Why does everyone positively detest Yurt?

Take me off ignore, did you, ah, how sweet!

rana is not on ignore, i'm "ignoring" her the same way she said she put me on ignore...i told her it was because she defended tom and zappa's claim that i defend and condone the rape of little boys...thats such a disgusting comment i fail to see why rana thanked tom for it

I don't detest him. We had fun when we were wolves together with Thorn.

I do get tired of the "calling out" stuff, like liberals are required to balance the scales with lefty criticism every time we criticize conservatives.
I don't detest him. We had fun when we were wolves together with Thorn.

I do get tired of the "calling out" stuff, like liberals are required to balance the scales with lefty criticism every time we criticize conservatives.

we did have fun :)

what do you mean by "calling out"...i've never said that a lefty should balance the scales every time a lefty criticizes a con...i call out when its blatent....would love for you to post in the thread about UB benefits and how obama handled one party holding them up vs. the other party
btw...this is a thread WIN!

i think it should turn into a yurt roast :)

With a Holiday theme~

Chestyurts roasting on an open fire
Beefy nipping at your toes
Flaming bloggers trying to get up your ire
Dressed up like friends and foes
Everybody knows a poison pen and an arrow
Help to make a thread just right

Well you get the idea friend :D
Yurt - the most hated man on the internets - still has supporters I guess. Glad that got cleared up.