Why Does the Global Warming Faith Claim to be Science?

I have no wacky religion.
You have several. For now we are discussing the Church of Global Warming.
Faith requires no evidence. Try again.
This is correct, but faith can be based on evidence nevertheless.
You listed made up buzzwords.
You are describing yourself again. This is a fallacy called an inversion fallacy. It is projecting YOUR problems on someone else.
There is no deity to worship in climate science. Please stay focused. Do not change the definitions because you think you know better.
You are now just chanting. Characteristic of many religions.
Sin is a religious concept.
You already said this too. The same response applies.
You never presented any kind of evidence to your claim.
He doesn't have to. YOU have to provide evidence that 'climate change' is more than a myth. YOU have to define what 'climate change' even means.
I have no such faith. You are mistaken.
Since you have not yet defined 'climate change', and you have not yet provided any evidence that it is more than a myth or religion, it remains a religion.
You have several. For now we are discussing the Church of Global Warming.

This is correct, but faith can be based on evidence nevertheless.

You are describing yourself again. This is a fallacy called an inversion fallacy. It is projecting YOUR problems on someone else.

You are now just chanting. Characteristic of many religions.

You already said this too. The same response applies.

He doesn't have to. YOU have to provide evidence that 'climate change' is more than a myth. YOU have to define what 'climate change' even means.

Since you have not yet defined 'climate change', and you have not yet provided any evidence that it is more than a myth or religion, it remains a religion.

Give it a rest, Sybil.
The only other person I see using the name "Sybil" as much as you do is @Doc Dutch. Why is that? What is the attraction of the name?
They are too stupid to distinguish between different people. There's really no other way to put it. When confronted with arguments or questions they cannot comprehend and address, they cannot help but presume that they all must be coming from the same person, that they all must be socks. They can only presume that different avatars are necessarily different personalities of one sick mind ... because if they can't understand, the problem can't possibly be on their end.

Sybil is a famous "multiple personalities" case study.
They are too stupid to distinguish between different people. There's really no other way to put it. When confronted with arguments or questions they cannot comprehend and address, they cannot help but presume that they all must be coming from the same person, that they all must be socks. They can only presume that different avatars are necessarily different personalities of one sick mind ... because if they can't understand, the problem can't possibly be on their end.

Sybil is a famous "multiple personalities" case study.

Yes. It is frightening to think more than one person is as fucking stupid as you are. We hope it is one stupid person with different names.
Yes. It is frightening to think more than one person is as fucking stupid as you are. We hope it is one stupid person with different names.

Wow, now that you put it that way, your Global Warming and Climate Change beliefs must be totally scientific in light of all this supporting science you have provided.

What was I ever thinking? I'll never doubt you again.
Wow, now that you put it that way, your Global Warming and Climate Change beliefs must be totally scientific in light of all this supporting science you have provided.

What was I ever thinking? I'll never doubt you again.

Give it up you fucking moron. Everyone thinks you are a fucking idiot.
All this is doing is using the same buzzword as used here. Nothing in this site defines 'climate change' or presents anything that makes it more then a religion.

I disagree. But it is a big discussion and a cursory scan will not tell the tale. They do a terrific job exposing lies, deception and just plain wrong.
Give it up you fucking moron. Everyone thinks you are a fucking idiot.
Stupid people think they can read the minds of other people.
The stupidest people think they speak for everyone.
The stupidest of the stupid think they speak for everyone else's minds.

I won't speak for anyone else on this site. I can only imagine what the majority of people think of you.
Stupid people think they can read the minds of other people.
The stupidest people think they speak for everyone.
The stupidest of the stupid think they speak for everyone else's minds.

I won't speak for anyone else on this site. I can only imagine what the majority of people think of you.

IntotheNight. Troll.
I disagree. But it is a big discussion and a cursory scan will not tell the tale. They do a terrific job exposing lies, deception and just plain wrong.

You disagree. I take you are then prepared to define 'global warming' and 'climate change' unambiguously and provide evidence that it is more than just a religion. Let's see you post it.

I stumbled upon this thread, then proceeded to skim through the OP and the responses, and now my curiosity meter has gone off the charts. Let me explain:

First off, I am a Christian (meaning that I have faith that Jesus Christ exists and is truly the Son of God, as described in The Holy Bible), so I am quite familiar with what constitutes a religion. I am also well aware that my Christian faith, along with the Global Warming faith that this thread is about, are but two of maaaaaaaany different religions in existence.

Now to what sent my curiosity meter into the 'red zone'. I see that you have hereby posited that Global Warming is somehow NOT a religion. Could you please explain to me why you hold this view?
You asked us why any rational person would believe in such a "religion" that you claimed. It was constructed that it is impossible to answer. It was done on purpose.

You constructed a straw man fallacy that nobody can answer.
Impossible to answer? It's actually quite easy to answer.

A rational person would not believe in the Global Warming religion because Global Warming theology is in direct contradiction to logic (as it is based upon a buzzword ('global warming') that warmizombies and climate lemmings will not and cannot unambiguously define), science (as it rejects numerous laws of science, typically the laws of thermodynamics and the stefan boltzmann law, without first falsifying those laws), and mathematics (as it rejects the rules of statistical mathematics, including but definitely not limited to: unambiguously defining boundaries, declaring a desired margin of error at the outset, removing all known biases, using raw data, declaring and justifying a variance value, and calculating the margin of error).

So back to the question in the OP: Why should any rational adult believe as warmizombies and climate lemmings believe?

Answer: They shouldn't, as the Global Warming religious dogma irrationally rejects logic, science, and mathematics. Rational adults do not willingly reject such things.