Why Do Trump Supporters Believe Trump's Myths?

Now, it's so funny to see the Republicans who complained about Obama's Stimulus & debt, now welcome Trump's.
Seriously, when were you planning on taking a course in US government to learn how it works? There are some pretty big differences between the US and Poland and you might want to learn those before you post about such matters.

Trump's Stimulus is even bigger & more Socialist than Obama's,
Neither Trump nor Obama have ever decided any budgets. Congress does that.

While you are waiting to take your course, you can read up on the US Constitution here: https://politiplex.freeforums.net/post/126. Article 1 gives the complete rundown on the purview of Congress and Article 2 gives the complete rundown on the purview of the President.

Obama's was more like public works, while Trump's giving so many people free money, including people like my parents that don't even need it!
Perhaps you meant to write "... while Pelosi's giving so many people free money, including people like my parents that don't even need it!"

Now Trump's pushing for a 122 million women's initiative.
Perhaps you meant to write "Now Pelosi's pushing for a $122 million women's initiative."

Between farmer freebies, and Stimulus freebies, and now Women's iniatives, Trump has given out like 2.4 trillion... Well above that of Obama.
Perhaps you meant to write "Between farmer freebies, and Stimulus freebies, and now Women's iniatives, Pelosi has given out like 2.4 trillion... Well above that of Obama."

I don't know if you are aware but Pelosi is in Congress and is the Speaker of the House. Her approval is required in what any budget holds. The President gets to make suggestions but Congress takes those suggestions and completely disregards them, crafting the budget purely as they please and the President gets absolutely no say in the matter.

Yes, the President can try to veto a budget but he has to have a good reason or he will be overridden by the same Congress that crafted the budget in the first place.

I know it's too much to ask you to read it. If you don't have the money, I can purchase a digital copy for you, but you probably lack the focus to read a book.

I don't read lie filled treatises by whiny triggered children who take advantage of triggered leftist loons who gobble up lies based on their misplaced TDS. Run along; life is too short for your special brand of loon. :palm:
If we gave a moron like you a million dollars; you would be poor in a few short years and most likely, still a triggered leftist moron on steroids. Cry harder you triggered leftist loon. :palm:

Nah. I'd invest that million dollars in certain stocks and keep reinvesting future dividends.

I've been maxing out or almost maxing out my IRA each year since I was 19. I would invest that $1mil in all the industries that are currently suffering due to COVID-19, and once those industries bounce back, I'd make that million several times over.
There's too many lowlifes in the USA, in their own right the Hicks (Anglo-Saxon descendants) are bad enough, even if we got rid of all of the minorities, they'd still have a murder rate about 3 times higher than Poland does, and still would be for death by war, Covid & by poverty.

Sprinkle in multiculturalism, and the USA in many portions becomes nearly unliveable.

Question: What do 1492 and 1776 have in common?

Answer: They are adjoining rooms in the Warsaw Hilton.

Seriously, when were you planning on taking a course in US government to learn how it works? There are some pretty big differences between the US and Poland and you might want to learn those before you post about such matters.

Neither Trump nor Obama have ever decided any budgets. Congress does that.

While you are waiting to take your course, you can read up on the US Constitution here: https://politiplex.freeforums.net/post/126. Article 1 gives the complete rundown on the purview of Congress and Article 2 gives the complete rundown on the purview of the President.

Perhaps you meant to write "... while Pelosi's giving so many people free money, including people like my parents that don't even need it!"

Perhaps you meant to write "Now Pelosi's pushing for a $122 million women's initiative."

Perhaps you meant to write "Between farmer freebies, and Stimulus freebies, and now Women's iniatives, Pelosi has given out like 2.4 trillion... Well above that of Obama."

I don't know if you are aware but Pelosi is in Congress and is the Speaker of the House. Her approval is required in what any budget holds. The President gets to make suggestions but Congress takes those suggestions and completely disregards them, crafting the budget purely as they please and the President gets absolutely no say in the matter.

Yes, the President can try to veto a budget but he has to have a good reason or he will be overridden by the same Congress that crafted the budget in the first place.


Trump signed off on it, and wanted his name & letter of approval on the Stimulus freebies.

Trump has not signed the recent 2nd Stimulus, therefor it is stalled.

So, Trump has played a role in Stimulus freebies.
Nah. I'd invest that million dollars in certain stocks and keep reinvesting future dividends.

I've been maxing out or almost maxing out my IRA each year since I was 19. I would invest that $1mil in all the industries that are currently suffering due to COVID-19, and once those industries bounce back, I'd make that million several times over.

Your loss. The book is entertaining and informative, and it's a short read.

I am sure low IQ dullards on the left find such reading fascinating. What is it, a grade 3 level? Run along now. Life's too short for mentally unsound losers on the left with a severe case of TDS.
I am sure low IQ dullards on the left find such reading fascinating. What is it, a grade 3 level? Run along now. Life's too short for mentally unsound losers on the left with a severe case of TDS.

Grade 3?

You struggle to write one grammatically correct sentence, so you really shouldn't make such comments.
... because you refuse to be rational. Your TDS has consumed you and you simply cannot engage in honest debate. I lay this out for you every post and as you can see, your TDS does not let it sink in. You are the only one blissfully unaware of your mental handicap. You are the only one who doesn't understand why you are eternally confused and frustrated.

You have decided to denigrate an entire class of people for what? ... for not embracing your cognitive dysfunction as well. You call all rational people "Trumpcuck" and spend your time maligning them. What chance do you think you have of being able to muster any sort of rational dialogue?

Let's give a rundown for those who are just tuning in and who aren't familiar with you.

You have an extreme form of Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS). Those who might have wondered if TDS is actually a thing can use you as an excellent case study and verify that it is very real. You have become cognitively disabled on all topics that involve Trump. You are incapable of being honest. You are incapable of being rational. You are incapable of being reasonable. When you talk about Trump, you aren't talking about Donald J. Trump, President of the United States. Your mind instead invokes images of some horror movie spider-vampire-demon-Godzilla-Satan who geniously crafts brilliant strategies to manipulate vast swaths of people (but not you because you're too smart to fall for his schemes) while he is simultaneously more stupid and mindless than the walking dead. To you, everything that Trump says is "LIES! LIES! LIES!" If Trump says "It's a beautiful day" you will claim that Trump "obviously lied" about it being a beautiful day and you will perform world-class mental contortions in order to convince yourself that it is somehow a schitty day, to validate in your own mind that Trump always "LIES! LIES! LIES!" You are incapable of acknowledging anything positive regarding Trump, be it an accomplishment, be it an assessment of a situation, be it a plan he has to make America great, ... anything whatsoever. You and I demonstrated this by showing how you simply cannot even bring yourself to string words together just to give credit to Trump where it is due. As such, you are forced to demonize and hold in contempt all people who do not similarly behave in the same dishonest, irrational and totally unreasonable manner.

There is no reason I can give to anyone to lend any credence to any commentary you have if Trump might be even remotely associated.


None of this had anything to do with my points about Trump lying and the fact that many of his supporters don't care.

This is why I don't believe TDS is real. It's simply something Trumpcucks say in order to avoid defending Trump.
And no, a Trumpcuck is not a rational person. A Trumpcuck is someone who slavishly supports Trump no matter what he does.

1. The phrase "All Lies Matter" is an extension on the phrase "Black Lies Matter" which was spawned by detractors of Black Lives Matter, not by "The Blacks" (whoever that is).
2. Black Lives Matter is roughly 65-70% caucasian (and they demand "reparations")
3. Your use of the phrase "to paraphrase the Blacks" is a sign that you are a bigot. Your prior comment about how "the Jews" like to employ insidious tactics of sowing division amongs caucasians reveals your propensity towards bigotry.
4. It is not the case that all lies matter. I have explained to you, as an example, that campaign/rally statements and characterizations are always more art and emotion than attempts at objectivity. You know this. Nonetheless, your hyper-TDS requires you to focus on campaign/rally statements and to classify Trump's as "LIES! LIES! LIES!" I'm sorry, Trump's statements don't matter; not at all. You'll notice that you don't similarly bitch and whine and moan and complain and gripe about anyone else's campaign/rally statements, past or present. Why is that? Oh, that's right, you don't have any mental debilitations regarding any other person.

1) Notice I said "to paraphrase the Blacks." I know that's not the BLM slogan.
2) Source? I'm pretty sure it's mostly black people.
3) Yeah, I don't have any White Guilt, so this won't work on me.
4) As I pointed out, Trump's lies actually do have real-world consequences. And any lie, even the unimportant ones about where his father was born, are helping to normalize the president lying.

... and you STILL have not made mention of even one "lie" of substance pertaining to Trump's official duties as President, because you know of none and you have no rational basis for believing that Trump has ever intended to deceive the American People. Your TDS, however, compels you to babble as much.

I did in my last post. I don't care to repeat them because I know you don't care.

We just went over this and we had to stop because we reached the point that your political brainwashing requires a healthy dose of historical and political revisionism just so you can make it through the day, such as believing that NAZIs were somehow not socialist, believing that there is somehow a difference between ANTIFA/BLM and Hitler's brown shirts, that Karl Marx stated things in the Communist Manifesto and in Das Kapital that do not appear in either, etc.. By everything you have professed, Biden would be one huge step towards transforming the US into another Venezuela ... and your TDS forces you to conclude that that would be better than having Trump for another term.

That sure is a lot of talking-points you got there.
Did you know that dEmS aRe ThE rEaL rAcIsTs? Seriously, they started the KKK and everything!

And no, Das Kapital actually does talk about achieving collective ownership through Direct Democracy, which is the common view among Marxists. There are plenty of good arguments against modern Democrats, but that they're Socialists is just objectively wrong.
And even if you want to define Socialism as having State Capitalism, that's not what Democrats want either.

Do you know what's even funnier? There are even fewer KKK in the country, ... on the order of one tenth of one percent of the number of SJWs ... yet leftists focus all of their arguments on this one particular irrelevant, powerless speck of society, revealing how immaterial leftist arguments are.

I agree. You're just as bad as the Leftists you hate. You both #strawman constantly.
... because you refuse to be rational. Your TDS has consumed you and you simply cannot engage in honest debate. I lay this out for you every post and as you can see, your TDS does not let it sink in. You are the only one blissfully unaware of your mental handicap. You are the only one who doesn't understand why you are eternally confused and frustrated.

You have decided to denigrate an entire class of people for what? ... for not embracing your cognitive dysfunction as well. You call all rational people "Trumpcuck" and spend your time maligning them. What chance do you think you have of being able to muster any sort of rational dialogue?

Let's give a rundown for those who are just tuning in and who aren't familiar with you.

You have an extreme form of Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS). Those who might have wondered if TDS is actually a thing can use you as an excellent case study and verify that it is very real. You have become cognitively disabled on all topics that involve Trump. You are incapable of being honest. You are incapable of being rational. You are incapable of being reasonable. When you talk about Trump, you aren't talking about Donald J. Trump, President of the United States. Your mind instead invokes images of some horror movie spider-vampire-demon-Godzilla-Satan who geniously crafts brilliant strategies to manipulate vast swaths of people (but not you because you're too smart to fall for his schemes) while he is simultaneously more stupid and mindless than the walking dead. To you, everything that Trump says is "LIES! LIES! LIES!" If Trump says "It's a beautiful day" you will claim that Trump "obviously lied" about it being a beautiful day and you will perform world-class mental contortions in order to convince yourself that it is somehow a schitty day, to validate in your own mind that Trump always "LIES! LIES! LIES!" You are incapable of acknowledging anything positive regarding Trump, be it an accomplishment, be it an assessment of a situation, be it a plan he has to make America great, ... anything whatsoever. You and I demonstrated this by showing how you simply cannot even bring yourself to string words together just to give credit to Trump where it is due. As such, you are forced to demonize and hold in contempt all people who do not similarly behave in the same dishonest, irrational and totally unreasonable manner.

There is no reason I can give to anyone to lend any credence to any commentary you have if Trump might be even remotely associated.

Too funny.

1. The phrase "All Lies Matter" is an extension on the phrase "Black Lies Matter" which was spawned by detractors of Black Lives Matter, not by "The Blacks" (whoever that is).
2. Black Lives Matter is roughly 65-70% caucasian (and they demand "reparations")
3. Your use of the phrase "to paraphrase the Blacks" is a sign that you are a bigot. Your prior comment about how "the Jews" like to employ insidious tactics of sowing division amongs caucasians reveals your propensity towards bigotry.
4. It is not the case that all lies matter. I have explained to you, as an example, that campaign/rally statements and characterizations are always more art and emotion than attempts at objectivity. You know this. Nonetheless, your hyper-TDS requires you to focus on campaign/rally statements and to classify Trump's as "LIES! LIES! LIES!" I'm sorry, Trump's statements don't matter; not at all. You'll notice that you don't similarly bitch and whine and moan and complain and gripe about anyone else's campaign/rally statements, past or present. Why is that? Oh, that's right, you don't have any mental debilitations regarding any other person.

Nope. Not when Trump is speaking facetiously in order to completely tool his detractors who have TDS. He gains immense credibility with rational people by exposing how his detractors are humorless, mindless dumbasses who can be easily manipulated by a stupid tweet. Trump tweets "Oh yeah, I'll take care of that during my third term" and suddenly it's the only thing discussed, in paranoid fashion, by the TDS-ridden mainstream media and those on social media who suffer from TDS, compelling them to dwell on irrelevant minutia and to ignore all other topics of importance in the world. Trump puts people's TDS on display like no one else can while rational people the world over see all this and realize that they don't ever want to be like Trump's detractors. In fact, rational people are having "Do Not Resuscitate" orders drawn up to enable doctors/family to pull their plugs with dignity in the unfortunate event they should, God forbid, ever happen to succumb to TDS.

Correct. You lie about every small thing. You, of course, lie about the big things as well.

... and you STILL have not made mention of even one "lie" of substance pertaining to Trump's official duties as President, because you know of none and you have no rational basis for believing that Trump has ever intended to deceive the American People. Your TDS, however, compels you to babble as much.

You don't know what you are talking about. Now you are lying just to satisfy your TDS compulsions.

We just went over this and we had to stop because we reached the point that your political brainwashing requires a healthy dose of historical and political revisionism just so you can make it through the day, such as believing that NAZIs were somehow not socialist, believing that there is somehow a difference between ANTIFA/BLM and Hitler's brown shirts, that Karl Marx stated things in the Communist Manifesto and in Das Kapital that do not appear in either, etc.. By everything you have professed, Biden would be one huge step towards transforming the US into another Venezuela ... and your TDS forces you to conclude that that would be better than having Trump for another term.

Rational people can see that your TDS does not serve you well, nor does it serve the American people. This is why you believe that rational people will prevail and that Trump will win.

... and instead of being happy, your TDS debilitation forces you to be miserable.

Do you know what's even funnier? There are even fewer KKK in the country, ... on the order of one tenth of one percent of the number of SJWs ... yet leftists focus all of their arguments on this one particular irrelevant, powerless speck of society, revealing how immaterial leftist arguments are.


Yes, BLM does have a lot of White followers, just shows how pathetic the Western Europeans have become!

Yes, National Socialists, were hybrid Socialists & Nationalists.

But, they weren't Communists.

Besides, Trump's the most Socialist USA president in history.At least by implemented policy.

What-ever, you think Trump has nothing to do with Stimulus freebies.

It's obvious you are in denial.

None of this had anything to do with my points about Trump lying and the fact that many of his supporters don't care.

This is why I don't believe TDS is real. It's simply something Trumpcucks say in order to avoid defending Trump.
And no, a Trumpcuck is not a rational person. A Trumpcuck is someone who slavishly supports Trump no matter what he does.

1) Notice I said "to paraphrase the Blacks." I know that's not the BLM slogan.
2) Source? I'm pretty sure it's mostly black people.
3) Yeah, I don't have any White Guilt, so this won't work on me.
4) As I pointed out, Trump's lies actually do have real-world consequences. And any lie, even the unimportant ones about where his father was born, are helping to normalize the president lying.

I did in my last post. I don't care to repeat them because I know you don't care.

That sure is a lot of talking-points you got there.
Did you know that dEmS aRe ThE rEaL rAcIsTs? Seriously, they started the KKK and everything!

And no, Das Kapital actually does talk about achieving collective ownership through Direct Democracy, which is the common view among Marxists. There are plenty of good arguments against modern Democrats, but that they're Socialists is just objectively wrong.
And even if you want to define Socialism as having State Capitalism, that's not what Democrats want either.

I agree. You're just as bad as the Leftists you hate. You both #strawman constantly.

Republicans tend to be very one track minded & have black & white all or nothing thinking patterns.

They can't tell the difference between the economy of Sweden & North Korea!

To them there is just a World of Republicans & Communists, at least so many Republicans think this way, very idiotic, to say the very least.
Trump signed off on it, and wanted his name & letter of approval on the Stimulus freebies.

Trump has not signed the recent 2nd Stimulus, therefor it is stalled.

So, Trump has played a role in Stimulus freebies.

Thank you for making it official. Your only interest is preaching "Orange Man Bad" ... even if it means totally screwing up how the US Federal government works. You won't even check the Constitution to get at least some of it right. Too funny.

How do you recognize a Polish firing squad?

Republicans tend to be very one track minded & have black & white all or nothing thinking patterns.

They can't tell the difference between the economy of Sweden & North Korea!

To them there is just a World of Republicans & Communists, at least so many Republicans think this way, very idiotic, to say the very least.

Conservatives really just use "Socialism" as a fear tactic. Any policy that helps the working-class, whether it was a five day work week or having a minimum wage, was called Socialism.
Thank you for making it official. Your only interest is preaching "Orange Man Bad" ... even if it means totally screwing up how the US Federal government works. You won't even check the Constitution to get at least some of it right. Too funny.

How do you recognize a Polish firing squad?


It's amazing so many Americans pick on France our historic best ally & Poland our current best ally.

Meanwhile, you pick on them for being weak at war.

But, actually France & Poland have the most recorded war wins & battle wins in European history.

You Hicks are very uninformed, just plain ignorant bozos.
Conservatives really just use "Socialism" as a fear tactic. Any policy that helps the working-class, whether it was a five day work week or having a minimum wage, was called Socialism.

Social Democracy is technically not Socialism, anyways.

It's a Capitalist system, with strong safety nets.

Besides, we've seen champion economic growth with hybrid Socialist systems.

Japan after WW2, in the Japanese economic miracle, Spain in the Spanish Miracle, FDR, National Socialist Germany & China for decades after 1990.

Small doses of Socialism appear to be healthy, a lot better than strong doses of Libertarianism.

Many Libertarians say look there's no Communist utopia, meanwhile, there's no Libertarian utopia, either!
No. Go back and address the points or I'll just presume that you concur.

None of this had anything to do with my points about Trump lying and the fact that many of his supporters don't care.
My post thoroughly addressed your TDS, why you claim Trump is lying when he isn't and how you inappropriately malign Trump supporters for simply not having your hyper-TDS. It's all in there. Address it.

This is why I don't believe TDS is real.
I addressed this recursive TDS-compelled denial as well.

1) Notice I said "to paraphrase the Blacks." I know that's not the BLM slogan.
Please read for comprehension. I pointed out that it is not "the Blacks" that say this but rather the DETRACTORS of "Black Lives Matter" who say it.

2) Source? I'm pretty sure it's mostly black people.
... because you live in a very secure and dimly lit safe-space that doesn't let in much light or information.


If you'd ditch your TDS for a moment and pop your head out of the dimly-lit "space" you have it stuck, you wouldn't be writing half the stupid crap you write.


4) As I pointed out, Trump's lies actually do have real-world consequences.
You remain totally unable to specify a single "lie" of substance that Trump has made in the performance of his official duties, much less any substantive "consequences". Your attempts to validate your TDS-driven delusions are totally lame. You are trying to fabricate serious "consequences" deriving from all of your many delusional TDS-driven "LIES! LIES! LIES!" which you cannot specify.

I'll lay it out for you: You specify no lies of substance pertaining to Trump's official duties ergo there are no consequences of any concern. Nobody else is denying anything because you have made no case to deny. The problem is all on your end and it has a name: TDS.

By the way, all of your disinformation about the coronahoax is dismissed. The problem here is your gullibility which is constantly being targeted in order to manipulate you. I appreciate you not repeating your disinformation a second time.

Did you know that dEmS aRe ThE rEaL rAcIsTs? Seriously, they started the KKK and everything!
Yes, and they remain the Party of slavery. I would encourage all people to review this very short video. It's one of the most informative and key point-encapsulating five minutes on the internet.


And no, you have not specified where and in which volume of Das Kapital this supposedly can be found. I could not find it. I asked you to point me to it and you still have not.
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Social Democracy is technically not Socialism, anyways.

It's a Capitalist system, with strong safety nets.

Besides, we've seen champion economic growth with hybrid Socialist systems.

Japan after WW2, in the Japanese economic miracle, Spain in the Spanish Miracle, FDR, National Socialist Germany & China for decades after 1990.

Small doses of Socialism appear to be healthy, a lot better than strong doses of Libertarianism.

Many Libertarians say look there's no Communist utopia, meanwhile, there's no Libertarian utopia, either!

IBDaMann called me a Socialist. When I said I'm a Social Democrat, he insisted it's the same thing. Just another example of Righties using "Socialism" to dismiss anything that helps the workers.
No. Go back and address the points or I'll just presume that you concur.

My post thoroughly addressed your TDS, why you claim Trump is lying when he isn't and how you inappropriately malign Trump supporters for simply not having your hyper-TDS. It's all in there. Address it.

I addressed this recursive TDS-compelled denial as well.

Please read for comprehension. I pointed out that it is not "the Blacks" that say this but rather the DETRACTORS of "Black Lives Matter" who say it.

... because you live in a very secure and dimly lit safe-space that doesn't let in much light or information.


If you'd ditch your TDS for a moment and pop your head out of the dimly-lit "space" you have it stuck, you wouldn't be writing half the stupid crap you write.


You remain totally unable to specify a single "lie" of substance that Trump has made in the performance of his official duties, much less any substantive "consequences". Your attempts to validate your TDS-driven delusions are totally lame. You are trying to fabricate serious "consequences" deriving from all of your many delusional TDS-driven "LIES! LIES! LIES!" which you cannot specify.

I'll lay it out for you: You specify no lies of substance pertaining to Trump's official duties ergo there are no consequences of any concern. Nobody else is denying anything because you have made no case to deny. The problem is all on your end and it has a name: TDS.

By the way, all of your disinformation about the coronahoax is dismissed. The problem here is your gullibility which is constantly being targeted in order to manipulate you. I appreciate you not repeating your disinformation a second time.

Yes, and they remain the Party of slavery. I would encourage all people to review this very short video. It's one of the most informative and key point-encapsulating five minutes on the internet.


And no, you have not specified where and in which volume of Das Kapital this supposedly can be found. I could not find it. I asked you to point me to it and you still have not.

I guess Whites care more about Blacks, than Blacks do.