why does grind love all the stornfront posters here?

You never said this: Who are my fucks and when did I blame Obama?

I will post your quote and let's see if you can be honest for a change.

If you have any dignity, you will finally address the highlighted, I've been asking you to do so for nearly a week.

Since Evince has failed to address this, it is safe to assume she has no dignity.
You've made at least a half dozen claims about me lately, and I've asked you each time to back up your claim, you have not done so one time.

You are a dishonest political partisan and a liar.

I've stuck up for you several times on this forum, asked people to be nice to you and what do you do in return? You call me a racist, a liar, fucktard, claim I support all these crazy ideas and yet you never back it up. You lump me in with people like RacistX. I can see why you are disliked by virtually everyone here. I regret sticking up for you.

post 113
03-21-2016, 11:46 AM
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Quote Originally Posted by evince View Post

so you can find even one you fucking liar
1. http://www.justplainpolitics.com/sho...01#post1548301


Quote Originally Posted by Konono View Post

Excuse me? My fucks? When did I blame Obama for cleaning up some mess I made?

Remember, you must provide me with facts.
That is twice as many as one. Will you finally address them?
you gave it as proof of me doing some claimed thing you evil fucking lying traitor to this nation

Jimminy Crickets, you are one loony bin of a person.

And you still haven't proven who are my fucks and where I blamed Obama.

Your only response is to insult me and not prove your claim. Since you have not proven your claim, I can only think that you know you lied but won't admit it.