Why do people still believe in Jesus and Christianity?

No one cares if you do not believe the big bang is a scientific theory. You have no standing in the professional scientific community.
Science isn't a community. It has no voting bloc. Science is a set of falsifiable theories. The Big Bang theory is not falsifiable. It is a religion.
Events from the past are not outside the reach of the scientific method.
Science isn't a method. Science is a set of falsifiable theories. There is no theory of science about a past unobserved event. They are not falsifiable. You can't go back in time to see what actually happened.
The big bang, the asteroid which resulted in mass extinction of dinosaurs, and the evolution of hominids are legitimate scientific theories
What asteroid? How do you know an asteroid ever did what you say? Nope. Not a theory of science. This is also a religion.
which can be supported or refuted on the basis of evidence and data.
Nope. You can't go back in time to see what actually happened. That is the only test available. It is not possible to conduct it.
Nobody knows what dark energy is, that was the reason I mentioned it.
So it's a meaningless buzzword.
The only thing we know is that it is somehow contributing to the expansion of the universe,
A meaningless buzzword is contributing to the expansion of the Universe? How do you know it's expanding? Have you seen the boundaries?
seemingly an inherent energy in the fabric of space-time itself.
Circular definition. Try again.

No argument presented. Denial of science. Buzzwords. Circular argument fallacies (fundamentalism).
Science isn't a community. It has no voting bloc. Science is a set of falsifiable theories. The Big Bang theory is not falsifiable. It is a religion.

Science isn't a method. Science is a set of falsifiable theories. There is no theory of science about a past unobserved event. They are not falsifiable. You can't go back in time to see what actually happened.

What asteroid? How do you know an asteroid ever did what you say? Nope. Not a theory of science. This is also a religion.

Nope. You can't go back in time to see what actually happened. That is the only test available. It is not possible to conduct it.

So it's a meaningless buzzword.

A meaningless buzzword is contributing to the expansion of the Universe? How do you know it's expanding? Have you seen the boundaries?

Circular definition. Try again.

No argument presented. Denial of science. Buzzwords. Circular argument fallacies (fundamentalism).

Bovine Excrement 1a
Any guess who's sock he is??

Sure is angry a lot:thinking:

Jacksonsprat obviously.

The exact same insults. The exact same claims to expertise in philosophy and history, but cannot seem to manage anything than monosyllabic grunts.
Science isn't a community. It has no voting bloc. Science is a set of falsifiable theories. The Big Bang theory is not falsifiable. It is a religion.

Science isn't a method. Science is a set of falsifiable theories. There is no theory of science about a past unobserved event. They are not falsifiable. You can't go back in time to see what actually happened.

What asteroid? How do you know an asteroid ever did what you say? Nope. Not a theory of science. This is also a religion.

Nope. You can't go back in time to see what actually happened. That is the only test available. It is not possible to conduct it.

So it's a meaningless buzzword.

A meaningless buzzword is contributing to the expansion of the Universe? How do you know it's expanding? Have you seen the boundaries?

Circular definition. Try again.

No argument presented. Denial of science. Buzzwords. Circular argument fallacies (fundamentalism).

The Curvaceous asteroid impact crater was found years ago in Yucatan. You obviously do not know this.

Dark energy is a place holder buzzword for an inherent energy property of space-time which is causing an accelerating expansion of the universe, contrary to predictions of a decelerating universe based on classical Newtonian gravity.

If u do not know this stuff, stop asking me. I cannot be your teacher, and you would have to pay me money if I was.
The Curvaceous asteroid impact crater was found years ago in Yucatan. You obviously do not know this.
How do you know this asteroid did what you claimed? Were you there?
Dark energy is a place holder buzzword for an inherent energy property of space-time which is causing an accelerating expansion of the universe, contrary to predictions of a decelerating universe based on classical Newtonian gravity.
Buzzwords don't do anything to the Universe except waste people's time. Void argument fallacy. Newton's theory of gravitational attraction has not been falsified yet.
If u do not know this stuff, stop asking me. I cannot be your teacher, and you would have to pay me money if I was.
No, it is YOU. It is YOU making the circular argument fallacy. It is YOU being the fundamentalist. It is YOU making all these fantastic claims as a proof.

No argument presented. Buzzwords. Void argument. Non-sequiturs. Denial of science. Circular argument fallacy (fundamentalism).
How Should an Atheist Think About Death?

So your denial of the supernatural in all of its forms seems similar to Pierre-Simon Laplace’s response to Napoleon when the latter asked him about the absence of any mention of God to his system of the cosmos. Laplace said, “I had no need of that hypothesis.”

For Laplace, at least, his response doesn’t claim that God doesn’t exist. It only says that he has no need for it. So, your experience of the world doesn’t need God or belief in a soul that survives the death of the body.

That line probably sounded really cool when you were smoking pot with your friend's in your mom's basement. Now, not so much.

Sent from the future using my Tardis
Religion exists to control the masses and to suck money out of them.

Make America Great Again
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Skepticism is a rational position. Denying something exists without evidence is just an unprovable belief.

Sent from Olympus using thunderbolts
The 'evidence' is that there's no evidence that it does exist.

Make America Great Again
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Because just once I would love to see one l of you fucking cockroaches back up something you say with something other than your opinion.

Not sure I understand the necessity to refer to Christians as "cockroaches." Yes, some Christians are hypocrites, and use their religion as a bludgeon to regulate the behavior of others and feather their own nest. So are some Muslims. I have it on good authority that the same is true of Buddhists, Hindus, and Jains.

The vast majority, however, find solace and comfort in their faith, and make a sincere effort to live and interact with others as Jesus taught.
I don't need to scroll up because that's false. I know way better than you what I was talking about. It was about the only state that is also a religion.

Now do you see how stupid you are for bringing up China?
Communism is a religion.

Make America Great Again

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Jesus of Nazareth was tortured, humiliated, mocked, rendered helpless, and executed as a common criminal.

It is hard to imagine any group of people inventing out of whole cloth a mythological story like that as a foundational myth of their religion.

Whether or not Jesus was divine or performed actual miracles is a matter of faith. But denying the historicity of the human Jesus flies in the face of virtually all reputable modern scholarship.

The Roman's kept meticulous records. Is there any mention in their records of a Jesus of Nazareth? Or are there just 3rd person accounts from His followers?

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