Why does this make me laugh?

Again, I'd like to point out that the comments section of the article was composed of about 300 Americans (probably redirected from Ron Paul/Stormfront forums), and 2 or 3 UK people talking back about how stupid they were. SURPRISE. The UK doesn't care about American stupidity.

The real issue is that there is a serious problem with knife crime in the UK especially among inner city gangs.

dear me, knife crimes:eek:
well they take away their guns, what do they expect..that there would never be another crime...take away their knives, they will resort to baseball bats or metal pipes..Socialism takes away your freedoms, bit by bit..

We'll be torturing people on offshore military bases next.

Socialism? Where will it end?
dear me, knife crimes:eek:
well they take away their guns, what do they expect..that there would never be another crime...take away their knives, they will resort to baseball bats or metal pipes..Socialism takes away your freedoms, bit by bit..

What are you talking about? We have never had guns in large numbers until fairly recently now any gang can get them. It is obvious to me that you have never been out of the US or you wouldn't say such rubbish.
We'll be torturing people on offshore military bases next.

Socialism? Where will it end?

oh, so now you are all pure and good... you all live with the nanny Goverment and just roll over as they take away your freedoms...you have all become....wusses
oh, so now you are all pure and good... you all live with the nanny Goverment and just roll over as they take away your freedoms...you have all become....wusses

If only we could go round the world kicking ass, eh?

Apart from Vietnam...let's agree to forget that one.
If only we could go round the world kicking ass, eh?

Apart from Vietnam...let's agree to forget that one.

years ago you all might of kicked some ass, but then in comes the Nanny Government to do all your thinking for you, I don't think you would no how to kick some ass, cause your nanny says's you should NEVER fight for any reason or cause.. hell, next thing you know, the nanny might decide to cut off your hands, they could be considered a dangerous weapon. you all live in your own little cocoon .and just take it in the shorts as your freedoms are taken away without a peep, just like good subjects should...very sad
years ago you all might of kicked some ass, but then in comes the Nanny Government to do all your thinking for you, I don't think you would no how to kick some ass, cause your nanny says's you should NEVER fight for any reason or cause.. hell, next thing you know, the nanny might decide to cut off your hands, they could be considered a dangerous weapon. you all live in your own little cocoon .and just take it in the shorts as your freedoms are taken away without a peep, just like good subjects should...very sad

Remind me again...you're part of the crowd begging the government to protect you from the gays marrying, yes?
Remind me again...you're part of the crowd begging the government to protect you from the gays marrying, yes?

wth, we go from knife crimes and in comes the gay marriage thingy....talk about changing the subject...but I understand...:rolleyes:
wth, we go from knife crimes to gay marriage..talk about changing the subject...:rolleyes:

I just thought that complaining about a nanny state and then wanting the state to protect you would be seen as a little odd, no?

Come on keep up. Sometimes it may be required that you think about a whole concept.
I just thought that complaining about a nanny state and then wanting the state to protect you would be seen as a little odd, no?

Come on keep up. Sometimes it may be required that you think about a whole concept.

the role of government is to protect it's citizens..
no, I'm not asking the Government for anything, except to get the hell out of our lives..they are too involved as it is..
I don't see why the small population of homosexuals should demand marriage and expect us to just role over....the majority of Americans are against homosexuals marrying, so your point was moot..but I understand why you would want to change the subject..
the role of government is to protect it's citizens..
no, I'm not asking the Government for anything, except to get the hell out of our lives..they are too involved as it is..
I don't see why the small population of homosexuals should demand marriage and expect us to just role over....the majority of Americans are against homosexuals marrying, so your point was moot..but I understand why you would want to change the subject..

So you want the government to legislate to define marriage, preventing the gays from marrying, but don't see that as the government acting as a "nanny"?

Rather odd.

Anyway, you don't live here so you don't have to worry your pretty little head about a man inventing a stupid knife. :)
So you want the government to legislate to define marriage, preventing the gays from marrying, but don't see that as the government acting as a "nanny"?

Rather odd.

Anyway, you don't live here so you don't have to worry your pretty little head about a man inventing a stupid knife. :)

I'm not asking the Government to do anything..

I think the small population of homosexuals should back off..
And I'm glad I don't live there, I don't take giving up my freedoms lightly.
I'm not asking the Government to do anything..

I think the small population of homosexuals should back off..
And I'm glad I don't live there, I don't take giving up my freedoms lightly.

Luckily you live in freedom central, where inventors would rather shoot themselves than invent some stupid product which would annoy freedom loving Americans.
Luckily you live in freedom central, where inventors would rather shoot themselves than invent some stupid product which would annoy freedom loving Americans.

fer crying out loud, get a grip..
your nanny government has called for the banning of pointed knives, so why do you think this inventor invented the non stabbing knife..he sees dollar sings, as you all lose another little piece of you freedoms..
fer crying out loud, get a grip..
your nanny government has called for the banning of pointed knives, so why do you think this inventor invented the non stabbing knife..he sees dollar sings, as you all lose another little piece of you freedoms..

No it hasn't called for a banning of "pointed knives". That starting point is maybe where you're going wrong.
No it hasn't called for a banning of "pointed knives". That starting point is maybe where you're going wrong.

Doctors' kitchen knives ban call

Doctors say knives are too pointed
A&E doctors are calling for a ban on long pointed kitchen knives to reduce deaths from stabbing.
A team from West Middlesex University Hospital said violent crime is on the increase - and kitchen knives are used in as many as half of all stabbings.

They argued many assaults are committed impulsively, prompted by alcohol and drugs, and a kitchen knife often makes an all too available weapon.

The researchers say legislation to ban the sale of long pointed knives would be a key step in the fight against violent crime.

"The Home Office is looking for ways to reduce knife crime.

"We suggest that banning the sale of long pointed knives is a sensible and practical measure that would have this effect."

Government response

Home Office spokesperson said there were already extensive restrictions in place to control the sale and possession of knives.

"The law already prohibits the possession of offensive weapons in a public place, and the possession of knives in public without good reason or lawful authority, with the exception of a folding pocket knife with a blade not exceeding three inches.

"Offensive weapons are defined as any weapon designed or adapted to cause injury, or intended by the person possessing them to do so.

"An individual has to demonstrate that he had good reason to possess a knife, for example for fishing, other sporting purposes or as part of his profession (e.g. a chef) in a public place.

"The manufacture, sale and importation of 17 bladed, pointed and other offensive weapons have been banned, in addition to flick knives and gravity knives."

the whole article is here..http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/4581871.stm
So where here are the government banning "pointed knives"?

From what i can see some doctors called for some impractical measures to be taken against some kitchen knives and the government's response was that the measures already on the statute book were adequate.

Since 2005, when the article was published, pointed kitchen knives are freely available to purchase in all good knife emporiums. You can stop worrying now.