Why don't feminists fight for Muslim women?

Irony. The forum remembers what you and your coven of crones did to IceDancer & USALoyal, and the real story is known.

:rofl2: Here's a keeper! You hated those two and were happy to see them go. You even made up names for them. Now suddenly they're victims.

Can you sink any lower?
So you say. Desh used the same racial epithets, yet you refuse to call her out, hypocrite.

Desh has never called anyone the "n" word, no matter how hard you're trying to make it seem she did.

If you have standalone proof that she did, then show it. What you've posted so far isn't proof.
Jack's (and the rest of the poseurs) faux outrage about those downtrodden Middle Eastern women will have more punch when they also condemn the wearing of religiously-forced clothing by nuns, American fundamentalist women, Amish women, Mennonite women, etc.

Young American (and in other Western countries as well) women feel pressured to dress a certain way, wear their hair a certain way, wear make-up, look "hot," be thin, etc. Women of all ages are disparaged and trashed by men like Legion, Jack, etc. for being overweight, not "hot," old/er.

We'll give your comments about burqa-wearing women more consideration when you start expressing condemnation for judging females by their appearances... and stop doing it yourselves.

Originally Posted by CFM

Obama was nothing more than another black failure in a government job and another black family in government housing. Stupid nigger.

11-05-2017, 09:17 AM #55 | Top

Oh right wing posters is this a racist post?

Christie: "Why do you care so much about it? How is your life affected by a woman in Iran wearing a burqa?"
Jack: This tells me you really don't give a fuck about anything unless it affects YOUR life directly.

Way up on my List of Idiots, are religious cults. They are superstitious and believe in the occult.
The Middle East is where Europe was 500 years ago when Catholics killed Protestants and Protestants killed Catholics.
Now it's Sunni killing Shia and Shia killing Sunni.
Wearing a Burqa means you're either a brain dead religious type or are forced to wear one by the Religious Authorities.

I support Liberated women that want to think for themselves. YOUR statement above ( "Why do you care so much about it? How is your life affected by a woman in Iran wearing a burqa?" ) shows you have zero support for women being forced to obey some religious cult Guru.

You are dumb. You just moved the goalposts. These were your words: "The argument is 'Choice'. Do women in these repressive regimes have a 'CHOICE"?"

I not only cited six instances of saying those women should have a CHOICE, I criticized the mullahs and imams who try to say they don't.

Don't let the facts stop you, though.
Yes, I disliked them, and yes, I made up names for them.

What you and the conniving coven of crones did was beyond the pale.

You can't sink any lower, and now you're trying to do the same to others.

You are such a lying hypocrite. They posted personal info about some posters through hacking. They got caught and banned.

Let me refresh your memory. One of them quit the board after they got caught; the other got months to prove that I and the others were liars and she couldn't do it. Maybe you forgot that she was "sequestered" with full access to every post on the board and in the archives, and was allowed to have someone help her locate the posts that to prove we were lying. No dice, because THOSE POSTS DID NOT EXIST ON THIS FORUM. They hacked, they posted, they got caught, they got banned. End of story.

You can try and twist this until hell freezes over. They got banned after repeated warnings from Damo and Grind to stop with the personal info. It was their hubris that got them banned. They thought they could scam the system but the evidence was too much for them to lie about. Damo explained this to the entire forum, it wasn't secret.

You better be mighty careful with your accusations about being "beyond the pale." What those people did was beyond the pale, and blaming us for their actions is indefensible.
Jack's (and the rest of the poseurs) faux outrage about those downtrodden Middle Eastern women will have more punch when they also condemn the wearing of religiously-forced clothing by nuns, American fundamentalist women, Amish women, Mennonite women, etc.

Young American (and in other Western countries as well) women feel pressured to dress a certain way, wear their hair a certain way, wear make-up, look "hot," be thin, etc. Women of all ages are disparaged and trashed by men like Legion, Jack, etc. for being overweight, not "hot," old/er.

We'll give your comments about burqa-wearing women more consideration when you start expressing condemnation for judging females by their appearances... and stop doing it yourselves.

Jack can't even be honest about what we've posted on the subject. He's too busy trying to defend himself to acknowledge the facts.
You are dumb. You just moved the goalposts. These were your words: "The argument is 'Choice'. Do women in these repressive regimes have a 'CHOICE"?"

I not only cited six instances of saying those women should have a CHOICE, I criticized the mullahs and imams who try to say they don't.

Don't let the facts stop you, though.

Your original post said it all.
After you began to get chastised you started to modify your stance.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali said it very clearly. She's a Muslim woman that lived it, moved to Europe, and became a liberated woman. I support her and her thoughts over your "Why do you care so much about it? How is your life affected by a woman in Iran wearing a burqa?". No big deal, Christie. I don't really want to keep repeating the same stuff over and over again. May Peace Be Upon You.
Your original post said it all.
After you began to get chastised you started to modify your stance.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali said it very clearly. She's a Muslim woman that lived it, moved to Europe, and became a liberated woman. I support her and her thoughts over your "Why do you care so much about it? How is your life affected by a woman in Iran wearing a burqa?". No big deal, Christie. I don't really want to keep repeating the same stuff over and over again. May Peace Be Upon You.

:palm: I guess lying for you is "go big or go home", huh. My first post on the subject was: "Who said I was talking about Tom? :dunno: Give us your suggestion on what feminists can do for Muslim women." Followed by: Why blame the women for something their mullahs force them to do? And what about those women who want to wear the garment? Boris Johnson is just the other side of the coin. IOW Muslim women have to obey some man's directive on what they wear.

Etc. etc. etc.
I was not the one criticizing women for "walking around in a cow blanket", "men don't flock to this apparel", and wearing a burqa"is probably like Chinese women that love binding their feet. Or, like women loving to get female circumcision.

That stupidity is all yours to own.
Since StarGeezer is sure that he/she/it knows all about the roolz and that the mods are SOOOOO UNFAIR, here's some personal info of his/her/its to report. Her photo was taken at a recent Trump rally. Just look at the stars!!!! Gaze at them!


The above is post #469 by ThatTrollWoman.

This is from post #507:
"Young American (and in other Western countries as well) women feel pressured to dress a certain way, wear their hair a certain way, wear make-up, look "hot," be thin, etc. Women of all ages are disparaged and trashed by men like Legion, Jack, etc. for being overweight, not "hot," old/er."
... by ... you guessed it ... ThatTrollWoman.

Looks like the ""Women of all ages are disparaged and trashed by ... ThatTrollWoman ... for being overweight, not "hot," old/er."