Why does the left tend to view all minorities as one monolithic block?

When we all KNOW they arent. No group is. I myself find this to be racist as hell!

It's called "identity politics". Arrogant white leftists presume to speak on behalf of entire races and ethnicities. I believe this is to salve the effects of their own guilty racist thinking, which they dishonestly insist upon projecting onto their political opponents
idiotic gif deleted

Since you seem to be unaware of word meanings, here's another one for you.

ignorant (adjective)

ig·​no·​rant | \ ˈig-n(ə-)rənt
Definition of ignorant

1a : destitute of knowledge or education
also : lacking knowledge or comprehension of the thing specified (correct usage of the word majority)
//parents (And obviously Stone as well) ignorant of modern mathematics
b : resulting from or showing lack of knowledge or intelligence ignorant errors
2 : unaware, uninformed
Since you seem to be unaware of word meanings, here's another one for you.

ignorant (adjective)

ig·​no·​rant | \ ˈig-n(ə-)rənt
Definition of ignorant

1a : destitute of knowledge or education
also : lacking knowledge or comprehension of the thing specified (correct usage of the word majority)
//parents (And obviously Stone as well) ignorant of modern mathematics
b : resulting from or showing lack of knowledge or intelligence ignorant errors
2 : unaware, uninformed

did you figure out what an address technically is? mr. smarty pants?
Why does Stoney think 'the left' is a monolithic group?


That's a great point. One of our worst issues here on the left is that trying to find consensus on a particular issue is like herding cats. We also tend to reject outliers rather than embrace them. Example: Witness the attempts by the Dems to get Cuomo to resign for his alleged sexual issues with women staffers. The QOP? They embrace their sexual predators and elevate them to IMPOTUSx2. lol
It's called "identity politics". Arrogant white leftists presume to speak on behalf of entire races and ethnicities. I believe this is to salve the effects of their own guilty racist thinking, which they dishonestly insist upon projecting onto their political opponents

have you looked into this "racial affinity groups" concept. It's resegregation. more divide and conquer.

these globalist totalitarians have been creating racial division all along.
have you looked into this "racial affinity groups" concept. It's resegregation. more divide and conquer.

these globalist totalitarians have been creating racial division all along.

Of course. Columbia University is boasting about holding six segregated graduation ceremonies.
Most of us in here will be dead by 2045.

When did the Republican Party become a suicide cult? I hope to be alive 24 years from now, and statistically speaking, I am more likely than not to be alive 24 years from now.

We just lost a year of life expectancy in America, which should be a big deal to everyone, but Republicans are actually happy about it. This is just crazy.
Thanks. I was just going to say that. I always keep in mind that Stoned is a racist. He likes to tell people, for instance, that I live in a trailer on a Rez in the U.P. and am a "drunken Indian." That's because HE is a monolithic thinker who believes that anyone with a drop of native blood, or even merely an interest in the history and culture, is a drunken Indian living on welfare on a reservation. :awesome:

Anyone who chuckles about drunken "injuns", giggles about the "kung flu", or whines that blacks only vote Democratic to "get free stuff" are openly telegraphing their blatant racism.

For some weird reason, on JPP, nine times out of ten it happens to be conservatives doing that.
Right over your head I guess. Reference the 10 people standing in a field for the answer that is right in front of you...... :laugh:

If there are 100 people in a field, and 49 of them are white, then whites are not the majority. They are a minority.
Anyone who chuckles about drunken "injuns", giggles about the "kung flu", or whines that blacks only vote Democratic to "get free stuff" are openly telegraphing their blatant racism.

For some weird reason, on JPP, nine times out of ten it happens to be conservatives doing that.

Yep. And they wonder why the rest of us extrapolate that into our conviction that far too many on the Reichwing ARE racists.

What they are terrified of is that (D)s are far more successful at representing *all* the people in this wonderfully-diverse nation, not just one group.
If there are 100 people in a field, and 49 of them are white, then whites are not the majority. They are a minority.

Wrong....the other people in the field are not one big monolithic block YOU DOPE. :laugh:

When we all KNOW they arent. No group is. I myself find this to be racist as hell! I bring this up in here only because I have seen posted many times this thing about whites being the minority by 2045. As if that even matters. I see it posted by the likes of people like Guno and Bac like its something to celebrate. WTF? I find it hilarious seeing people who spend most of their time CRYING racism only to go out and make scores of racist posts themselves. Its crazy.

1... Most of us in here will be dead by 2045.

2..It doesnt matter anyway.

3. And this is the big one.... Since there is no such thing as being 85% of a person I am forced to round up for the purposes of this post. As whites are projected to make up a little less then 49% of the population by then. So having said that......If you have 10 people standing in a field together and five of them are white, Two of them are Hispanic, one of them is black, one is Asian, and one is Arab and somehow retard racists think that would mean Whites are in the minority?
Talk about convoluted thinking! :laugh:


They are nothing but voter slaves, and now to vote rather than work
If there are 100 people in a field, and 49 of them are white, then whites are not the majority. They are a minority.

Yeah,...so the ten guys in the field. So you think standing in the field out there the one Asian guy looks at the one black guy and says......." Hey,!! those five white guys are the MINORITY!"

Wrong....the other people in the field are not one big monolithic block YOU DOPE.

That means there is no majority. If there is a field with 100 people, 49 are white, 20 are Black, 20 are Hispanic, and 11 are Asian... There is no majority group in that field. At best there is a plurality in the field.

This is not some complex point. Your extreme lack of education is showing. Maybe if you got more education, you could live a full life, rather than expecting to die soon.
I love how you fucking idiots are so easily lured in to proving my point FOR ME...:laugh: I started the thread by saying the left tends to view all minorities as one monolithic block. Which is very racist and wrong. You see,....my dumb nitwits,.... the only way that minority groups could possibly be the majority is if they were in fact one monolithic block,....which they clearly are not. Yet your racist little minds continue to claim that by 2045 they will be the majority. Been a pleasure playing with you all,.... oh,..and making a total jackass out of Biden and having her prove HERSELF a liar was a nice bonus as well. Schools out........ have a nice day. ;) :cool: