Why Does the Global Warming Faith Claim to be Science?

Already explained it to you. Guess you don't know the Second Law either!
Already explained it to you. Sorry you don't understand it enough to have caught that.
That was easy!
So you think that by simply erupting into a temper tantrum, you effectively EVADE my perfectly valid question? That's how you play it?

I know what happened. You realized that your religious faith would take a hit if you started down that road and you had to prevent it at any cost. I get it.

I realize that your religion is a particularly nasty parasite from which you can't just walk away when it becomes debilitating and embarrassing. You are in a world of hurt.
So you think that by simply erupting into a temper tantrum, you effectively EVADE my perfectly valid question? That's how you play it?

I didn't evade. I answered your question. You were too stupid to understand the answer.

I realize that your religion is a particularly nasty parasite from which you can't just walk away when it becomes debilitating and embarrassing. You are in a world of hurt.

I get that this is "entertainment" for you, but I have to ask why. You clearly don't have any science background and certainly not in this area, so why do you strut around and pose like you do? You wouldn't last 15 minutes in real science lab.
I didn't evade. I answered your question. You were too stupid to understand the answer.

I get that this is "entertainment" for you, but I have to ask why. You clearly don't have any science background and certainly not in this area, so why do you strut around and pose like you do? You wouldn't last 15 minutes in real science lab.
I get it. My mistake was offering to help you, wasn't it? You realized that letting me teach you something would reveal that you are a scientifically illiterate moron. So you had to cover with a childish tantrum and more declarations that I somehow don't know what I know.

Your religion has a lock on you and someone is taking advantage of your bent-over position to test the pliability of your colon.

Nonetheless, my offer stands. If (and when) you need help, just ask. You can dispense with the declarations.
I get it. My mistake was offering to help you, wasn't it? You realized that letting me teach you something would reveal that you are a scientifically illiterate moron. So you had to cover with a childish tantrum and more declarations that I somehow don't know what I know.

Your religion has a lock on you and someone is taking advantage of your bent-over position to test the pliability of your colon.

Nonetheless, my offer stands. If (and when) you need help, just ask. You can dispense with the declarations.


Sorry but having a non-scientist tell me about science, while hilarious usually, is not required at this time.

Thanks, though.
This is spot on. This is why they so often begin with "I feel that ..."

They think this makes their position "correct".

We used to say "I think...." now most say "I feel...."

I would not mind if people were still thinking but this is often not so. Peter Hitchens says that these low grade humans running around now often are not capable of thinking, they never learned, and they dont want to.

Sorry but having a non-scientist tell me about science, while hilarious usually, is not required at this time.

Thanks, though.

The offer stands. However, if you don't ask for help, I'll simply rake you over the coals and you can try to reconcile how a "non-scientist" handed you, a science genius, your ass. It will be a lot of fun ... for me.

The offer stands. However, if you don't ask for help, I'll simply rake you over the coals and you can try to reconcile how a "non-scientist" handed you, a science genius, your ass. It will be a lot of fun ... for me.


Just saw this which speaks to the subject.

[FONT=&quot]<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Don’t laugh, this actually makes sense if you realize that Climate Change is a religion, and Greta Thunberg is one of its high priestesses. <a href="https://t.co/IMao4tf9z7">pic.twitter.com/IMao4tf9z7</a></p>— Gonzalo Lira (@GonzaloLira1968) <a href="https://twitter.com/GonzaloLira1968/status/1638086871531094017?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">March 21, 2023</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>[/FONT]
Oh one of very Low IQ, it isn't a belief
guno, help me out here. Is this thread STILL devoid of any science supporting the WACKY religious beliefs of Global Warming and Climate Change?

Don't any Climate worshipers have ANY of the science that they insist they have?

Were you ALL fooled by other manipulative leftists?
guno, help me out here. Is this thread STILL devoid of any science supporting the WACKY religious beliefs of Global Warming and Climate Change?

Don't any Climate worshipers have ANY of the science that they insist they have?

Were you ALL fooled by other manipulative leftists?

Sea Surface Temperature:

Sea Level Rise:

Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions:

Radiative Forcings:

Understanding the relative impact of HUMAN factors vs NATURAL FORCINGS:
Sea Surface Temperature: [bogus chart deleted]
Sea Level Rise: [bogus chart deleted]
Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions: [bogus chart deleted]
Radiative Forcings: [bogus chart deleted]
Understanding the relative impact of HUMAN factors vs NATURAL FORCINGS: [bogus chart deleted]

Quincunx, you are a scientifically illiterate moron. The purpose of this thread is for you to post science for your Global Warming faith, not additional church material. This thread presumes you are an adult who knows what science is. You, apparently, are not one.

Do you have any science to support your WACKY Global Warming religious dogma?

Don't feel bad. Nobody else does either.
Quincunx, you are a scientifically illiterate moron. The purpose of this thread is for you to post science for your Global Warming faith, not additional church material. This thread presumes you are an adult who knows what science is. You, apparently, are not one.

Do you have any science to support your WACKY Global Warming religious dogma?

Don't feel bad. Nobody else does either.

So when someone posts actual science you decree it to be "religious materials" and then you demand science be posted.

You are not dealing honestly.
So when someone posts actual science you decree it to be "religious materials"
When someone posts actual science, I discuss it. When someone like you, who has no idea what science even is and who quite possibly might confuse it with a turnip, posts church materials, I mention that he has posted church materials and then I inform him of how stupid he is.

...and then you demand science be posted.
Yes. Please post science. Learn what science is if you have to.
When someone posts actual science, I discuss it.

I haven't seen that

When someone like you, who has no idea what science even is and who quite possibly might confuse it with a turnip, posts church materials, I mention that he has posted church materials and then I inform him of how stupid he is.

Is it really hard to discuss the topic honestly for you?

Yes. Please post science. Learn what science is if you have to.

Maybe you should tell me what YOU consider science first. That way I'll know.
I haven't seen that
... because you haven't seen any science, not that you would recognize any were you to see any. You don't even know what science is.

Is it really so impossible for you to discuss this topic honestly?

Maybe you should tell me what YOU consider science first. That way I'll know.
I am not going to teach you until you ask politely that I teach you and admit for the record that you really don't even know what science is. Until then, I'm happy to snipe every single one of your posts. It's very therapeutic.

You are scientifically illiterate and mathematically incompetent, whereas I am not ....and you and I both know it, so let's dance.
It would seem that you believe that Christian Science is science as well. There's a reason there is no such thing as climate science, i.e. there is no science of any religion. This should explain why you worship that religion, i.e. because you were told to by your thought-masters ... and you OBEYED ... not because there is any particular science that you understand.

I notice that you didn't answer my question. Big surprise, right? Why should any rational adult believe the Global Warming dogma? Well, you know very well that there is no reason, but your thought-masters won't permit you to admit it publicly. You'll pretend to answer the question by pointing to other members of the congregation who worship as you do, but that's all you can do, i.e. point to other people, not to any science ... because there isn't any. You'll also try to leverage the page in the playbook that tells you to "admit to not being a scientist" as if that somehow legitimizes your lack of any science.

So, if you wouldn't mind, pretend to answer my question and let the EVASION begin.


Definition of science:

the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation, experimentation, and the testing of theories against the evidence obtained.
"the world of science and technology"

Maybe the OP should learn to read.