Why does the convicted felon hate this tiny fish so much? As Los Angeles burns, resident-elect felon Trump is yelling at a fish.

Keep upthe good work... Let's see how long it takes to post
Things from closed forums ...in two thousand and eleven...🤣 Of
Course, just cherry-picked quotes. Nothing about what kind of thread or conversation was taking place...or the fact thst a dozen accounts were socks...and not mine...pesky details...;) Amazon was such a lot of fun....and it's a huge honor knowing that someone kept every word ever written...and made up...;) I doubt that it's breaking rules to repost them here...

BTW, thanks for admitting that those are your posts. So time makes racism less ugly? Context does? Who knew? lol
Why are you counting on old quotes that you Aren't even sure are mine? From more than ten years ago... From forums They don't even exist anymore.And from a person who claims that i'm not a retired teacher when in fact I most certainly an... Don't be gullible like so many around here.... You will not find anything racist posts here from me..... You on the other hand.... It is what it is...

They're yours. We're enjoying yet another


Probably so. I was looking at them one day in the fresh fish counter, in horrified fascination. An elderly guy came up and started telling me, in his adorable Yooper accent, how to fry them up. And if you have some leftover, don't fry them but use them for bait! Cheaper than live minnows and you don't need a live bucket to keep them in, either.

People do this with me constantly. Guess I must look approachable or something. They'll just start talking about a health problem, or some family issue, or some other thing that's troubling them. Mr. Owl finds it amusing, thankfully.
In Vt. they used to use old sealed beam headlights facing downward into a hole in the ice. At night the lake would be glowing with lights as people jigged smelt. They're actually a 'go to' bait in many lakes, with possession being illegal on Lake George and other lakes.

It's been decades, but they really are delicious breaded/fried.
I have every reason to believe they are from you.



Says you.

Someone who, based on what I've seen you post in defense of trump, is not particularly honest.

I'm not.

That's why I don't believe you.

Just because one hides something doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

You N4Ts just don't like being told the truth about yourselves.

Her frantic desperation to deny that she's a racist tells you all you need to know about who's lying, and who isn't.
In Vt. they used to use old sealed beam headlights facing downward into a hole in the ice. At night the lake would be glowing with lights as people jigged smelt. They're actually a 'go to' bait in many lakes, with possession being illegal on Lake George and other lakes.

It's been decades, but they really are delicious breaded/fried.

You just eat the bones too, like with canned salmon? Eat it whole?

You painted a lovely mind picture of the lake light up with beams. Thanks.
You just eat the bones too, like with canned salmon? Eat it whole?

You painted a lovely mind picture of the lake light up with beams. Thanks.
I'm sure many people do depending upon the size of the smelt. I liked pulling the bones out and having both fillets still attached as one nice piece of fish. It's been decades since I did it. Many decades. They have frozen smelt in the fish dept. Maybe one day I'll give it a try.