Why does the left tend to view all minorities as one monolithic block?

Democrats setup teams of all different ethnicities of Americans working together. It is not uncommon these days for a Republican to wear a swastika.

LMAO! Keep drinking the Kool Aid Walt. democrats started out racist and have not changed one bit on that. Just their tactics. Oh, and the reliance on really stupid people like yourself.
LMAO! Keep drinking the Kool Aid Walt. democrats started out racist and have not changed one bit on that. Just their tactics. Oh, and the reliance on really stupid people like yourself.

Poopeye you are the dumbest of the dumb, and here you are calling others stupid.
LMAO! Keep drinking the Kool Aid Walt. democrats started out racist and have not changed one bit on that. Just their tactics. Oh, and the reliance on really stupid people like yourself.

*YAWN*. Your claims are just not believable.
I mean honestly, who should I trust on minority rights, the minorities, or a bunch of white guys wearing swastikas?

Umm......Sailor IS a minority, least Im pretty sure he is. He's black. Difference is between people like himself and people like you he is a Human first, then an American. Least thats what I gather from his posts. I know its hard for you to understand that there are people out there who see things like that as much more important than race. They do exist though and thats a good thing.
Umm......Sailor IS a minority, least Im pretty sure he is. He's black. Difference is between people like himself and people like you he is a Human first, then an American. Least thats what I gather from his posts. I know its hard for you to understand that there are people out there who see things like that as much more important than race. They do exist though and thats a good thing.

I see Democrats moving past race... Republicans not so much.
Oh I see,....is that why they call people like Ben Carson an uncle Tom. I see now......:rolleyes:

Ben Carson had a background as a surgeon, so trump put him in charge of Housing and Urban Development... Because he was Black.
Why does the left tend to view all minorities as one monolithic block?

Because the credo of the Victim Culture Cult is that whites are abusers and not whites are victims. Remember that victims are both the Gods and the product of the cult the more victims they can produce the more power they have, and this game is an excellent way to make a lot of victims.
Why does the left tend to view all minorities as one monolithic block?

Because there is White and Not White. None of what they do has a damn thing to do with caring about specific minority groups. What they're doing is trying to make the dominant social group think that they are so horrible that they have no right to take part in policy decisions.
Why does the left tend to view all minorities as one monolithic block?

Because there is White and Not White. None of what they do has a damn thing to do with caring about specific minority groups. What they're doing is trying to make the dominant social group think that they are so horrible that they have no right to take part in policy decisions.

This is sadism....they want to cause mass pain.