Why don't feminists fight for Muslim women?

Just a reminder for the non-hypocrites.

How to Debate Leftists and Destroy Them

1. Walk Toward the Fire

“The left knows this is war. And they know you are the enemy. You will be castigated. You will get punched. That’s the way it will go because that’s how the left wins: through intimidation and cruelty. You have to take the punch, you have to brush it off. You have to be willing to take the punch.”

2. Hit First

“Don’t take the punch first. Hit first. Hit hard. Hit where it counts. Mike Tyson used to say, “Everybody has a plan ‘til they get punched in the mouth.” That’s exactly correct. But throwing the first punch requires game-planning. Walking through the door, you have one shot – one! – to put someone down for the count from the beginning of a debate. If done properly, any debate on a single topic can be over within the first 30 seconds.”

3. Frame Your Opponent

“I have argued that the left’s entire playbook consists of a single play: characterizing the opposition. It’s incredibly effective. And the only way to get beyond character arguments is to frame your opponent – make it toxic for your opponent to slur you. Then, hopefully, you can move the debate to more substantive territory. This is the vital first step. It is the only first step…There is no way to convince someone that you don’t hate him or her. You can convince him or her, however, that your opposition is a liar and a hater.”

4. Frame the Debate

“It’s important that you neuter buzzwords quickly, because otherwise you will be arguing against nonsense terms that can be used against you. You can’t argue against empty terms. So don’t accept the premises of their arguments, which are largely buzzword based…It’s important that you neuter those buzzwords quickly, because otherwise you will be arguing against nonsense terms that can be used against you. You can’t argue against empty terms. So don’t accept the premises of their arguments, which are largely buzzword based…As a general matter, the left’s favorite three lines of attack are (1) you’re stupid; (2) you’re racist; (3) you’re corrupt. Donald Trump is supposedly stupid; Donald Trump is supposedly racist; Donald Trump is supposedly corrupt. Take away those lines of attack and watch the discomfort set in.”

5. Spot Inconsistencies in the Left’s Argument

“The left’s arguments are chock full of inconsistencies. Internal inconsistencies — inconsistencies that are inherent to the left’s general worldview. That’s because very few people on the left will acknowledge their actual agenda, which is quite extreme. Leftists prefer to argue half-measures in which they don’t truly believe…There are almost invariably unbridgeable inconsistencies in the left’s publicly stated positions that are at war with their actual fundamental principles. Your goal is to make the left admit once and for all what they believe about policy by exposing those inconsistencies.”

6. Force Leftists to Answer Questions

“This is really just a corollary of Rule #4. Leftists are only comfortable when they are forcing you to answer questions. If they have to answer questions, they begin to scratch their heads. The questions they prefer to ask are about your character; the questions they prefer not to answer are all of them. Instead, they like to dodge issues in favor of those character arguments.”

7. Do Not Get Distracted

“You may notice when arguing with someone on the left that every time you begin to make a point, that leftist begins shouting about Donald Trump. It’s like Leftist Tourette’s Syndrome. “Why did Obama blow out the budget?” “TRUMP!!!!!” Don’t be fooled. You don’t need to follow the idiotic rabbit down into his Trumpyy rabbit hole…Arguing with the left is like attempting to nail jello to the wall. It’s slippery and messy and a waste of resources. You must force them to answer the question.”

8. You Don’t Have To Defend People on Your Side

“Conservatives get trapped in this gambit routinely, because they figure that the enemy of their enemy is their friend: if the left is attacking someone, he must be worth defending. But that’s not true…Don’t follow people. Follow principle.”

9. If You Don’t Know Something, Admit It

“Don’t get caught in the trap of believing you have to know everything about everything. Your opponent will undoubtedly know something you don’t. It’s fair to simply state, “I didn’t know that, but I’ll be happy to research and get back to you.” Another side-note here: don’t bring up a topic with which you aren’t passingly familiar.”

10. Let the Other Side Have Meaningless Victories

“Leftists prize faux moderation above all else; by granting them a point or two, you can convince them that you aren’t a radical right-winger at all. After all, everyone can admit both parties are terrible!…If the left engages you on immigration reform, your answer should be that you are for immigration reform. Now, how do they define immigration reform? That’s the key question. But because you’ve always granted the premise that you like the idea of immigration reform, you don’t look like a naysayer off the bat…The conversation is meaningless until you force the left to define terms. Until then, we can all agree on useless platitudes.”

Owlshit has painted herself into another corner. Posting photos which are supposed to represent my 'looks' while pissing and moaning about others doing the same thing.

Better call in your backup, Owlshit. You are a damned hypocrite on the highest order.

(standing, looking at ground, taking deep breath) This happens ALL TOO FREQUENTLY around here. You might as well get used to it. She seems to like sticking her bare butt in the doorway and asking "Does anybody what to spank me?" I believe it's a personal fetish she has, odd, but hey, you meet all kinds in these chatrooms.

What is SHOCKING is that Owl has lured Christie into accepting and embracing these kind of tactics. I think that is part of joining the 'Mean Girls' (Owl's Girl Gang), you have to be able to use every sleazy device to humiliate and embarrass other women. Posting pictures of 'Fat Women', 'Silly Looking Women', is just one approach she uses.

Too bad, so sad ... for Christie. By teaming up and following around her new Queen, she has elevated Legion into a person of credibility and demoted herself in to one of questionable morals and values.

Don't worry, Stargazer, you've come out smelling like a Rose while 'ThatTrollWoman' and her '#1Girl' (Christie) have come out looking like Smut Peddlers.
(standing, looking at ground, taking deep breath) This happens ALL TOO FREQUENTLY around here. You might as well get used to it. She seems to like sticking her bare butt in the doorway and asking "Does anybody what to spank me?" I believe it's a personal fetish she has, odd, but hey, you meet all kinds in these chatrooms.

What is SHOCKING is that Owl has lured Christie into accepting and embracing these kind of tactics. I think that is part of joining the 'Mean Girls' (Owl's Girl Gang), you have to be able to use every sleazy device to humiliate and embarrass other women. Posting pictures of 'Fat Women', 'Silly Looking Women', is just one approach she uses.

Too bad, so sad ... for Christie. By teaming up and following around her new Queen, she has elevated Legion into a person of credibility and demoted herself in to one of questionable morals and values.

Don't worry, Stargazer, you've come out smelling like a Rose while 'ThatTrollWoman' and her '#1Girl' (Christie) have come out looking like Smut Peddlers.
Lol, you praise a known racists, telling her she smells like a rose.

I don't approve of anyone posting pictures of overweight people to insult others. I suspect it was the outfit that caught Owl’s eye, not the fact that the woman was overweight. I still don’t approve of using pictures of others to insult. I am in the minority on this. I also think after reading some of your fiction that you really can’t take the high ground on this.
Lol, you praise a known racists, telling her she smells like a rose.

I don't approve of anyone posting pictures of overweight people to insult others. I suspect it was the outfit that caught Owl’s eye, not the fact that the woman was overweight. I still don’t approve of using pictures of others to insult. I am in the minority on this. I also think after reading some of your fiction that you really can’t take the high ground on this.

It was the outfit with stars, but Jack will spin his own narrative however he likes as always. He also praises Toxic, another known racist. His only guiding principle is "if they hate the same person I hate, they're great in my book." He has a long history of writing his little semi-porno descriptions of females, so you're absolutely right -- his moral high ground here is at the bottom of a swamp. As always, he posts just to stir the shit, not to promote any sort of ethics or values since he lacks them himself.

Let us know when he scolds Grumpy, RB 60, Legion, etc. for using photos to insult as well.
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(standing, looking at ground, taking deep breath) This happens ALL TOO FREQUENTLY around here. You might as well get used to it. She seems to like sticking her bare butt in the doorway and asking "Does anybody what to spank me?" I believe it's a personal fetish she has, odd, but hey, you meet all kinds in these chatrooms.

What is SHOCKING is that Owl has lured Christie into accepting and embracing these kind of tactics. I think that is part of joining the 'Mean Girls' (Owl's Girl Gang), you have to be able to use every sleazy device to humiliate and embarrass other women. Posting pictures of 'Fat Women', 'Silly Looking Women', is just one approach she uses.

Too bad, so sad ... for Christie. By teaming up and following around her new Queen, she has elevated Legion into a person of credibility and demoted herself in to one of questionable morals and values.

Don't worry, Stargazer, you've come out smelling like a Rose while 'ThatTrollWoman' and her '#1Girl' (Christie) have come out looking like Smut Peddlers.
Again, nicely done, Jack. (Every sleazy device....every....single...one....)
Lol, you praise a known racists, telling her she smells like a rose.

I don't approve of anyone posting pictures of overweight people to insult others. I suspect it was the outfit that caught Owl’s eye, not the fact that the woman was overweight. I still don’t approve of using pictures of others to insult. I am in the minority on this. I also think after reading some of your fiction that you really can’t take the high ground on this.

This is a thread about 'Burqas'. Everybody has an opportunity to voice their opinion. I like that, I like the diversity of thought, I have NO PROBLEM with others that hold different opinions, it's the SOLE REASON I come here, the diversity of thought.

Some people (naturally, I won't divulge 'ThatTrollWomans' name) have a knee-jerk reaction to opposing viewpoints. They IMMEDIATELY go into 'Attack Mode' using personal insults as a 'Debating Technique'. For some reason 'ThatTrollWoman' thinks that calling people names is 'debating'.

Phantasmal: "I don't approve of anyone posting pictures of overweight people to insult others."
Jack: Excellant. Direct that position to 'ThatTrollWoman' and Christie ... if you dare. (Keep in mind, this 'outside the box' and 'independent' thought of yours could jeopardize your application for 'Girl Gang' membership)
Christiecrite has always been a follower.

She always rebels against her leader eventually and seeks another, as Queen Darla found out and as Queen Fowl will.

I don't know, Legion. Christie may have accepted her position in the Pecking Order and will now submit to her New Queen's regulations and rules. Christie has REFUSED to denounce ThatTrollWoman for her common practice of humiliating and debasing women on their looks. You would think Christie would step up to the plate on this. But ... NOPE!
This is a thread about 'Burqas'. Everybody has an opportunity to voice their opinion. I like that, I like the diversity of thought, I have NO PROBLEM with others that hold different opinions, it's the SOLE REASON I come here, the diversity of thought.

Some people (naturally, I won't divulge 'ThatTrollWomans' name) have a knee-jerk reaction to opposing viewpoints. They IMMEDIATELY go into 'Attack Mode' using personal insults as a 'Debating Technique'. For some reason 'ThatTrollWoman' thinks that calling people names is 'debating'.

Phantasmal: "I don't approve of anyone posting pictures of overweight people to insult others."
Jack: Excellant. Direct that position to 'ThatTrollWoman' and Christie ... if you dare. (Keep in mind, this 'outside the box' and 'independent' thought of yours could jeopardize your application for 'Girl Gang' membership)
I believe they know how I feel, they read my posts, in fact Owl responded, I am sure they will continue to do as they will, in spite of what others and yourself believe about us, doesn’t make it true. We all are independent individuals who are able to think independently. It’s amusing that people feel so threatened by women sharing some of the same opinions and defending those opinions we are always put into a “club” or “cabal” and characterized as unable to think on our own. I just consider the source. I had high hopes you weren’t one of those insecure souls to be pitied.
That means nothing.

She won't even condemn her former Queen Darla - in public. :burn:

Well, Legion. YOU ... have proved your integrity and honesty here, while Christie has slowly slid down the path of dishonesty.

I will wait for Christie to denounce the tactic of 'ThatTrollWoman' to shame, embarrass, degrade, other women on their looks, the way they dress, the style of their handbags and what brand shoes they wear.
I hope Christie values her reputation here on the JPP Forum more than she values her membership in the 'Mean Girls Club'.

I have to go. Legion, please keep an eye on Christie and see if she has the integrity to scold Owl on this.
Christiecrite's shameless hypocrisy exposed

Sorry, jigaboo, the answer is still 'no', no matter how much you beg. What's so funny is that you're embarrassed about your nigglets.
That's disgusting. Show where he says he's a liberal.
Obama was nothing more than another black failure in a government job and another black family in government housing. Stupid nigger.
Desh posted what another person wrote. And because you don't like her you've been twisting this for months on end to make it seem like she's the racist, not CFM, the real writer of the comment. It's a despicable thing to do.
If you don't ask everybody to call out everyone who uses racial slurs, you have double standards. Hypocrite.
Oh so now it's about the political leaning of the bigot, right? Guess you have to fall back on some excuse since you can't deny what I wrote, hypocrite.

Well, Legion. YOU ... have proved your integrity and honesty here, while Christie has slowly slid down the path of dishonesty.

I will wait for Christie to denounce the tactic of 'ThatTrollWoman' to shame, embarrass, degrade, other women on their looks, the way they dress, the style of their handbags and what brand shoes they wear.
I hope Christie values her reputation here on the JPP Forum more than she values her membership in the 'Mean Girls Club'.

I have to go. Legion, please keep an eye on Christie and see if she has the integrity to scold Owl on this.
I wouldn’t put too much stock in what Legion tells you, he’s a troll.
This is Christie's first response to my post:

"Why do you care so much about it? How is your life affected by a woman in Iran wearing a burqa?"

I've given my opinion to Christie. And I've given my opinion to you. I'll support Ayaan Hirsi Ali and her view over you and Christie's "Who gives a fuck".

You're addled. The first response I posted to you was this. It would have ended there but you had to post your ludicrous comments comparing burqa-wearing to foot-binding and FGM.


Originally Posted by Jack
Phantasmal told me many Muslim women love wearing their Burqas.​

They do.
Good observation. Jack is one of the most dishonest posters I've ever shared forums with. He lives to instigate and stir the shit. Even if he happens to agree with someone's point of view, he'll attack them anyways just to keep the pot boiling. I call him a gadfly, which is not a good thing but he thinks that it is. He will switch political horses in mid-race if it will cause consternation, arguments, and yelling. Then he can pretend to be the calm voice of reason while everyone else is busy burning down the house.

Jack has contradicted himself over and over in this thread. First he hates the burqa then he's indifferent to the burqa. Then he turns to ad homs.

Jack is dazed and confused.