... because you refuse to be rational. Your TDS has consumed you and you simply cannot engage in honest debate. I lay this out for you every post and as you can see, your TDS does not let it sink in. You are the only one blissfully unaware of your mental handicap. You are the only one who doesn't understand why you are eternally confused and frustrated.
You have decided to denigrate an entire class of people for what? ... for not embracing your cognitive dysfunction as well. You call all rational people "Trumpcuck" and spend your time maligning them. What chance do you think you have of being able to muster any sort of rational dialogue?
Let's give a rundown for those who are just tuning in and who aren't familiar with you.
You have an extreme form of Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS). Those who might have wondered if TDS is actually a thing can use you as an excellent case study and verify that it is very real. You have become cognitively disabled on all topics that involve Trump. You are incapable of being honest. You are incapable of being rational. You are incapable of being reasonable. When you talk about Trump, you aren't talking about Donald J. Trump, President of the United States. Your mind instead invokes images of some horror movie spider-vampire-demon-Godzilla-Satan who geniously crafts brilliant strategies to manipulate vast swaths of people (but not you because you're too smart to fall for his schemes) while he is simultaneously more stupid and mindless than the walking dead. To you, everything that Trump says is "LIES! LIES! LIES!" If Trump says "It's a beautiful day" you will claim that Trump "obviously lied" about it being a beautiful day and you will perform world-class mental contortions in order to convince yourself that it is somehow a schitty day, to validate in your own mind that Trump always "LIES! LIES! LIES!" You are incapable of acknowledging anything positive regarding Trump, be it an accomplishment, be it an assessment of a situation, be it a plan he has to make America great, ... anything whatsoever. You and I demonstrated this by showing how you simply cannot even bring yourself to string words together just to give credit to Trump where it is due. As such, you are forced to demonize and hold in contempt all people who do not similarly behave in the same dishonest, irrational and totally unreasonable manner.
There is no reason I can give to anyone to lend any credence to any commentary you have if Trump might be even remotely associated.
Too funny.
1. The phrase "All Lies Matter" is an extension on the phrase "Black Lies Matter" which was spawned by detractors of
Black Lives Matter, not by "The Blacks" (whoever that is).
Black Lives Matter is roughly 65-70% caucasian (and they demand "reparations")
3. Your use of the phrase "to paraphrase the Blacks" is a sign that you are a bigot. Your prior comment about how "the Jews" like to employ insidious tactics of sowing division amongs caucasians reveals your propensity towards bigotry.
4. It is not the case that all lies matter. I have explained to you, as an example, that campaign/rally statements and characterizations are always more art and emotion than attempts at objectivity. You know this. Nonetheless, your hyper-TDS requires you to focus on campaign/rally statements and to classify Trump's as "LIES! LIES! LIES!" I'm sorry, Trump's statements don't matter; not at all. You'll notice that you don't similarly bitch and whine and moan and complain and gripe about anyone else's campaign/rally statements, past or present. Why is that? Oh, that's right, you don't have any mental debilitations regarding any other person.
Nope. Not when Trump is speaking facetiously in order to completely tool his detractors who have TDS. He gains immense credibility with rational people by exposing how his detractors are humorless, mindless dumbasses who can be easily manipulated by a stupid tweet. Trump tweets "Oh yeah, I'll take care of that during my third term" and suddenly it's the only thing discussed, in paranoid fashion, by the TDS-ridden mainstream media and those on social media who suffer from TDS, compelling them to dwell on irrelevant minutia and
to ignore all other topics of importance in the world. Trump puts people's TDS on display like no one else can while rational people the world over see all this and realize that they don't ever want to be like Trump's detractors. In fact, rational people are having "Do Not Resuscitate" orders drawn up to enable doctors/family to pull their plugs with dignity in the unfortunate event they should, God forbid, ever happen to succumb to TDS.
Correct. You lie about every small thing. You, of course, lie about the big things as well.
... and you STILL have not made mention of even one "lie" of substance pertaining to Trump's official duties as President, because you know of none and you have no rational basis for believing that Trump has ever intended to deceive the American People. Your TDS, however, compels you to babble as much.
You don't know what you are talking about. Now you are lying just to satisfy your TDS compulsions.
We just went over this and we had to stop because we reached the point that your political brainwashing requires a healthy dose of historical and political revisionism just so you can make it through the day, such as believing that NAZIs were somehow not socialist, believing that there is somehow a difference between ANTIFA/BLM and Hitler's brown shirts, that Karl Marx stated things in the Communist Manifesto and in Das Kapital that do not appear in either, etc.. By everything you have professed, Biden would be one huge step towards transforming the US into another Venezuela ... and your TDS forces you to conclude that that would be better than having Trump for another term.
Rational people can see that your TDS does not serve you well, nor does it serve the American people. This is why you believe that rational people will prevail and that Trump will win.
... and instead of being happy, your TDS debilitation forces you to be miserable.
Do you know what's even funnier? There are even fewer KKK in the country, ... on the order of one tenth of one percent of the number of SJWs ... yet leftists focus all of their arguments on this one particular irrelevant, powerless speck of society, revealing how immaterial leftist arguments are.