Why Does the Global Warming Faith Claim to be Science?

Why would any rational person ignore evidence?



Random numbers are not evidence.
Seems to me you and your sock are the primary ones denying science. But that's understandable. Clearly you haven't had any science training. Too bad for you. I can tell you, though, you probably couldn't handle much science education. You wouldn't last long.
You are describing yourself again.
Congratulations. You clearly know nothing about horticulture or biology in general.
Why don't you go ask a farmer why it matters when the ice goes out on lakes or when their ground thaws.

I am a farmer as well. There is no lake on my property. Still waiting for the ground to thaw on my property so I can go out to disc it. Due to our usually mild weather in the PNW, I can plant earlier than gfm7175 can.
I am a farmer as well. There is no lake on my property. Still waiting for the ground to thaw on my property so I can go out to disc it. Due to our usually mild weather in the PNW, I can plant earlier than gfm7175 can.

Are you running two computers next to each other? I'm impressed that you and your sock can post so close to each other in time. What a waste of two computers.
You, like your sock, don't appear to know anything about statistics. You just throw around words that sound to you all science-y.

Maybe if you tried making a point?
You haven't made up your mind as to whether he and I are socks or not, remember??

That's just one of your numerous paradoxes (I've noted two of them within this very thread alone).
So something people measure directly and shows warming,
Who are you claiming has ever offered an unambiguous definition of the global climate that you are claiming is measured?

How are you claiming that warming is somehow shown? Are not two temperatures taken and then a subtraction operation performed? Who do you claim has valid datasets for determining the earth's average temperature?

Do you think the entire earth's weather people who go out and record the temperatures daily over the last century or century and a half were all part of a global cabal to fake the data?
Again, who do you claim has a valid dataset for determining the temperature of the earth?

I would mention, if there is no ability to measure the average global temerature, there is no way to determine if the average global temerature is somehow rising, or cooling or remaining the same.
So first we need to establish the ability to measure the average global temerature.

Would you care to take a guess at what you can't do? Would you care to guess why no human has ever known the earth's average global temperature to any usable accuracy.

I don't know about the other poster but I know I have more science background than you. Do you wish to ask any basic questions on the topic?
Are you ready for a splash of cold water? It really doesn't matter what science background you have if you don't understand any science when you are discussing the matter. I think it would be a relatively simple matter to show that you are scientifically illiterate. In fact, it would take a very short time before you are being totally EVASIVE, making lame excuses for writing really stupid crap and relegating yourself to ad hominem resonses.

Shall we begin?
The Spring and Autumn equinox occur at exactly the same moment each year. The moment when the Sun appears to cross Earth's equator.
That moment varies slightly from day to day (and time to time) since our current calendar is not evenly divisible by these moments. Earth completes one orbit around the Sun in 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, and 27.936 seconds.
So the day of equinox appear to drift slightly later each year on our calendar. A leap year is added every four years to compensate for this. This adds too much time (accumulative), so every 400 years we fail to have to leap year. These compensations keep the drift minimal on our current calendaring system.

This year Spring equinox will occur at March 20, at 9:24pm UTC (or 4:24pm CDT for you, or 2:24pm PDT for me, and at 5:24pm EDT for IBDaMann).
Right. I will readily admit that my wording was a bit sloppy there due to going through responses quickly, but the calendar-related drift was what I was referencing (in my mind, anyway) by the language "roughly the same time". :)
Who are you claiming has ever offered an unambiguous definition of the global climate that you are claiming is measured?

Earth scientists
Climate Scientists

How are you claiming that warming is somehow shown?


Are not two temperatures taken and then a subtraction operation performed? Who do you claim has valid datasets for determining the earth's average temperature?

Please read the NOAA page on "temperature anomalies".

Again, who do you claim has a valid dataset for determining the temperature of the earth?

USHCN, University of East Anglia, etc. etc etc.

I would mention, if there is no ability to measure the average global temerature,

Again, please read the NOAA page on Temperature Anomaly.

there is no way to determine if the average global temerature is somehow rising, or cooling or remaining the same.

PLease read the NOAA page on Temperature Anomaly.

So first we need to establish the ability to measure the average global temerature.

PLease read the NOAA page on Temperature Anomaly.

Would you care to take a guess at what you can't do?

Convince you to learn some basic science?

Shall we begin?

Let me know when you actually learn the topic at it's base level. Then we can talk.
You haven't made up your mind as to whether he and I are socks or not, remember??

When I saw you use literally the exact same phrase about Marx I knew it.

That's just one of your numerous paradoxes (I've noted two of them within this very thread alone).

Please look up the definition of "paradox". It doesn't mean what you apparently think it means.
Are you running two computers next to each other? I'm impressed that you and your sock can post so close to each other in time. What a waste of two computers.
You haven't decided whether we are socks or not, remember?

If we were "socks" (we aren't), have you considered the existence of dual monitors?

Maybe we can post at the same time, (an event that certain posters around here, such as Doc Dutch or whatever he calls himself now, have mistakenly claimed never happens), because we are actually two different people in two different parts of the country?
Earth scientists
Climate Scientists
Nope. NONE of these groups is measuring the temperature of the Earth.
Not enough. Discard of statistical mathematics and algebra. Math errors: Attempt to use scalar as a set. Failure to declare set. Failure to select by randN. Failure to normalize by paired randR. Failure to declare and justify variance. Failure to calculate margin of error. Failure to conduct statistical analysis. Void answer. Failure to declare and justify boundary. Failure to declare randX. Logic errors: argument from randU fallacy. Void argument fallacy. Omniscience fallacy. Circular argument fallacy (fundamentalism). Engineering errors: Failure to show calibration method. Failure to declare tolerances.
Please read the NOAA page on "temperature anomalies".
Base rate fallacy.
USHCN, University of East Anglia, etc. etc etc.
Attempted proof by name dropping. Math errors: Failure to select by randN. Failure to declare and justify variance. Failure to calculate margin of error value. Use of set as scalar.
Again, please read the NOAA page on Temperature Anomaly.
Base rate fallacy.
PLease read the NOAA page on Temperature Anomaly.
Base rate fallacy.
PLease read the NOAA page on Temperature Anomaly.
Base rate fallacy.
Convince you to learn some basic science?
Science isn't mathematics. Redefinition fallacy.
Let me know when you actually learn the topic at it's base level. Then we can talk.
Void argument fallacy. False conditional based on void.
Earth scientists, Oceanographers, Climate Scientists
These are classes, not people. Give me names. Names belong to people.

Never let it be said that you are not an uneducated idiot. Apparently I am the first person to explain to you that a thermometer can only measure the temperature at one point. As you attempt to extrapolate an increasing volume around that point, exponentially increasing error is introduced. One would need to have a substantial dataset for it to validly determine the earth's average global temperature to within a usable margin of error.

I think you should hang it up. You don't understand any of this material. You don't even understand how thermometers work. That's pretty embarrassing.

Please read the NOAA page on "temperature anomalies".
Nope. You should be quite capable of copy-pasting whatever information you are claiming is relevant.

USHCN, University of East Anglia, etc. etc etc.
Great. Then you know where to go to get the valid dataset to post here.

Convince you to learn some basic science?

Let me know when you actually learn the topic at it's base level. Then we can talk.[/QUOTE]
Nope. NONE of these groups is measuring the temperature of the Earth.


Not enough. Discard of statistical mathematics and algebra. Math errors: Attempt to use scalar as a set.

"Scalar". Like you know what that means. LOL.

Failure to declare set. Failure to select by randN.


Failure to normalize by paired randR.

^^^^PURE unadulterated bullshit.

Failure to declare and justify variance.

Moron. You don't declare variance. Variance is the square of the standard deviation of the data. It is what it is. Jesus you are uneducated.

Failure to calculate margin of error.


Failure to conduct statistical analysis.


Science isn't mathematics. Redefinition fallacy.

^^^^Declaration of a moron who knows neither math nor science.

God your post was a mess of stupidity and lies. Why do you bother?