That means there is no majority. If there is a field with 100 people, 49 are white, 20 are Black, 20 are Hispanic, and 11 are Asian... There is no majority group in that field. At best there is a plurality in the field.
This is not some complex point. Your extreme lack of education is showing. Maybe if you got more education, you could live a full life, rather than expecting to die soon.
You have the Hispanic and black numbers all wrong. Just off the top of my head those numbers would be more like 23 Hispanic and 14 black with the Hispanic lead expected to continue to widen. I understand as a D you dont want to talk about THAT FACT for fear of losing black voters as you flush the border with illegals but... O.k.........out now. Have fun dildo....

BTW....I am not talking about basic MATH here,...more real life practicality. IDIOT.