Why don't feminists fight for Muslim women?

I love the smell of desperation-induced irony in the evening.... oh! And your projection smells a whole lot like defeat. lol

You've been spanked repeatedly. Your buttocks are a cherry red. Shall we talk about how you're a spineless doormat? Could care less about women in Burqas, could care less about people being gassed by Assad.
No. Just noting how ThatTrollWoman never addresses the Topic, but goes after the Poster.
See ThatTrollWomans response to StarGazer. This is her typical comeback. Attack the Poster with some kind of personal insult.

Apparently your triggered dumbass has failed to recognize that I've been discussing the topic all along. Just like cognitively-challenged Trumpanzees, you skip over the posts that don't fit into your bias holes and look instead for ways to annoy, harass, and stir the shit. BTW, in case you haven't noticed, you're wearing your FEMA HypocriteSuit(tm). It looks super itchy. Guess that explains tonight's freak-outs.
You've been spanked repeatedly. Your buttocks are a cherry red. Shall we talk about how you're a spineless doormat? Could care less about women in Burqas, could care less about people being gassed by Assad.

Sure, make up some more bullshit. Toxic will give you "thanks" tomorrow. No one else cares or believes you. But hey, if it keeps you off a real life woman go for it!
What woman is that? Star? The woman in the photo? Posting a photo = mocking? You mean like the one with the "tent lady" on the beach watching a man and child in the water? You don't know anything about *that* though, right?

YOU and YOUR post mocked the woman for her looks. The post by Legion contrasted the MAN (playing in the water with the child) and the WOMAN (standing on the Beach in a cow blanket). See the difference?
YOUR post, as usual, attacked the Poster, while Legions Post actually addressed the TOPIC of 'inequality'.
^ This is why you're such a liar. I support women who don't want to wear the burqa and those who do. Because it's their CHOICE.

*Applause* and ditto. Jack-ass fails to see our posts that don't conform to his loathing of women-smarter-n-better-n-him, where in we've discussed this to death.

Again, his concerns will be given due consideration after he condemns American religious women's dress, alleged subservience, and why that's ever so bad too.
*Applause* and ditto. Jack-ass fails to see our posts that don't conform to his loathing of women-smarter-n-better-n-him, where in we've discussed this to death.

Again, his concerns will be given due consideration after he condemns American religious women's dress, alleged subservience, and why that's ever so bad too.

The Topic was the Burqa. I've stated my position on Religious Cults. All you've done is attack Posters.
YOU and YOUR post mocked the woman for her looks. The post by Legion contrasted the MAN (playing in the water with the child) and the WOMAN (standing on the Beach in a cow blanket). See the difference?
YOUR post, as usual, attacked the Poster, while Legions Post actually addressed the TOPIC of 'inequality'.

Your use of the words "cow blanket" is all we need to know about you and your supposed PC-fascist-hero all-about-the-wimmin-folks bullshit, Katrina. You see those women wearing burqa as cows, and their garments as cattle blankets. They're not humans to you, even though you pretend that you're defending them.

You think ppl should be allowed to yell the n-word whenever or else they're "PC fascist," but allowing women to choose the garments of their choice is something else... and women who think that other women should be free to choose their own garments are hypocrites. Dude, you failed. Go to sleep already. You're done here.

Hope you have a nice rest of your night. If you drink plenty of water it will help clear the toxins from your system.
Your use of the words "cow blanket" is all we need to know about you and your supposed PC-fascist-hero all-about-the-wimmin-folks bullshit, Katrina. You see those women wearing burqa as cows, and their garments as cattle blankets. They're not humans to you, even though you pretend that you're defending them.

You think ppl should be allowed to yell the n-word whenever or else they're "PC fascist," but allowing women to choose the garments of their choice is something else... and women who think that other women should be free to choose their own garments are hypocrites. Dude, you failed. Go to sleep already. You're done here.

Hope you have a nice rest of your night. If you drink plenty of water it will help clear the toxins from your system.

hahahaha ... Yeah. The Burqa*looks like a cow blanket. Who would want to wear that? I'm guessing some women would love wearing the Burqa, those that are religiously indoctrinated. Liberated women would probably prefer NOT to wear the Burqa. I support the women who DON'T want to wear the Burqa, ... because it's a fucking cow blanket.

ThatTrollWoman: "but allowing women to choose the garments of their choice is something else... "
Jack: In the Middle East, they don't HAVE a choice.
When you've won, you see this triggered misogynist loser thing:


Give it up, Jackoff. You lost.
When anti-burqa activists leap into action....

Bus seats mistaken for burqas by members of anti-immigrant group

A Norwegian anti-immigrant group has been roundly ridiculed after members apparently mistook a photograph of six empty bus seats posted on its Facebook page for a group of women wearing burqas.

Comments posted on Norwegian ‘Fatherland first’ Facebook group call empty seats on bus ‘terrifying’ , Tragic”.

"Terrifying” and “disgusting” were among the comments posted by members of the closed Fedrelandet viktigst, or “Fatherland first”, group beneath the photograph, according to screenshots. Other members of the 13,000-strong group, for people “who love Norway and appreciate what our ancestors fought for”, wondered whether the non-existent passengers might be carrying bombs or weapons beneath their clothes. “This looks really scary,” wrote one. “Should be banned. You can’t tell who’s underneath. Could be terrorists.”
When you've won, you see this triggered misogynist loser thing:


Give it up, Jackoff. You lost.

This is Christie's first response to my post:

"Why do you care so much about it? How is your life affected by a woman in Iran wearing a burqa?"

I've given my opinion to Christie. And I've given my opinion to you. I'll support Ayaan Hirsi Ali and her view over you and Christie's "Who gives a fuck".
This is Christie's first response to my post:

"Why do you care so much about it? How is your life affected by a woman in Iran wearing a burqa?"

I've given my opinion to Christie. And I've given my opinion to you. I'll support Ayaan Hirsi Ali and her view over you and Christie's "Who gives a fuck".

She probably puts little burqas on her owls.
She probably puts little burqas on her owls.

You came up with an interesting thread. Everybody had an opportunity to comment on it. Christie crawfished around, then AS USUAL, 'ThatTrollWoman' began personal attacks on other Posters who she didn't like.
Since StarGeezer is sure that he/she/it knows all about the roolz and that the mods are SOOOOO UNFAIR, here's some personal info of his/her/its to report. Her photo was taken at a recent Trump rally. Just look at the stars!!!! Gaze at them!


Here's the TYPICAL attack 'ThatTrollWoman' uses. She calls StarGazer "he/she/it", then posts a picture of an overweight, gaudily dressed woman, that is less than fetching and claims it is 'StarGazer'. In her brain, this is 'debating' ... basically a name-calling contest.

Apparently Christie agrees with this tactic of female degradation, humiliation, and name-calling. She hasn't denounced the tactic nor scolded 'ThatTrollWoman' for using it.
Apparently Christie agrees with this tactic of female degradation, humiliation, and name-calling. She hasn't denounced the tactic nor scolded 'ThatTrollWoman' for using it.

Your concern for women is so touching, Jackoff. Too bad you've already demonstrated your misogynist loathing for females here. Have a few examples. Links included so you can't claim the quotes are doctored. Describing breasts as "flappies," Toxic's "bubble butt" and "coke bottle glasses" and insinuating that Evince is a whore is all in a day's work for you.

07-03-2018, 08:07 PM #55 | Top
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Quote Originally Posted by One foot on a banana peel View Post
There's only one Catch,Catch 22
Numbers 22:22
Uh, OK. Guess #2. 'ThatOwlWoman'. She said she had 'flappies', I'm thinking like something IHOP serves, with the nips pointing towards, mmm, Bush Country. The Red MAGA hat covering up her thinning hair. The coke bottle eye glasses. And, that 'pregnant look', ... after all those kids, what else would you expect. (Did she send you that?)



06-04-2018, 07:38 PM #20 | Top
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Quote Originally Posted by TOP View Post
Kat, is that you? Fowl mentioned "that"? I can PM him if you don't know how
Ma'am, All I know is what Eagle Eye said when he was posting 'Hot Babe' pictures. He had one with 'TOP', I guess that's you, in a bathing suit, nice bubble butt ass, slender, with these Lauren Bacall eyes, like 'bedroom eyes'. I think Yaya and EE run together, so not sure if 'TOP' is a Yaya sock, or maybe a Eagle Eye sock. Or ... what is going on?
I try to avoid these personal squabbles and just limit myself to serious political discussions. (Do you know if EE will be posting anymore 'Hot Babe' pictures?)



06-23-2018, 11:49 AM #8 | Top
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Quote Originally Posted by evince View Post
Hold your head high

admitting a mistake makes you one honorable poster
I just remember you commenting on 'tsuke' thread, about 'romance' being dead and it was sooooo boring, ... I had the impression you just used men for casual sexual pleasure, then tossed them away.
My knee-jerk reaction was that this was just ANOTHER conquest you would boast about. My apologies.

Owlshit has painted herself into another corner. Posting photos which are supposed to represent my 'looks' while pissing and moaning about others doing the same thing.

Better call in your backup, Owlshit. You are a damned hypocrite on the highest order.