defining 'life'.
using the scientific method....
Science is not a 'method' or a 'procedure'. Science is a set of falsifiable theories.
all failures, as every experiment simply confirms the scientific fact pointed out by Pasteur,
Science is not a fact nor an experiment. Science is a set of falsifiable theories. It is not possible to prove any theory True.
life can only be reproduced through the reproduction of pre-existing life of the same species.
This itself is not even a theory, scientific or otherwise. You must first define 'life'. This statement (not a theory) fails the internal consistency check. No theory can be based on a fallacy. An argument (a theory is an explanatory argument) based on a buzzword as its primary object is a void argument fallacy.
Now demonstrate the scientific experiment that proves the creation model revealed in scriptures is debunked.
Science is not an experiment. Science is a set of falsifiable theories. There is no theory of science that debunks Christianity nor any scripture in the Bible.
The scriptures are clear as to where Human Life came from
True, they are. Scriptures in the Bible conform to the Theory of Creation, itself a religion, and placing God in the role of 'the intelligence'.
and its consistent with the Scientific Method.
Science is not a 'method' or a 'procedure'. Science is a set of falsifiable theories.
Life was first created and then reproduced, each after its own kind.
Irrelevant, and itself a circular argument. We do not know what happened. Science has no theories about a past unobserved event. The theory that life can only be propagated from life (as in self reproduction) is itself a theory, and happens to be a falsifiable one. It is a theory of science, once 'life' can be defined.
...deleted scripture quotes....
Scriptures are not a proof. They are evidence only.
Most importantly and observed on a daily basis in the real world.......God made things to reproduce after their own kind (just as proven via Pasteur) Genesis 1:11-12, 21, 24-25.
Not a proof. Supporting evidence. Science does not use supporting evidence. Only religions do that.
Simply present the scientific experiment that proves these things to be FALSE.
Not possible until 'life' itself is defined. Falsifiable means that the test for the null hypothesis is available, practical to conduct, is specific, and produces a specific result. It is this test that makes a theory a theory of science. As long as a theory of science can withstand such tests, it is automatically part of the body of science. Once falsified (a test is found that confirms the null hypothesis of the theory), the theory is utterly destroyed.
Now comes the expected replay: Where did GOD COME FROM? Nowhere.......God is ETERNAL unlike the ever expanding universe. (disprove that statement). This statement is presented in the text of the holy scriptures...God is an eternally existing spirit. Deut. 33:27, Genesis 21:33.
This conforms with the Theory of the Continuum (which states that the Universe has always existed, and always will). It is also a religion. It is not a theory of science.
Science is a set of falsifiable theories. Nothing more. Nothing less. There is no 'method' of science. There is no 'data' of science. There is no 'observation' of science. There are no proofs in science. Even the falsification of a theory is taken on conflicting evidence only much of the time. A theory can also be falsified through mathematics or logic, both closed functional systems, where the power of the formal proof (and the power of prediction with it) lies. Science is an open functional system. It has no proofs. It has no power of prediction. It must turn to mathematics (or more rarely, logic) to gain that power. That is called 'formalizing' a theory. The resulting equation is called a 'law'. If a theory of science is falsified, it's 'law' goes with it.