Why Does the Global Warming Faith Claim to be Science?

Clue #1: If your greenhouse gas is creating energy out of nothing then the 1st law of thermodynamics is being violated ... egregiously!

No one says greenhouse gases are creating energy, moron. The sun provides the energy. God you know nothing about this topic.

Clue #3: If you claim that greenhouse gas somehow reduces earth's radiance escaping off into space which then somehow results in an increase in earth's temperature then Stefan-Boltzmann is being violated ... egregiously!

Wrong. I said the amount of energy in is balanced by the energy out. It is just at higher and higher elevations.

Also Stefan Boltzmann applies to blackbody radiation. You don't even know what it is or how it is applied. Stop trying to sound erudite when you are lost and don't know the technical details.

Clue #5: You really are a scientifically illiterate, mathematically incompetent, logically inept, totally gullible moron who allows others to do his thinking for him. Enjoy.

Says the person who has just had their behind handed to them and shown to be completely ignorant on this topic.
No one says greenhouse gases are creating energy, moron.
Nice distraction. You are claiming an increase in temperature but you are not accounting for the additional energy required to cause the increase in temperature.

Start accounting for it. You already foreshadowed your laughable pointing to the sun that was already there as somehow being the source of new additional energy. Is this still your position (even though I gave you a clue that it is an absurd idea) or are you going to account for the needed energy some other way?

The sun provides the energy. God you know nothing about this topic.
You can be certain that I am going to have a lot of fun with you.

You need to account for specifically the ADDITIONAL energy needed for the temperature increase and the sun was already there, so it isn't providing any additional energy from what it was providing before greenhouse gaswas released into the atmosphere.

Please take your time. There is no correct answer because what you are suggesting violates physics, and if you actually think about it, you might realize this.

Wrong. I said the amount of energy in is balanced by the energy out. It is just at higher and higher elevations.
I know that's what you wrote. It's exactly the stupid gibberish I would expect from a scientifically illiterate morons who thinks he a science genius.

Also Stefan Boltzmann applies to blackbody radiation.
Stefan-Boltzmann applies to all matter, always, everywhere. I see that this will serve as a long-term source of material over which I will be spanking you. Let's get started.

Rarely do I find such gluttons for punishment. I do appreciate it.

So, you believe the earth is increasing in average temperature. Account for the ADDITIONAL energy needed to make that happen.
Nice distraction. You are claiming an increase in temperature but you are not accounting for the additional energy required to cause the increase in temperature.

Start accounting for it. You already foreshadowed your laughable pointing to the sun that was already there as somehow being the source of new additional energy. Is this still your position (even though I gave you a clue that it is an absurd idea) or are you going to account for the needed energy some other way?

You can be certain that I am going to have a lot of fun with you.

You need to account for specifically the ADDITIONAL energy needed for the temperature increase and the sun was already there, so it isn't providing any additional energy from what it was providing before greenhouse gaswas released into the atmosphere.

Please take your time. There is no correct answer because what you are suggesting violates physics, and if you actually think about it, you might realize this.

I know that's what you wrote. It's exactly the stupid gibberish I would expect from a scientifically illiterate morons who thinks he a science genius.

Stefan-Boltzmann applies to all matter, always, everywhere. I see that this will serve as a long-term source of material over which I will be spanking you. Let's get started.

Rarely do I find such gluttons for punishment. I do appreciate it.

So, you believe the earth is increasing in average temperature. Account for the ADDITIONAL energy needed to make that happen.

we are not a closed energy system. energy is always streaming in from the sun in greater and lesser quantities.

its not always the same consistent amount. there are solar flares.

the sun could very well get hotter and definitely will over time.

everythings always doomed eventually.
we are not a closed energy system.
Too funny. You have no idea what you are saying and you have no idea why it doesn't apply.

By the way, you made my day. You pulled out the Marxist "we" and insisted that "we" are a "system", just not a closed one. I'll be chuckling about that all week.

Science isn't your strong suit. Ask me how I know.

energy is always streaming in from the sun in greater and lesser quantities. its not always the same consistent amount. there are solar flares. the sun could very well get hotter and definitely will over time.everythings always doomed eventually.
... but in the here and now, there is only one issue. Warmizombies claim a stable increase to Earth's average global temperature. They are not claiming that the Earth's average global temperature is merely fluctuating along with the sun.

No substance in the universe simply increases in temperature spontaneously without ADDITIONAL thermal energy, and this includes the earth.

Any person claiming an increase in the Earth's average global temperature bears the burden of accounting for the ADDITIONAL energy that is supposedly causing the increase in temperature, and the sun can't be the source of any ADDITIONAL energy because the sun is not providing increased output.

So claims of Global Warming are summarily dismissed if not accompanied by an accounting of the ADDITIONAL required energy, and it being something other than the sun.
Too funny. You have no idea what you are saying and you have no idea why it doesn't apply.

By the way, you made my day. You pulled out the Marxist "we" and insisted that "we" are a "system", just not a closed one. I'll be chuckling about that all week.

Science isn't your strong suit. Ask me how I know.

Science is clearly NOT YOUR Strong suit either. The earth is not a closed system. The energy from the sun means it is not a closed or isolated system.

No substance in the universe simply increases in temperature spontaneously without ADDITIONAL thermal energy, and this includes the earth.

When you go out for more Energy Drinks if you happen to do it during what is called the "day" you will find that you don't need extra light to see stuff. That's because there is something called THE SUN which illuminates the side of the earth pointing at it. (This is how you know it is "day" as opposed to the dark times which are called "night").

When that light hits the earth it also brings radiant energy mostly in the form of short wavelength radiation which is absorbed by the surface of the earth and re-radiates back out as lower energy, longer wavelength IR which leads to warming of the air!

Any person claiming an increase in the Earth's average global temperature bears the burden of accounting for the ADDITIONAL energy that is supposedly causing the increase in temperature, and the sun can't be the source of any ADDITIONAL energy because the sun is not providing increased output.

There are solar researchers who do this very thing. The sun cannot be used to fully explain the warming we've seen over the last half century.

So claims of Global Warming are summarily dismissed if not accompanied by an accounting of the ADDITIONAL required energy, and it being something other than the sun.

They are summarily dismissed by people like you who have no understanding of the science.
The earth is not a closed system.
Big whoopey-doo. You have no idea what you are babbling. You are regurgitating what you read off Wikipedia and you aren't supporting any sort of point.

The energy from the sun means it is not a closed or isolated system.
Let me know when you are done with your distraction.

At such a time, you can account for the ADDITIONAL energy that is required to cause the increase in temperature that you claim ... and it can't be the sun if the sun was already there before the greenhouse gas was released into the atmosphere.

Until you account for that ADDITIONAL energy, you ar violating the 1st LoT.
we are not a closed energy system.
Big deal. Who are the "we" anyway?

energy is always streaming in from the sun in greater and lesser quantities.
Yeah, and? Are warmizombies claiming a negligibly fluctuating, but otherwise stable, earth temperature or are they claiming a steadily-increasing earth temperature?

Is the sun's output steadily increasing?
Big deal. Who are the "we" anyway?

Yeah, and? Are warmizombies claiming a negligibly fluctuating, but otherwise stable, earth temperature or are they claiming a steadily-increasing earth temperature?

Is the sun's output steadily increasing?

Im just saying your current line of attack was fucked up.

I agree with you they're nuts.
Im just saying your current line of attack was fucked up.
... except that you are mistaken.

Would you care to point out an error on my part? I'll gladly point out yours.

It would appear that you are not aware that matter cannot somehow spontaneously increase in temperature without ADDITIONAL energy. It would seem that I am the first person to inform you of this.
... except that you are mistaken.

Would you care to point out an error on my part? I'll gladly point out yours.

It would appear that you are not aware that matter cannot somehow spontaneously increase in temperature without ADDITIONAL energy. It would seem that I am the first person to inform you of this.

you're doing it wrong.

even if the globe is warming, stopping co2 emission is insane and destructive to all life on earth and mass austerity is just genocide. that's what you need to focus on.
you're doing it wrong...even if the globe is warming,
There is no rational basis for any belief other than the only change to the Earth's average global temperature is per the change n the Earth's distance from the sun.

Ergo, your post begins with "...even if FALSE" and everything thereafter is discarded. Your post might as well have been empty.

Instead, you should have written "Since we must assume no other changes to the Earth's average global temperature beyond the Earth's distance from the sun and solar fluctuations ... " and then finished that statement.
There is no rational basis for any belief other than the only change to the Earth's average global temperature is per the change n the Earth's distance from the sun.

Ergo, your post begins with "...even if FALSE" and everything thereafter is discarded. Your post might as well have been empty.

Instead, you should have written "Since we must assume no other changes to the Earth's average global temperature beyond the Earth's distance from the sun and solar fluctuations ... " and then finished that statement.

energy is coming in all the time. your argument is inert after that.

the point is killling everyone and austerity is never the solution. that's nazi stuff.

you don;t argue well.
energy is coming in all the time.
... but not ADDITIONAL energy. You don't account for the ADDITIONAL energy required for the temperature increase that you claim ... and hence you tip your king. Game over.

Science isn't your strong suit. You should give it up or start taking notes.
... but not ADDITIONAL energy. You don't account for the ADDITIONAL energy required for the temperature increase that you claim ... and hence you tip your king. Game over.

Science isn't your strong suit. You should give it up or start taking notes.

i don't claim an increase.

im saying its not a closed system. it could heat up. that doesnt mean we need to eliminate co2 in a wrongheaded weird capping/austerity scheme.
i don't claim an increase.
You consider it to be a possibility when you should be recognizing it as impossible.

When you write "even if there's an increase" you are saying that you accept the idea as possible (but that it is inconsequential). This is an error. It's not possible to begin with.

im saying its not a closed system.
Irrelevant. You would do yourself an immense favor by learning what constitutes an open system vs. a closed system, and focus on what constitutes a "system" in the first place.

The correct answer here is that you have not brought the 2nd law of thermodynamics into play so no "system" is necessary. Thus far we are discussing only the 1st law and how you are violating it (without you necessarily realizing this). Anyone who claims an increase in temperature must account for the ADDITIONAL energy that is supposedly causing this increase. If you don't account for any such ADDITIONAL energy then no, it can't somehow "heat up" spontaneously.

it could heat up.
Great! Account for the ADDITIONAL energy that causes this "heating up" ... unless you are conceding that Global Warming and greenhouse effect are not possible, and that the only temperature changes that can occur are per the Earth's distance from the sun and the sun's output fluctuations.

that doesnt mean we need to eliminate co2 in a wrongheaded weird capping/austerity scheme.
Need? What does CO2 have to do with anything? Are you contending that CO2 has some sort of magical superpower to cause other matter to spontaneously increase in temperature without any additional energy?
You on the other hand have exactly zero training, competence, or expertise in climate Science.
Let's see, you want others to believe that your religion is somehow a branch of science, yet when afforded the opportunity to display the Climate science that you insist you have (here in this thread which was created explicitly for this purpose), well, suddenly it becomes obvious that you have no such science whatsoever, and that your religion is just a WACKY, Marxist religion.

To go one step further, you have not presented any Climate science EVER. You have only preached WACKY religious dogma ... and here you are trying to get the wider JPP audience to believe that a US government bureaucracy is somehow an organization of rocket science geniuses who also amazing engineers! Too funny. Is the State Dept also another bastion of science genius?

Why do you, on the one hand, insist that your Climate faith is somehow actual bona fide science, but on the other hand you refuse to post any such science? When I say "refuse", I mean "REFUSE." Neither you nor any other human has ever expressed any Climate science EVER, which is why I created this thread, any why it comes as no surprise that despite 44 ages of posts, this thread remains completely devoid of any science whatsoever. And don't be shy; you did your part to keep it that way.

Global Warming, Climate Change and greenhouse effect: All WACKY religious dogma. No science involved. Thank you for helping make this point crystal clear.

While we're on this point, what are your favorite Climate prayers/devotions? I discovered this one the other day and I wanted to run it by you to see what you think:

Our Warming, who art in Climate, catastrophic
Thy justice come, thy will be done,
on Earth as it is on Venus.
Give us this day added taxation,
And forgive us our carbon sins,
As we forgive those who align with us politically,
Lead us not into capitalism
And deliver us from fossil fuels, Amen.

It brings a tear to my eye just reading it. I'm afraid of the catharsis I might have if I were to read it out loud.

... but let's get back to science. I politely request that you post directly here in this thread (no links please) the Climate science that you insist supports your Climate beliefs (and everything else that you claim you "know" about the global climate).

Thank you in advance.
Let's see, you want others to believe that your religion is somehow a branch of science, yet when afforded the opportunity to display the Climate science that you insist you have (here in this thread which was created explicitly for this purpose), well, suddenly it becomes obvious that you have no such science whatsoever, and that your religion is just a WACKY, Marxist religion.

To go one step further, you have not presented any Climate science EVER. You have only preached WACKY religious dogma ... and here you are trying to get the wider JPP audience to believe that a US government bureaucracy is somehow an organization of rocket science geniuses who also amazing engineers! Too funny. Is the State Dept also another bastion of science genius?

Why do you, on the one hand, insist that your Climate faith is somehow actual bona fide science, but on the other hand you refuse to post any such science? When I say "refuse", I mean "REFUSE." Neither you nor any other human has ever expressed any Climate science EVER, which is why I created this thread, any why it comes as no surprise that despite 44 ages of posts, this thread remains completely devoid of any science whatsoever. And don't be shy; you did your part to keep it that way.

Global Warming, Climate Change and greenhouse effect: All WACKY religious dogma. No science involved. Thank you for helping make this point crystal clear.

While we're on this point, what are your favorite Climate prayers/devotions? I discovered this one the other day and I wanted to run it by you to see what you think:

It brings a tear to my eye just reading it. I'm afraid of the catharsis I might have if I were to read it out loud.

... but let's get back to science. I politely request that you post directly here in this thread (no links please) the Climate science that you insist supports your Climate beliefs (and everything else that you claim you "know" about the global climate).

Thank you in advance.

This bloviating word salad is way to long to invest time reading.

The only time you will be taken seriously is when you can point to a large body of peer reviewed Science published in reputable science journals that prove Global warming is either a hoax, or purely due to natural causes.

Until you do so, you don't have a leg to stand on

You and the deniers have had three decades to build up a body of peer reviewed literature to support your case..
This bloviating word salad is way to long to invest time reading.
Thank you for the revealing disclosure.
1. You refer to a direct response to your post as "bloviating."
2. You refer to straightforward English as "word salad."
3. You refer to a couple of paragraphs as "way to (sic) long to invest time reading."

Reading and thinking and learning is far too much work for you. This is why you are the stupid, undereducated leftist we have before us today.

The only time you will be taken seriously is when you can start reading, and then perhaps when you can start reading for comprehension, and then finally, perhaps when you can begin learning.

... a large body of peer reviewed Science published in reputable science journals
Only the stupid among us believe that "peer reviewed" has anything to do with science. Remember, you are the moron in this discussion. Everything you babble is nothing but gibberish. You don't even know what science is, much less what it would look like. The people who do your thinking for you could tell you that a cotton swab is science and you would believe it.

In the time it took you to vomit the post you made, you could have posted the science you insist you have. Of course, you wouldn't recognize science if you were looking at it.

... that prove Global warming is either a hoax, or purely due to natural causes. Until you do so, you don't have a leg to stand on
You and the deniers have had three decades to build up a body of peer reviewed literature to support your case..
Too funny. If you weren't so scientifically illiterate and gullible, or if you could read, you'd be aware that I already have all the science necessary to show any rational adult why your WACKY religion runs counter to physics. Of course, trying to explain science and math to the stupid, such as yourself, is futile. You need to retake the third grade on.

Your WACKY religion has already been debunked. It is well understood that the stupidest among us are targetted for recruitment by your faith because they have no ability to call bullshit when they should.

Remember the rule: Show me someone who believes in Global Warming, Climate Change or greenhouse effect and I'll show you a scientifically illiterate, mathematically incompetent and logically inept leftist who gets his disinformation reamed into him while he is bent over furniture.
Thank you for the revealing disclosure.
1. You refer to a direct response to your post as "bloviating."
2. You refer to straightforward English as "word salad."
3. You refer to a couple of paragraphs as "way to (sic) long to invest time reading."

Reading and thinking and learning is far too much work for you. This is why you are the stupid, undereducated leftist we have before us today.

The only time you will be taken seriously is when you can start reading, and then perhaps when you can start reading for comprehension, and then finally, perhaps when you can begin learning.

Only the stupid among us believe that "peer reviewed" has anything to do with science. Remember, you are the moron in this discussion. Everything you babble is nothing but gibberish. You don't even know what science is, much less what it would look like. The people who do your thinking for you could tell you that a cotton swab is science and you would believe it.

In the time it took you to vomit the post you made, you could have posted the science you insist you have. Of course, you wouldn't recognize science if you were looking at it.

Too funny. If you weren't so scientifically illiterate and gullible, or if you could read, you'd be aware that I already have all the science necessary to show any rational adult why your WACKY religion runs counter to physics. Of course, trying to explain science and math to the stupid, such as yourself, is futile. You need to retake the third grade on.

Your WACKY religion has already been debunked. It is well understood that the stupidest among us are targetted for recruitment by your faith because they have no ability to call bullshit when they should.

Remember the rule: Show me someone who believes in Global Warming, Climate Change or greenhouse effect and I'll show you a scientifically illiterate, mathematically incompetent and logically inept leftist who gets his disinformation reamed into him while he is bent over furniture.

I accept your tacit confession that you cannot point to any substantial body of peer reviewed scientific literature supporting your claim that global warming is a hoax, or that is is totally due to natural causes