Why Do You Believe What You Believe?

SCOTUS has routinely been wrong in their interpretations. With respect to Hamilton's vision of FedCo, along with Madison mocking him in Federalist 41, when Jefferson was Secretary of State to George Washington, he mocked Hamilton in a letter to Jean Antoine Gautier:

"there are heads among us itching for crowns, coronets, and mitres. But I hope we shall sooner cut them off than gratify their itching."

Nobody really gives a shit, especially SCOTUS, whether YOU think they are wrong. Those are the rulings.

I already cited the SCOTUS decisions that verifies you are FOS. Most of us on this forum, however, did not need a SCOTUS decision to recognize that fact.

Again, SCOTUS has been routinely wrong. You must like Dred Scott though. lol

In this case, Madison's words are quite clear.

Pally boy, it is rare to see someone who is as lost as you. There are a couple on this forum, but you're in the top few.

Mad? lol. I employ you as a source of amusement.

This post here is simply a continuation of the same ad hom logical fallacy that you tried before. lol
Again, SCOTUS has been routinely wrong. You must like Dred Scott though. lol

In this case, Madison's words are quite clear.

Nice try at deflection with Dred Scott. Fail, punk.

I'll reiterate, ignoramus. On this particular issue, MADISON LOST. No matter how many times you quote him, no matter how many times you tell us he wrote the Constitution, no matter how many times you bitch and cry, it doesn't change reality.

Take your ball and go home, loser. You just got your ass handed to you. Again.
I believe Americans have gotten way too complacent and government has gotten way too big as a result of it.

We're getting colder as a people because more and more are abandoning their morals and pursuing their own selfish interests.

I believe rights are an act of faith and when we get to know who we are, where we are and what time it is; we know that governance by man has failed every time, but, that is what the people insisted upon a long long time ago. all "parties" and nations and states have forgotten the basis of freedom, liberty and thereby "rights". the book done told me that government of man is bad and the book done told me that global fail is inevitable. therefore... the signature... hang on babies; this ride is just accelerating. the book is why I believe what I believe. that's all I got to say about that. right now. this man right here is a hero...https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Alvin_C._York
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Nice try at deflection with Dred Scott. Fail, punk.

I'll reiterate, ignoramus. On this particular issue, MADISON LOST. No matter how many times you quote him, no matter how many times you tell us he wrote the Constitution, no matter how many times you bitch and cry, it doesn't change reality.

Take your ball and go home, loser. You just got your ass handed to you. Again.

FYI, Madison wrote the Constitution.
FYI, Madison wrote the Constitution.

Did you fail to understand my post? No matter how many times Madison is quoted, no matter how many times you state THAT HE WROTE THE CONSTITUTION, no matter how many times you bitch, the SCOTUS has ruled in favor of Hamilton's philosophy on this issue. MADISON LOST. Comprende?
Yes, Domer only likes bad SCOTUS decisions. That's why he loves Kelo v New London and loathes Citizens United.

Odd, I haven't made any comments on either. I guess that makes you a liar.

Read them and weep, loser.

Don't you guys know.... ILA is smarter, and a greater authority than SCOTUS about law and the Constitution.
I troll this place a lot but this is a serious question. Why do you believe what you believe?

The country is divided. We all think we know politics but I wonder how much we really know.

I don't care if your beliefs are abhorrent to me as long as you know why you believe what you believe. That's all I ask.

So, why do you believe what you believe?

I'll kick it off. I don't like democrats or the gop. I think human beings are hard wired to be individuals. We are not wired to cooperate from the get-go. Any law passed requiring us to do so goes against our nature.

FACTS !!!!!
Because the Constitution is about rights of "the People". Corporations are simply a tool used to create a entity separate from humanity. You cant put a corporation in prison, you cant expect morality from a corporation, in fact a public corporation has a fudicary duty to do the morally wrong thing, if it would result in making more money .

Corporations are operated by PEOPLE. Corporations have skin in the political game. Political parties and Trade Unions are no different than corporations you can't put a political party in jail. You can't put a Trade Union in jail. Would you deny either the right to donate to political candidates? Corporations are simply a collective body of HUMANS with rights. Would you deny the AARP, the NAACP a right of free speech by donating to a political candidate? You can't put the NAACP or the AARP in jail. the right of one collective body, is the right of every collective body.

Diversion is the sign of a loser, bitch. That would be you.

Referencing SCOTUS decisions when you brought up SCOTUS as the arbiter of truth is now a "diversion". lol

Am I the only one that sees the irony here? lol
Nice try at deflection with Dred Scott. Fail, punk.

I'll reiterate, ignoramus. On this particular issue, MADISON LOST. No matter how many times you quote him, no matter how many times you tell us he wrote the Constitution, no matter how many times you bitch and cry, it doesn't change reality.

Take your ball and go home, loser. You just got your ass handed to you. Again.

"Deflection"? lol More irony.

Madison wrote Federalist 41 to detail the correct way to interpret the draft of that section of the Constitution that he wrote. The draft was then approved by the Constitutional Convention unanimously. This is basic history and you fail to understand it. lol
Government has no obligation to make profit at all costs.

Apparently, Democrat government has no obligation to lock up Democrat politicians and or Democrat Secretaries Of State for the immoral and felonious acts of ignoring and violating handling of America's classified information either, huh?