Why do people still believe in Jesus and Christianity?

Let me clarify what I mean by 'faith'.

Faith is just another word that describes the circular argument. It is an argument that supports itself by using it's own conclusion as a predicate. This is not a fallacy, BTW. It is a logical construct.

The circular argument fallacy is when someone tries to prove the circular argument True or False. This cannot be done. The argument uses it's own conclusion as a predicate. Therefore, such a proof is circular in nature and therefore invalid.

The circular argument is also called the Argument of Faith (or simply 'faith').

Yes, it requires a certain leap. It requires the idea that the argument might very well be True.

When you go to catch that bus, you have faith that the bus will arrive reasonably on time and get you to your destination more or less on time. That IS the circular argument. That the bus will arrive on time and get you to your destination on time. It is both predicate and conclusion.

Can you prove that the bus will arrive on time and get to your destination on time? No. You can't prove a True here. Can you prove the bus will be late or not get you to your destination on time? No. You can't prove a False here.

In other words, you can go expect to catch a bus and expect it to get you to your destination on time, but there is NO proof possible that it will actually do so. In other words, you MUST take it all on faith.

That's just for a bus. Yes, it requires a leap. It requires you to leap to the conclusion that your bus will do what is expected of it.

Humbleness is certainly not easy! Matthew here is correct in 7:14. Man tends to be proud, but one must humble himself enough to accept the authority, the blessings, and the teachings of Jesus Christ and God. He must become like a little child, learning from his parents. He must often discard preconceived notions much of the time. That's tough. We each gather such things easily. The college degree. The fat paycheck. The position we hold at work. The notions we get when raising our kids. We must put them ALL into the hands of another, Jesus Christ. Each of these things is not evil, but we must put them in the hands of Christ, if we are to fully benefit from his gospel.

That is tough to do. No doubt about it!

Okay I understand now I was talking from the academic side of things.
So your ego prevents you from admitting your claim that the Greeks and Romans did not have a tradition of ethics and sacrifice was utterly wrong, and laughably so.

Have some humility. I asked you where Aristotle discussed sacrifice and you had nothing. Three strikes and you are out. Go sit down.
Have some humility. I asked you where Aristotle discussed sacrifice and you had nothing. Three strikes and you are out. Go sit down.

^ I am still not seeing an admission you were wrong in making a preposterous claim that the Greeks and Romans did not have a tradition of ethics and sacrifice.

How can someone who claims to have multiple college degrees including a master's degree in philosophy be unaware of the Greco-Roman philosophical and intellectual tradition of ethics, virtue, and sacrifice?

I mentioned ethics and sacrifice in the context of a slew of philosophers and intellectual traditions, not just Aristotle. Aristotle is most known for ethics, logic, natural philosophy. Plato and Socrates articulated sacrifice for a higher principle, they spoke to ethics, the transcendent, and the immortality of the soul..

I was minding my my own business on this thread - you jumped in out of the blue to reply to me with your extraordinary and bogus claim.
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Ralph is right. He is calling you out on your circular argument fallacy. It is fundamentalism.

Wups. Who is to say they are shifting at all due to doppler effects? Even if it was, nothing can be said other than that galaxies that we observe in our little part of the Universe that we can see are moving away from us. There is no reason to expect ALL galaxies, even the ones we cannot see, are moving away from us. This is not a proof. It is a hasty conclusion fallacy.

So? Stars put out light and radio waves (which are really just low frequency light). Has nothing to do with the Big Bang. Non-sequitur fallacy.

Nope. Not confirmed. We cannot see distant stars in present time. Hasty conclusion fallacy.

Science does not need to perform a test more than once. Once is enough. Science does not use supporting evidence. It only uses conflicting evidence. Only religions use supporting evidence. The Theory of the Big Bang is not a theory of science. It is not falsifiable. It is a religion. It is fundamentalist in nature.

The Theory of the Big Bang is not science. It is a religion.
The Theory of Natural Selection has been falsified.
The Theory of Evolution is not science. It is a religion.
The theories in quantum mechanics are theories of science. They are falsifiable.

Science isn't a 'confidence'. Science is a set of falsifiable theories. The test MUST be performed against the null hypothesis of the theory. Mugging up examples of supporting evidence mean nothing.

Define 'dark energy'.

Nope. You can't go back in time to see what actually happened. That is the only test available, but it's not practical to conduct.

Nope. Science does not use supporting evidence. You can't test another theory and say you are testing the first theory.
No one cares if you do not believe the big bang is a scientific theory. You have no standing in the professional scientific community.

Events from the past are not outside the reach of the scientific method. The big bang, the asteroid which resulted in mass extinction of dinosaurs, and the evolution of hominids are legitimate scientific theories which can be supported or refuted on the basis of evidence and data.

Nobody knows what dark energy is, that was the reason I mentioned it. The only thing we know is that it is somehow contributing to the expansion of the universe, seemingly an inherent energy in the fabric of space-time itself.
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^ I am still not seeing an admission you were wrong in making a preposterous claim that the Greeks and Romans did not have a tradition of ethics and sacrifice.

How can someone who claims to have multiple college degrees including a master's degree in philosophy be unaware of the Greco-Roman philosophical and intellectual tradition of ethics, virtue, and sacrifice?

I mentioned ethics and sacrifice in the context of a slew of philosophers and intellectual traditions, not just Aristotle. Aristotle is most known for ethics, logic, natural philosophy. Plato and Socrates articulated sacrifice for a higher principle, they spoke to ethics, the transcendent, and the immortality of the soul..

I was minding my my own business on this thread - you jumped in out of the blue to reply to me with your extraordinary and bogus claim.

More bullshit from you. From now on, keep your stupid mouth shut when you don't know anything.
More bullshit from you. From now on, keep your stupid mouth shut when you don't know anything.

You have responded with nothing but monosyllabic grunts. You have said nothing of substance.

I have responded with robust and extensive articulation about the nature and scope of the Greco-Roman traditions concerning ethics, virtue, sacrifice.

Why do you even bother claiming you have multiple college degrees and a master's in philosophy? You have never said anything informed or interesting about philosophy
Quite simply put. Jesus is Mankind's only hope for Salvation and reconciliation with God. No religion can save anyone. Man's sin is what keeps him apart from God and His love. Because of God's love and mercy, He came to this world to pay the full penalty for our sin.
Quite simply put. Jesus is Mankind's only hope for Salvation and reconciliation with God. No religion can save anyone. Man's sin is what keeps him apart from God and His love. Because of God's love and mercy, He came to this world to pay the full penalty for our sin.

thanks for the Sunday School lesson
More bullshit from you. From now on, keep your stupid mouth shut when you don't know anything.

You respond with insults and monosyllabic grunts. Usually only one sentence in length.

I respond with detailed, informed, cogent discussions about Greco-Roman intellectual and philosophical traditions

Let the record in this thread show which one of us actually invests brain power into writing responses.
You respond with insults and monosyllabic grunts. Usually only one sentence in length.

I respond with detailed, informed, cogent discussions about Greco-Roman intellectual and philosophical traditions

Let the record in this thread show which one of us actually invests brain power into writing responses.

Any guess who's sock he is??

Sure is angry a lot:thinking: