Why Do You Believe What You Believe?

lol That little fact was totally lost on domer. lol

You poor ignorant fuckers. That he wrote it means nothing in the context of whose philosophy dominates. No matter how many times you whine about it, his doesn't, morons.

Not just sore losers, stupid losers.
The purpose of government is to protect the people.

The purpose of a corporation is to make a profit.

Explain please how protecting the people authorizes and mandates confiscating the hard earned money of America's working folk and giving it to people that won't work. Explain how protecting the people is defined by 22 thousand gun laws that criminals don't pay any attention to but only the law abiding citizens are effected by. Explain how a federal Drug War that makes a tax free high profit market for criminal types and terrorist is protecting the people. Explain how protecting the people is fucking up their healthcare so bad that the only people that can afford healthcare insurance are the very rich and the very poor that are subsidized by the working folks that pay the taxes.

Government only make government jobs. Corporations make millions of jobs for the people that aren't sucking the government's tit!
Referencing SCOTUS decisions when you brought up SCOTUS as the arbiter of truth is now a "diversion". lol

Am I the only one that sees the irony here? lol


Three consistent SCOTUS decisions, all supporting the same philosophy and validating SPECIFIC powers in the Constitution. Article I, Section 8:

"lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts, and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common defense and general Welfare of the United States."

It's right there, pally. Read it and weep.
"Deflection"? lol More irony.

Madison wrote Federalist 41 to detail the correct way to interpret the draft of that section of the Constitution that he wrote. The draft was then approved by the Constitutional Convention unanimously. This is basic history and you fail to understand it. lol

Basic history, dumbshit, is that Madison's philosophy lost. As have you on this argument. You're just too stupid to realize it.
Apparently, Democrat government has no obligation to lock up Democrat politicians and or Democrat Secretaries Of State for the immoral and felonious acts of ignoring and violating handling of America's classified information either, huh?

I had to check to see if you were on the Illiterate Dumbfuck list. Odd that you were not. Obviously, you are a Dumbfuck, but, until now, not an illiterate one.

Congratulations though. You are now the newest member of the Illiterate Dumbfucks.
It sucks to be you, loser. Hamilton and Monroe were also founders and their philosophy won, asswipe.
how did they 'win' when the bill of rights was still created and ratified? YOU lose.

SCOTUS decisions in Butler, Dole and Helvering have upheld the principle of taxation and appropriation in the interest of the general welfare. Tough shit that you don't like it.
using those 3 cases, DEFINE what the SCOTUS says is 'general welfare'.

Dismissed now. Take your sorry, sore loser ass and go home.

I eagerly await your idiot answers and to see how you misconstrue them to show you're 'right'.
I already cited the SCOTUS decisions that verifies you are FOS. Most of us on this forum, however, did not need a SCOTUS decision to recognize that fact.

is it the majority liberal ideology that demands enslavement of the populace to the wants of black robed tyrants?
Nice try at deflection with Dred Scott. Fail, punk.

not only no, but fuck no. trying to declare that SCOTUS rulings are the law of the land, then IGNORING obvious decisions that point out the serious flaws in your ideology make you a moron of epic proportions. why should we pay any more attention to your idiocy?
Because the Constitution is about rights of "the People". Corporations are simply a tool used to create a entity separate from humanity. You cant put a corporation in prison, you cant expect morality from a corporation, in fact a public corporation has a fudicary duty to do the morally wrong thing, if it would result in making more money .

You couldn't be more wrong.

I do find these posts to be an interesting insight into your worldview. You can expect a debate challenge in APP
No, I mean on that issue. Well, and on his actions during the first three administrations.

by that reasoning, we could also state that Jefferson was discredited once he took office, so was adams. They both seemed to have issue with the restrictions placed upon their power via the constitution but were wholeheartedly in favor of those limits while they were campaigning for ratification. One could almost take it as a sign that we should stop supporting our politicians and elected leaders as they always try to usurp more power from us. eh?
Don't you guys know.... ILA is smarter, and a greater authority than SCOTUS about law and the Constitution.

didn't you know that since we the people wrote the constitution via ratification, that we the people are the final arbiters and NOT the SCOTUS?????? oh, wait. YOU don't know that because you prefer being governed over being free.
how did they 'win' when the bill of rights was still created and ratified? YOU lose.

using those 3 cases, DEFINE what the SCOTUS says is 'general welfare'.

I eagerly await your idiot answers and to see how you misconstrue them to show you're 'right'.

You fucking moron. General Welfare isn't in the Bill of Rights. Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution.

You fucking moron. Those cases left it to the discretion of Congress to determine general welfare. Dole, however, set criteria it must meet. You would know that if your ass wasn't so lazy.

Checkmate, bitch.
If the General Welfare clause meant what liberals claim it means then the rest of the Constituion has no meaning as it's sole intent was to limit the power of government. Negative rights.
is it the majority liberal ideology that demands enslavement of the populace to the wants of black robed tyrants?


I always love that particular retreat for the losers. You get decisions you don't like and suddenly they are unelected black robed tyrants. Why do you hate the Construction of the Constitution?

Whiney fucking losers.
not only no, but fuck no. trying to declare that SCOTUS rulings are the law of the land, then IGNORING obvious decisions that point out the serious flaws in your ideology make you a moron of epic proportions. why should we pay any more attention to your idiocy?

Two things I encourage you to do.

1) Write a letter to the SCOTUS with your expert legal opinions. I am sure they will give it all the consideration it deserves.
2) Call a waaaaaaambulace, cry baby
If the General Welfare clause meant what liberals claim it means then the rest of the Constituion has no meaning as it's sole intent was to limit the power of government. Negative rights.

Wrong again, idiot. That you say it has no meaning is your own absurd opinion.

Keep flailing. This is enjoyable.
You poor ignorant fuckers. That he wrote it means nothing in the context of whose philosophy dominates. No matter how many times you whine about it, his doesn't, morons.

Not just sore losers, stupid losers.

lol. Madison not only wrote it, but detailed his interpretations of it in the Federalist Papers. He mocked your interpretation of the non-existent "general welfare" clause. lol

Three consistent SCOTUS decisions, all supporting the same philosophy and validating SPECIFIC powers in the Constitution. Article I, Section 8:

"lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts, and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common defense and general Welfare of the United States."

It's right there, pally. Read it and weep.

So? lol
Basic history, dumbshit, is that Madison's philosophy lost. As have you on this argument. You're just too stupid to realize it.

lol "Lost" as defined by you, apparently means that his peers in the Con-Con voted for what he wrote unanimously. lol