Why Does the Global Warming Faith Claim to be Science?

Will you at least admit that your Global Warming faith is based solely on your unquestioning devotion to your Climate religion? Will you admit that you have absolutely no science to support your faith, and that you couldn't possibly convince any rational adult who doesn't already worship as you do to adopt your faith?

Will you admit that you totally suck at math?

How do you suppose to show that Climate can change when you: 1) suck at math, 2) can't support your contention that there is such a thing as a global climate, and 3) can't show that any such global climate, even if it were to exist, has changed any over my lifetime?

There is no science to support your WACKY religion. I'd be happy to explain any science to you that you need clarified, but if you wish to make it some sort of debate by which you intend to defend your WACKY religion as "thettled thienth" then it will simply not go well for you.
One could broadly say earth has a global climate capable of supporting life.
Regional climates have changed but it took at minimum centuries and more likely millennia.
But you are correct.. there has been no change in any Köppen climate classification of any region of the planet for at least several centuries.
One could broadly say earth has a global climate capable of supporting life.
Even that claim breaks down when the follow-up question arrives: "So what is the global climate then? Freezing hot? Foggy clear? Windy calm? What is the answer when pointing to where there is no life?



Regional climates have changed but it took at minimum centuries and more likely millennia.
This gets into semantic technicalities. Regional environments have changed. I claim that no environment's climate ever changed while the environment remained the same. If you then claim that I am merely quibbling and playing "semantics", then I point out that you are trying to hijack the word "environment" and I return to demanding that you unambiguously define "climate" ... and that forces any leftist to abandon the effort or acknowledge that there is no such thing as a global climate.

But you are correct.. there has been no change in any Köppen climate classification of any region of the planet for at least several centuries.
For my purposes, I stand knowing that no warmizombie can point to any change in his precious global climate during my lifetime, which begs the question as to why said warmizombie believes in Climate Change in the first place.
Will you at least admit that your Global Warming faith is based solely on your unquestioning devotion to your Climate religion?

No. I will not. It is because I studied earth science and got 3 university degrees in it. I worked briefly as a technician at a major oceanographic research facility that studied atmospheric gases impact on the climate. I've met some of the "big players" in this area of science. To some greater or lesser extent I understand the science.

So, no, it is not "religion" for me. Because I've seen it with my own eyes. And I have extensive education in this field.

Will you admit that you have absolutely no science to support your faith


, and that you couldn't possibly convince any rational adult who doesn't already worship as you do to adopt your faith?

The vast majority of adults who understand earth systems science already believe it. I wonder why you don't.

Will you admit that you totally suck at math?

That I will 'fess up to. For being a career scientist I am weaker in mental math.

How do you suppose to show that Climate can change when you: 1) suck at math, 2) can't support your contention that there is such a thing as a global climate, and 3) can't show that any such global climate, even if it were to exist, has changed any over my lifetime?

It's already been shown to be real time and again for about 60 years now. If you think you can simply ignore thousands upon thousands upon thousands of independent research studies which all arrive at the same conclusion then it isn't incumbent upon me to force you to understand.

There is no science to support your WACKY religion. I'd be happy to explain any science to you that you need clarified,

You couldn't, Clem.

but if you wish to make it some sort of debate by which you intend to defend your WACKY religion as "thettled thienth" then it will simply not go well for you.

I grow tired of your bloviating. Your posts belie a vast ignorance of science yet you get a "thrill" coming on here and talking a big game.

You didn't put in decades in the field. You don't know. Why don't you STFU?
No. I will not. It is because I studied earth science and got 3 university degrees in it.
So you admit to having no excuse for being a moron on the matter, right?

I worked briefly as a technician at a major oceanographic research facility that studied atmospheric gases impact on the climate.
Nope. You did not. There is no such thing as "the climate." You are clearly not any sort of expert in science. I'm guessing that you don't even know what science is.

I've met some of the "big players" in this area of science.
I will be assuming that whenever you use the word "science", except in very rare instances, that you are actually referring to your WACKY religion that you call "The Science" or "thettled thienth."

To some greater or lesser extent I understand the science.
The big warmizombie broadcast of "I'm a scientifically illiterate moron" is to put the definite article "the" before the word "science" in order to identify it as a sacred dogma, i.e. The Science. The reason you can't just write "I'm strong in science" (without the word "the") is that you are scientifically illiterate and can't distinguish between science and religion. You are going to try to wade in on JPP as though you are a science genius but this will not go well for you. You could just go with the correct answers that I, and others who know so much more than you, provide to you for free, but I'm guessing that you would rather be roasted alive.

Well, let's get on with it.

So, no, it is not "religion" for me.
Yes, it is a religion ... for you. Try imagining a Christian saying that Christianity is somehow not a religion FOR HIM.

Because I've seen it with my own eyes.
There are Christians who claim to have seen God and angels and the gates of heaven ... and I'm not saying that any of it is false, but that it is a religious faith and isn't science. Your faith has motivated you to "see" things and claim that they are "The Science."

And I have extensive education in this field.
Priests and ministers study at a seminary.

The vast majority of adults who understand earth systems science already believe it.
You don't speak for anyone but you. Only the WACKY worshipers of your religion somehow believe that the Climate goddess' magical, science-defying forcings and feedbacks somehow control the laws of thermodynamics.

I wonder why you don't.
I actually understand physics and why your WACKY religion isn't physically possible. Read my signature.

That I will 'fess up to. For being a career scientist I am weaker in mental math.
You also suck at statistical math, which is necessary to understand why your religious clergy is lying to you.

It's already been shown to be real time and again for about 60 years now.
Nope. Your clergy repeatedly forces you to pray to the Climate goddess and to publicly profess that she is real, but that doesn't make anything real. In science, nothing needs to first be believed is real.

If you think you can simply ignore thousands upon thousands upon thousands of independent research studies
I can, and I do, just as I ignore all the "morality" research papers authored by Catholic Cardinals. By the way, all Catholic Cardinals profess belief that God is real. All of their research studies reflect this belief. All "Climate" studies presume a "global climate" which, just like God, always remains completely undefined, which is never allowed in science. Any valid research paper absolutely must define all of its terms unambiguously right up front. Religions, however, never define their terms. When was the last time you ever saw a Christian define "salvation" or a warmizombie define "climate" unambiguously in such a way that science, math or logic isn't violated?

You couldn't, Clem.
I presume this is because you are too stupid to learn? I get it, nobody likes to put his religion in jeopardy.

I grow tired of your bloviating.
You feel the need to flee to the hills. You can't support your faith, and you're a coward, so you are looking for a way out, and an excuse to somehow make it my fault.

Your posts belie a vast ignorance of science
So why don't you bring it on? Is it because you know that I'm poised to rake you over the coals? Remember, you could have learned something.

yet you get a "thrill" coming on here and talking a big game.
I didn't create any of the science that I will use to bitch-slap you into next Thursday.

You didn't put in decades in the field.
Hence, I didn't become indoctrinated. Oh, and it's a religion, not a "field."

You don't know.
Yes I do. I'm welcoming you to bring it on.

Why don't you STFU?
Why don't you start proudly supporting your faith? Are you suddenly ashamed? Preach, brother, preach!
So you admit to having no excuse for being a moron on the matter, right?

Nope. You did not. There is no such thing as "the climate." You are clearly not any sort of expert in science. I'm guessing that you don't even know what science is.

I will be assuming that whenever you use the word "science", except in very rare instances, that you are actually referring to your WACKY religion that you call "The Science" or "thettled thienth."

The big warmizombie broadcast of "I'm a scientifically illiterate moron" is to put the definite article "the" before the word "science" in order to identify it as a sacred dogma, i.e. The Science. The reason you can't just write "I'm strong in science" (without the word "the") is that you are scientifically illiterate and can't distinguish between science and religion. You are going to try to wade in on JPP as though you are a science genius but this will not go well for you. You could just go with the correct answers that I, and others who know so much more than you, provide to you for free, but I'm guessing that you would rather be roasted alive.

Well, let's get on with it.

Yes, it is a religion ... for you. Try imagining a Christian saying that Christianity is somehow not a religion FOR HIM.

There are Christians who claim to have seen God and angels and the gates of heaven ... and I'm not saying that any of it is false, but that it is a religious faith and isn't science. Your faith has motivated you to "see" things and claim that they are "The Science."

Priests and ministers study at a seminary.

You don't speak for anyone but you. Only the WACKY worshipers of your religion somehow believe that the Climate goddess' magical, science-defying forcings and feedbacks somehow control the laws of thermodynamics.

I actually understand physics and why your WACKY religion isn't physically possible. Read my signature.

You also suck at statistical math, which is necessary to understand why your religious clergy is lying to you.

Nope. Your clergy repeatedly forces you to pray to the Climate goddess and to publicly profess that she is real, but that doesn't make anything real. In science, nothing needs to first be believed is real.

I can, and I do, just as I ignore all the "morality" research papers authored by Catholic Cardinals. By the way, all Catholic Cardinals profess belief that God is real. All of their research studies reflect this belief. All "Climate" studies presume a "global climate" which, just like God, always remains completely undefined, which is never allowed in science. Any valid research paper absolutely must define all of its terms unambiguously right up front. Religions, however, never define their terms. When was the last time you ever saw a Christian define "salvation" or a warmizombie define "climate" unambiguously in such a way that science, math or logic isn't violated?

I presume this is because you are too stupid to learn? I get it, nobody likes to put his religion in jeopardy.

You feel the need to flee to the hills. You can't support your faith, and you're a coward, so you are looking for a way out, and an excuse to somehow make it my fault.

So why don't you bring it on? Is it because you know that I'm poised to rake you over the coals? Remember, you could have learned something.

I didn't create any of the science that I will use to bitch-slap you into next Thursday.

Hence, I didn't become indoctrinated. Oh, and it's a religion, not a "field."

Yes I do. I'm welcoming you to bring it on.

Why don't you start proudly supporting your faith? Are you suddenly ashamed? Preach, brother, preach!

More juvenile bloviating.
Why do you think anyone believes you know the first foreign thing about this?
Naturally your religion, your scientific illiteracy and your faith-driven science denial all require you to "disbelieve" all science that runs counter to your faith ... which is most of it.

Let me know if anything changes.
Explain the Revelle Factor to me.
Sure. People who have been indoctrinated into the Climate family of faiths and whose scientific illiteracy has made them gullible beyond belief, sadly lose all ability to recognize cycles, and become exceedingly vulnerable to propaganda portraying cycles as one-way "accumulations", e.g. ocean "acidification", polar ice disappearance, ozone "depletion", Global Warming, etc.

Enter warmizombies who suck royally at chemistry. They have already forgotten that water evaporates. Let me repeat that. Warmizombies are so fucking stupid that they have forgotten that water evaporates. Their Climate clergy tells them that the ocean absorbs atmospheric CO2, and that the resulting carbonic acid accumulates in the ocean. Warmizombies never call boooooolsch't when they should because they have all forgotten all the science they have ever learned. They will never say "Hey, fuck you, all the absorbed CO2 is soon released back into atmosphere when the fucking water evaporates!" because they have forgotten that water evaporates and even that drinking ice water on a hot day is refreshing.

So, once the stupid warmizombies begin treating the Climate propaganda as TRUE, the Climate clergy tells them that even though vile human activity is slowly turning our ocean into battery acid, the goddess Climate is still tirelessly fighting for us to save our ocean and to save our planet. The Climate clergy then reveals the TRUTH about the Revelle Factor, Climate's powerful weapon in her war against ocean acidification. The Revelle Factor is hard at work neutralizing the carbonic acid that is accumulating (not "evaporation" as climate deniers would have you believe).

Yes, the ocean has buffering capacity, in the form of alkalinity comprised of many carbonates and bicarbonates that enter the ocean through a constant stream generated by global erosion. Only warmizombies feel that ocean alkalinity needs a superhero's name like "Revelle Factor."

By the way, @Into the Night is going to laugh because this is not the first time this topic has arisen. He really needs to chip in as well. Don't feel shy about getting his take as well, although I suspect there might be a lot of overlap.
Sure. People who have been indoctrinated into the Climate family of faiths and whose scientific illiteracy has made them gullible beyond belief, sadly lose all ability to recognize cycles, and become exceedingly vulnerable to propaganda portraying cycles as one-way "accumulations", e.g. ocean "acidification", polar ice disappearance, ozone "depletion", Global Warming, etc.

Enter warmizombies who suck royally at chemistry. They have already forgotten that water evaporates. Let me repeat that. Warmizombies are so fucking stupid that they have forgotten that water evaporates. Their Climate clergy tells them that the ocean absorbs atmospheric CO2, and that the resulting carbonic acid accumulates in the ocean. Warmizombies never call boooooolsch't when they should because they have all forgotten all the science they have ever learned. They will never say "Hey, fuck you, all the absorbed CO2 is soon released back into atmosphere when the fucking water evaporates!" because they have forgotten that water evaporates and even that drinking ice water on a hot day is refreshing.

So, once the stupid warmizombies begin treating the Climate propaganda as TRUE, the Climate clergy tells them that even though vile human activity is slowly turning our ocean into battery acid, the goddess Climate is still tirelessly fighting for us to save our ocean and to save our planet. The Climate clergy then reveals the TRUTH about the Revelle Factor, Climate's powerful weapon in her war against ocean acidification. The Revelle Factor is hard at work neutralizing the carbonic acid that is accumulating (not "evaporation" as climate deniers would have you believe).

Yes, the ocean has buffering capacity, in the form of alkalinity comprised of many carbonates and bicarbonates that enter the ocean through a constant stream generated by global erosion. Only warmizombies feel that ocean alkalinity needs a superhero's name like "Revelle Factor."

So you can't. You grabbed a gloss of the concept but you didn't explain it. How does it work? How do you measure sea water alkalinity? What are the various reactions going on with regards to CO2 dissolved in the water?

I knew you were all hat and no cattle.

Thanks for the confirmation.
So you can't.
I just did. You didn't understand it. Thanks for confirming the veracity of my post.

By the way, notice your complete inability to ask anything more specific than "Explain the Revelle Factor to me" but then your bitching about me not providing you the fucking Library of Congress.
I just did. You didn't understand it.

LOL. No you didn't. You waved your hands around. You didn't explain it.

By the way, notice your complete inability to ask anything more specific than "Explain the Revelle Factor to me" but then your bitching about me not providing you the fucking Library of Congress.

LOL. Whatever you need to justify to whatever audience you think you are reaching. But for those of us who actually ARE scientists it's pretty obvious you aren't.

But do keep trying. It's kinda sweetly hilarious. Like watching a toddler with daddy's shoes on playing adult.
LOL. No you didn't. You waved your hands around. You didn't explain it.
If you ever post on any science topic , I will have a lot of fun with you.

But for those of us who actually ARE scientists it's pretty obvious you aren't.
Too funny! Now we're just waiting for you to pretend to post something scientific so I can pick you apart. It really will be a lot of fun ... for me.

Could I get you to start a Global Warming thread? That would be great. I promise to participate.
If you ever post on any science topic , I will have a lot of fun with you.

Too funny! Now we're just waiting for you to pretend to post something scientific so I can pick you apart. It really will be a lot of fun ... for me.

Could I get you to start a Global Warming thread? That would be great. I promise to participate.
Neither IBDaMann or Into the Night have any understanding of how Climate Change is believed to work. There's no point in discussing/debating with uneducated, dishonest conspiracy theorists.