Why does everyone positively detest Yurt?

universally? thats a bit of stretch...

rana is not on ignore, i'm "ignoring" her the same way she said she put me on ignore...i told her it was because she defended tom and zappa's claim that i defend and condone the rape of little boys...thats such a disgusting comment i fail to see why rana thanked tom for it

i really don't understand what correlation tom is trying to draw by mentioning my stalkers...which are only two...legion and maineman...i don't see what that has to do with whether others detest me

the only people i've "accused" of obsession are onceler (and i'm just fucking with him, i'm not serious at all and he knows it), maineman (true and he had now been banned twice for real life obsessive stalking), legion troll for going to multiple boards and creating a username "yurt" and trying to pass himself off as me and his numerous trolls of me (i don't care who you are, you have to admit that is obsessive stalking)

I'm glad that I haven't picked up any stalkers over the years.

Weirdest thing was probably USA saying that some conservative should come to my house and beat me up and post it on youtube + redhead (anything + redhead = comedy gold when in reference to me, according to the conservatards here).


Me and SMY have stated that we would kill each other numerous times during the commission of each of our respective imaginary revolutions, though.
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I'm glad that I haven't picked up any stalkers over the years.

Weirdest thing was probably USA saying that some conservative should come to my house and beat me up and post it on youtube + redhead (anything + redhead = comedy gold when in reference to me, according to the conservatards here).

Me and SMY have stated that we would kill each other numerous times during the commission of each of our respective imaginary revolutions, though.

Stupid redheaded retard~:gives:
Yurt's okay, he's just really dumb. It's hard to believe he has any conservative leanings at all, he doesn't seem to have enough intelligence to be conservative. I think he was probably born a conservative and raised by a wild pack of liberals or something. He tries to pretend he is sometimes conservative, but he just can't help jumping over to the side of the liberals in most debates. Of course, if he starts feeling like he is being too liberal, he will jump back over to the conservative side, and try to even things out. It's this baseless pandering and fawning routine he does with the left and right, that bothers me most about Yurt. He can't seem to make up his mind what he wants to believe, he just continually jumps from one camp to the other, trying to pretend he is "centrist" or "moderate" but he is just plain dumb. He doesn't really have a core set of beliefs and principles, or he's not consistent with them, and most of the time, whatever position he has decided to take, is determined by his emotions. That's a very liberal-like approach, but he swears he's not a liberal.... right before he trashes and bashes the conservatives.
Yurt's okay, he's just really dumb. It's hard to believe he has any conservative leanings at all, he doesn't seem to have enough intelligence to be conservative. I think he was probably born a conservative and raised by a wild pack of liberals or something. He tries to pretend he is sometimes conservative, but he just can't help jumping over to the side of the liberals in most debates. Of course, if he starts feeling like he is being too liberal, he will jump back over to the conservative side, and try to even things out. It's this baseless pandering and fawning routine he does with the left and right, that bothers me most about Yurt. He can't seem to make up his mind what he wants to believe, he just continually jumps from one camp to the other, trying to pretend he is "centrist" or "moderate" but he is just plain dumb. He doesn't really have a core set of beliefs and principles, or he's not consistent with them, and most of the time, whatever position he has decided to take, is determined by his emotions. That's a very liberal-like approach, but he swears he's not a liberal.... right before he trashes and bashes the conservatives.
Well Dixie, you know what they call a moderate Republican from California in Alabama, don't you? A no good bleeding heart commie pinko liberal!
Yurt's okay, he's just really dumb. It's hard to believe he has any conservative leanings at all, he doesn't seem to have enough intelligence to be conservative. I think he was probably born a conservative and raised by a wild pack of liberals or something. He tries to pretend he is sometimes conservative, but he just can't help jumping over to the side of the liberals in most debates. Of course, if he starts feeling like he is being too liberal, he will jump back over to the conservative side, and try to even things out. It's this baseless pandering and fawning routine he does with the left and right, that bothers me most about Yurt. He can't seem to make up his mind what he wants to believe, he just continually jumps from one camp to the other, trying to pretend he is "centrist" or "moderate" but he is just plain dumb. He doesn't really have a core set of beliefs and principles, or he's not consistent with them, and most of the time, whatever position he has decided to take, is determined by his emotions. That's a very liberal-like approach, but he swears he's not a liberal.... right before he trashes and bashes the conservatives.

How are conservative decisions based on rationality? They're just based on a different set of emotions. Instead of being based on empathy and the promotion of happiness, they are based on sadism and greed.
How are conservative decisions based on rationality? They're just based on a different set of emotions. Instead of being based on empathy and the promotion of happiness, they are based on sadism and greed.
and the deep rooted insecurity that maybe, just maybe, Jesus doesn't really love them either.
Yurt's okay, he's just really dumb. It's hard to believe he has any conservative leanings at all, he doesn't seem to have enough intelligence to be conservative. I think he was probably born a conservative and raised by a wild pack of liberals or something. He tries to pretend he is sometimes conservative, but he just can't help jumping over to the side of the liberals in most debates. Of course, if he starts feeling like he is being too liberal, he will jump back over to the conservative side, and try to even things out. It's this baseless pandering and fawning routine he does with the left and right, that bothers me most about Yurt. He can't seem to make up his mind what he wants to believe, he just continually jumps from one camp to the other, trying to pretend he is "centrist" or "moderate" but he is just plain dumb. He doesn't really have a core set of beliefs and principles, or he's not consistent with them, and most of the time, whatever position he has decided to take, is determined by his emotions. That's a very liberal-like approach, but he swears he's not a liberal.... right before he trashes and bashes the conservatives.

but, but according to onceler i'm nothing but a gop apologist :)