Why Do You Believe What You Believe?

Government is absolutely obligated to achieve budgets in the black. Who among us is dumb enough to not care if the federal budget falls into the red (i.e. business as usual)?

jarods biggest error is in thinking that the government can actually make a profit. it can't, and never will be able to. that is because the government does not produce anything in order to make a profit. The only thing that government can do is destroy or steal the property of others.
Am I the only one that sees the irony here? lol

You only think you see irony. But you always have your head shoved so far up your ass, you can't recognize reality.

Just another ignorant RW fucktard. Butthurt from me kicking your ass on a regular basis.
jarods biggest error is in thinking that the government can actually make a profit. it can't, and never will be able to. that is because the government does not produce anything in order to make a profit. The only thing that government can do is destroy or steal the property of others.


"The only thing....."

Yep. Right there in the Constitution. The RW "textualists/originalists" really hate that clause.

it is the height of absolute stupidity to believe that the founders would publicize the new 'limited' government to the people who ratified the constitution, then slip a single clause in it that grants that government nearly unlimited potential. it makes you a moronic fuckstick authoritarian who should join the GOP/
You only think you see irony. But you always have your head shoved so far up your ass, you can't recognize reality.

Just another ignorant RW fucktard. Butthurt from me kicking your ass on a regular basis.

More irony from you, as your latest ad hom here is because I've pointed out the irony of your last post. You mad, bro. lol
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I troll this place a lot but this is a serious question. Why do you believe what you believe?

The country is divided. We all think we know politics but I wonder how much we really know.

I don't care if your beliefs are abhorrent to me as long as you know why you believe what you believe. That's all I ask.

So, why do you believe what you believe?

I'll kick it off. I don't like democrats or the gop. I think human beings are hard wired to be individuals. We are not wired to cooperate from the get-go. Any law passed requiring us to do so goes against our nature.

I believe what I believe because of what information, media, and how I was socialized. No matter if it is politics, something mechanical, philosophy, or whatever, the more different perspectives and information about the subject, the better I can triangulate the most likely truth. In politics specifically, we can't really know the truth, so the best we can do is to triangulate the "most likely" truth from a whole lot of non trustworthy sources. If one refuses to consume political agenda, propaganda, and news from the opposing side, one becomes ignorant by default. For this reason, I consume ALL media, news, and propaganda, regardless of the political bias. I don't trust any of it, but I consume it all. Anyway, I believe what I do politically because of the broad menu of media that I consume. I can sit back and watch my favorite cheerleader Hannity as he satisfies my confirmation bias, and then flip right over to Rachael Maddow.
it is the height of absolute stupidity to believe that the founders would publicize the new 'limited' government to the people who ratified the constitution, then slip a single clause in it that grants that government nearly unlimited potential. it makes you a moronic fuckstick authoritarian who should join the GOP/

It sucks to be you, loser. Hamilton and Monroe were also founders and their philosophy won, asswipe. Live with it. SCOTUS decisions in Butler, Dole and Helvering have upheld the principle of taxation and appropriation in the interest of the general welfare. Tough shit that you don't like it.

Dismissed now. Take your sorry, sore loser ass and go home.
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It sucks to be you, loser. Hamilton and Monroe were also founders and their philosophy won, asswipe. Live with it. SCOTUS decisions in Butler, Dole and Helvetic have upheld the principle of taxation and appropriation in the interest of the general welfare. Tough shit that you don't like it.

Dismissed now. Take your sorry, sore loser ass and go home.

SCOTUS has routinely been wrong in their interpretations. With respect to Hamilton's vision of FedCo, along with Madison mocking him in Federalist 41, when Jefferson was Secretary of State to George Washington, he mocked Hamilton in a letter to Jean Antoine Gautier:

"there are heads among us itching for crowns, coronets, and mitres. But I hope we shall sooner cut them off than gratify their itching."
More irony from you, as your latest ad hom here is because I've pointed out the irony of your last post. You mad, bro. lol


Pally boy, it is rare to see someone who is as lost as you. There are a couple on this forum, but you're in the top few.

Mad? lol. I employ you as a source of amusement.