Why Does the Global Warming Faith Claim to be Science?

Impossible to answer? It's actually quite easy to answer.

A rational person would not believe in the Global Warming religion because Global Warming theology is in direct contradiction to logic (as it is based upon a buzzword ('global warming') that warmizombies and climate lemmings will not and cannot unambiguously define), science (as it rejects numerous laws of science, typically the laws of thermodynamics and the stefan boltzmann law, without first falsifying those laws), and mathematics (as it rejects the rules of statistical mathematics, including but definitely not limited to: unambiguously defining boundaries, declaring a desired margin of error at the outset, removing all known biases, using raw data, declaring and justifying a variance value, and calculating the margin of error).

So back to the question in the OP: Why should any rational adult believe as warmizombies and climate lemmings believe?

Answer: They shouldn't, as the Global Warming religious dogma irrationally rejects logic, science, and mathematics. Rational adults do not willingly reject such things.

A rational person knows the difference between science, politics, and religion, and climatology is a science of which has been politicized by the Trumplicans, and the irrational religious fanatics are trying to hijack and exploit for their benefit.
Impossible to answer? It's actually quite easy to answer.

A rational person would not believe in the Global Warming religion because Global Warming theology is in direct contradiction to logic (as it is based upon a buzzword ('global warming') that warmizombies and climate lemmings will not and cannot unambiguously define), science (as it rejects numerous laws of science, typically the laws of thermodynamics and the stefan boltzmann law, without first falsifying those laws), and mathematics (as it rejects the rules of statistical mathematics, including but definitely not limited to: unambiguously defining boundaries, declaring a desired margin of error at the outset, removing all known biases, using raw data, declaring and justifying a variance value, and calculating the margin of error).

So back to the question in the OP: Why should any rational adult believe as warmizombies and climate lemmings believe?

Answer: They shouldn't, as the Global Warming religious dogma irrationally rejects logic, science, and mathematics. Rational adults do not willingly reject such things.

You are a fucking idiot.
Human caused climate change is quite clearly real.
Nifty to English translator: Hippity bippity boo ba is quite clearly real.

The scientists who demonstrate that are far more credible than the conspiracy theorists who deny it.
Nifty to English translator: The enlightened Global Warming clergy who preach daily sermons from their pulpits are far more credible than the heathen rational thinkers who are damned to hell for all eternity for clinging to their logic, science, and mathematics.

The real question to discuss is whether or not it's too late to do anything about it.
The real question to discuss is why are you even willing to waste any precious time discussing action, rather than immediately taking action, if it's already maybe possibly probably potentially too late to do anything about it... however, it might already be too late.

If it's already too late, we shouldn't deprive ourselves of the lifestyle we prefer.
Nifty to English translator: I openly proclaim my belief in the Global Warming faith, but behind closed doors I will join in with the heathens in refusing to participate in the rituals required by the faith, as I view those rituals to be for "other people" "wayyyy over there" to participate in instead.
You post like you. might be 35-ish,
How does a 35-ish year old person post, as opposed to, say, a 50-ish year old person?

living at home with your parents.
You say this as an insult, like it is necessarily a bad thing.

Some people experience unfortunate circumstances in which they need to move back in with their parents for a while in order to get back on their feet. Some people choose to live at home with their parents in order to help care for them and their property in their old age and/or given health condition.

Possibly bipolar schizophrenic. Another "Sybil" I see.
Whatever you say, Dutch Uncle.
Stupid people think they can read the minds of other people.
The stupidest people think they speak for everyone.
The stupidest of the stupid think they speak for everyone else's minds.

I won't speak for anyone else on this site. I can only imagine what the majority of people think of you.
I think he's a fucking moron... possibly even a fucking idiot... but my response doesn't count because it's really just your response (but via a different personality) because we are OBVIOUSLY the same person.

I suspect that a plethora of other posters here would agree with me, but their responses would likewise not count because they would all likewise be a "different personality" of the "same person", of course. See how that works?
I've never seen anyone call scientific consensus a faith. I never knew someone was fool enough to.

Science is determined by repeatable experiments having predictable outcomes.

"Climate Scientists" have naught but theory and computer modeling and conjecture.
A rational person knows the difference between science, politics, and religion,
Splendid! So why don't you, a rational person, please explain those differences to me, an irrational sub-human... Please make sure to use very small words, since I don't have anywhere near the level of education that you do. The floor is yours.

and climatology is a science of which has been politicized by the Trumplicans, and the irrational religious fanatics are trying to hijack and exploit for their benefit.
Trumpet to English translator: and bippity boo bah is a science of which has been politicized by the Hibberjabbers, and the Bahmbahs are trying to bibblebabble for their benefit.
You disagree. I take you are then prepared to define 'global warming' and 'climate change' unambiguously and provide evidence that it is more than just a religion. Let's see you post it.

The public is familiar with what these terms represent. This website is, as suggested by the title, a discussion or the various ideas surrounding it.

And, for the most part, it disproves what's been presented as fact. The fun part is that they often do it quoting the ones making the claims.