why does grind love all the stornfront posters here?

if you'll read a little better, I actually stated that there could be no confusing commands over tamir because of a single officer. you then stated "I disagree on the "confusion of commands"; because I've seen enough video's where the person failed to do as they were told.", which would indicate that you were now talking about more than just the tamir shooting. So I presented evidence to contradict your statement.

so, let's recap. I've agreed with you that tamir could not have been confused by too many commands, since it was only one cop. the only thing that MIGHT be an issue is what command the cop might have issued.

do we have any other issues now?

This is apparently my mistake; because I made the error of thinking you knew what you were talking about and your reference to a single cop, was just you being sarcastic.
Please do yourself and everyone a favor and make sure you know what you're arguing.

Two police officers, 26-year-old Timothy Loehmann and 46-year-old Frank Garmback, responded after receiving a police dispatch call "of a male black sitting on a swing and pointing a gun at people" in a city park.
If you were not a petulant whing twat you would ket it go
Who follows soneine around for a whole week over trivia?

I followed her? She brought it up again here and asked me to show, again, what I was talking about. Maybe you should lighten up and stop being such a liar and asshole.
This is apparently my mistake; because I made the error of thinking you knew what you were talking about and your reference to a single cop, was just you being sarcastic.
Please do yourself and everyone a favor and make sure you know what you're arguing.

Two police officers, 26-year-old Timothy Loehmann and 46-year-old Frank Garmback, responded after receiving a police dispatch call "of a male black sitting on a swing and pointing a gun at people" in a city park.

you like to be very vague and non specific about cop topics, so i'll ask you a simple question. in the video of the shooting, how many cops do you see confront tamir and point a gun at him?
you like to be very vague and non specific about cop topics, so i'll ask you a simple question. in the video of the shooting, how many cops do you see confront tamir and point a gun at him?

Where in the world did you ever find that itty-bitty knife, that you're trying to use to split hairs??

How do you know both cops didn't confront him??
You haven't an effing clue about racism. Go to India or Thailand and see if how many brown faces on television. Almost without exception the presenters and soap stars are all light skinned, only the servants have dark skin. Same story in Vietnam for the most part, but you are so clueless about so much it is truly not funny.

and what the fuck do you think that means asshole?

that the racism in my country that I point out is fine because they are racist there?

No racism allowed here asshole

The USA is about all the worlds people

always has been
you fucking lied asshole

Evince, when I first joined I thought people were picking on you and thought you deserved more respect. But, all you do is insult pretty much everyone on this forum. You have made dishonest claims about me and I've asked you to back up your claims, you have not.

You keep calling me a liar, but cannot show where I lied. I'm guessing you will call me a rightwinger and racist next. Seems to be your go to catch phrases.
It sounds as though Grind is a more loving person than Daesh, because he is willing to embrace even the stormfronters into his inner circle. He is much more patient than even I am. :cof1:
So you admit that there were two cops; but you still haven't explained why you feel that only one of them confronted him.

the second cop didn't get out of the vehicle until after the kid had been shot. if you consider that as being confronted by two cops......you're too fucking stupid to debate with.