Why Do You Believe What You Believe?

lol. Madison not only wrote it, but detailed his interpretations of it in the Federalist Papers. He mocked your interpretation of the non-existent "general welfare" clause. lol

Damn, you morons are sure slow on the uptake.

The General Welfare Clause doesn't exist? lol Drinking the bong water again, I see. Took too many stupid pills this morning, huh? Do some homework, pally boy, before you humiliate yourself again.

Yep, he wrote it and detailed HIS INTERPRETATIONS. In the courts, subsequent to his interpretations, his interpretations HAVE LOST. Comprende, dolt?
lol "Lost" as defined by you, apparently means that his peers in the Con-Con voted for what he wrote unanimously. lol

The Constitution was ratified. His philosophy on the General Welfare has been rejected in favor of Hamilton's.

Once again, checkmate. You just keep coming back for more ass kickings, don't you?
Damn, you morons are sure slow on the uptake.

The General Welfare Clause doesn't exist? lol Drinking the bong water again, I see. Took too many stupid pills this morning, huh? Do some homework, pally boy, before you humiliate yourself again.

Yep, he wrote it and detailed HIS INTERPRETATIONS. In the courts, subsequent to his interpretations, his interpretations HAVE LOST. Comprende, dolt?
The Constitution was ratified. His philosophy on the General Welfare has been rejected in favor of Hamilton's.

Once again, checkmate. You just keep coming back for more ass kickings, don't you?

Again, you're arguing that SCOTUS is always correct, and they have proven themselves many times not to be. This fact you choose to ignore because it destroys your position. lol
Again, you're arguing that SCOTUS is always correct, and they have proven themselves many times not to be. This fact you choose to ignore because it destroys your position. lol

Once again, cretin, your reading comprehension fails you. I never said SCOTUS was always right, idiot.

Are you 12?
You fucking moron. General Welfare isn't in the Bill of Rights. Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution.

no shit you stupid motherfucker. I NEVER SAID IT WAS. i merely showed how retarded you were saying that hamilton won when hamilton was one of those who said a bill of rights wasn't needed, yet we have one, don't we you dumbass?

I always love that particular retreat for the losers. You get decisions you don't like and suddenly they are unelected black robed tyrants. Why do you hate the Construction of the Constitution?

Whiney fucking losers.

I don't hate the construction of the constitution. I hate the perversion of it that you idiot liberals and fucktard conservatives have put on it
Two things I encourage you to do.

1) Write a letter to the SCOTUS with your expert legal opinions. I am sure they will give it all the consideration it deserves.
2) Call a waaaaaaambulace, cry baby

two things I encourage you to do

1) go suck off an entire police department
2) see if you can breathe while submerged in a bucket of bleach

preferably in that order.
Yep, he wrote it and detailed HIS INTERPRETATIONS. In the courts, subsequent to his interpretations, his interpretations HAVE LOST. Comprende, dolt?

this is how you show yourself to be no smarter than a 3rd grader. the courts are not the final arbiter of a document written by we the people. THINK, moron.
no shit you stupid motherfucker. I NEVER SAID IT WAS. i merely showed how retarded you were saying that hamilton won when hamilton was one of those who said a bill of rights wasn't needed, yet we have one, don't we you dumbass?

You stupid bitch. The topic was and is the General Welfare Clause of the CONSTITUTION and related SCOTUS decisions that validate it. It has NOTHING to do with the Bill of Rights or whether Hamilton thought they were necessary. I understand, though, your need to deviate from the issue at hand. That's what losers do when they are getting their asses kicked.

How many times do you need to get schooled before you realize what a losing argument you have?
I must have stung you with that, since now you're using it. lol


Poor little shitwad. Gone from just plain ignorant to ignorantly angry.

This hobby of watching your humiliation is almost as fun as fishing. A lot less expensive, too!

Keep flailing, punk. Filleting you is great!