Why don't feminists fight for Muslim women?

Before that her Queen was Darla. Then she rebelled, as she always does. Thin-skinned, you see.

Man, I can't win for losing here. First you insult me by saying I'm just a follower who needs a leader, then you insult me by saying I'm a rebel for standing up to a leader.

How to solve this contradiction? :rofl2:
You are always posturing to win approval or a rubber stamp from ThatOldWoman, as if her approval means something. Unlike you, I don't need a gang for validation.

I guess you don't have a lot of female friends, cyber or otherwise, if you think having a laugh with someone is posturing.

If Owl, Phantasmal or anyone stopped talking to me forever it wouldn't change how I post or who I thank.
It isn't shocking that Christiecrite is following Owlshit because she is a follower. Owlshit is insecure and argues from emotion. She needs a gang, "Mean Girls" club because in reality she is a coward through and through.

Stargazer. I believe we have witnessed Christie accepting the Burqa from Owl. Christie's avatar should be that picture Legion posted of the guy taking a selfie with a cow blanket standing next to him, ... except it should be Owl and the cow blanket (Christie) in the photo.

Christie has refused to criticize Owl for using unflattering pictures of women to humiliate other women. That kind of says it all. It's one thing to disagree with others, it's another to attack people based on 'looks' as a way to 'win' an argument. That technique (using looks and dress) is 'ThatTrollWomans' bread and butter, it's what she does. I was not aware that Christie would succumb or adopt those same techniques.

1. I realize that Christie is a 'follower' like you say. (Probably the same when Darla was Queen)
2. I have to accept the Reality that Christie wears Owl's Burqa (and loves her Burqa) and will do what Owl tells her, be obedient and subservient to the Will of Owl.
3. Christie has given up her self-worth, her personality, her identity, to 'Belong'.

Stargazer, ... don't worry about it, Christie is now irrelevant, she's just another drone in the Pack.
Man, I can't win for losing here. First you insult me by saying I'm just a follower who needs a leader, then you insult me by saying I'm a rebel for standing up to a leader. How to solve this contradiction?

How do you solve a problem like Christiecrite?

Half the fun here is watching Owl tie herself up in knots. Try to have fun with it. That's what I do.

Just point and laugh.

:D "Following" her? You've been hanging with Jack too long.
I bet Top would love to have you follow her, though.

Oh yes, definitely! TrumpsterDiver's exactly the kind of buttbuddy Toxic gathered in Ye Olde Amazon days.... nasty, racist, typical dumbass conservative bimbo. It's a match made in heaven!
I guess you don't have a lot of female friends, cyber or otherwise, if you think having a laugh with someone is posturing. If Owl, Phantasmal or anyone stopped talking to me forever it wouldn't change how I post or who I thank.

So you say, follower.

When Queen Darla exiled you for your refusal to obey her commands, you simply found another host body to attach yourself to.
Jackoff, honey, it'll be okay. I heard from the Coast Guard that the shrimp fleet will be down at the docks no later than 5am tomorrow. So get your cabin boy costume out, your bar(s) of slippery soap, and the KY.... you'll soon be feeling better in the end!
Quit worrying. I made sure there will be no federal prosecution long ago.

Who's worried? I have never in my life done anything that would mean a federal prosecution. Or a state, city or neighborhood prosecution.

You said you have all the evidence you require. If it's a JPP matter by all means send it straight to Damocles right now. Or post it, I'm good either way. And the more you talk about it, the more curious I get.

My only question is, if you are serious and not trolling, will you apologize when you're found to be wrong?

Somehow I doubt it.
So you say, follower.

When Queen Darla exiled you for your refusal to obey her commands, you simply found another host body to attach yourself to.

:rolleyes: Darla didn't exile me. You're as bad as grind with these assumptions. Is this part of your rules for debating liberals, and you think you're going to lure me into talking about Darla? Think again.

"Originally Posted by Legion
She would make some. She's done it before, you know.

What did I make and what was it about? You're awfully afraid to post your proof and you of all people shouldn't be. :nodyes:
Very insightful.

It is what it is.

I've noticed (generally speaking) that men can stand their own ground, while women have a tendency to form packs or groups for protection.
Owl plays on this and, like Trump, tells them what they want to hear. Owl did this EXACT same thing at Amazon. I complimented Owl on this amazing feat, gathering these females into a gaggle and through 'Pavlovian Techniques' having them eat out of her hand and follow her around. Having lost their identities and personalities, they were simply referred to as 'The Triplets'. Since this thread is about Burqas and I am witnessing Christie donning her Burqa*here, ... I will christen Owl's new Girl Gang 'The Burqa Girls'.

I enjoy watching Owl perform her magic here, it's really interesting how one person can manipulate other humans ... especially on an anonymous internet chatroom. Fascinating!
So you say.

I told you I took care of it. You know I like you. Let's leave it at that.

I'm not willing to leave it. There was nothing to take care of. You're lying. If there was you would have let me know.

Now you want to walk away from your accusations after two days of raking me over the coals. Telling. Very telling.