Why don't feminists fight for Muslim women?

Oh so now it's about the political leaning of the bigot, right? Guess you have to fall back on some excuse since you can't deny what I wrote, hypocrite.

Your faux poutrage over racism is one-sided, hypocrite.

You have never called a liberal out for for using a racial slur. Fact.

I have called liberals and conservatives out for using racial slurs. Fact.

Who's the hypocrite?

Rhetorical question.
Let Christiecrite's excuses pour forth

Obama was nothing more than another black failure in a government job and another black family in government housing. Stupid nigger.

Christiecrite will claim that Desh was paraphrasing what someone else said.

Your faux poutrage over racism is one-sided, hypocrite.

You have never called a liberal out for for using a racial slur. Fact.

I have called liberals and conservatives out for using racial slurs. Fact.

Who's the hypocrite?

Rhetorical question.

You are, obviously. If you really hated every racist here you wouldn't be kissing up to IHA and CFM, for starters.
Christiecrite will claim that Desh was paraphrasing what someone else said.


Desh posted what another person wrote. And because you don't like her you've been twisting this for months on end to make it seem like she's the racist, not CFM, the real writer of the comment.

It's a despicable thing to do.
Desh posted what another person wrote. And because you don't like her you've been twisting this for months on end to make it seem like she's the racist, not CFM, the real writer of the comment. It's a despicable thing to do.

Condemning one poster of racial epithets while excusing another is a despicable thing to do, hypocrite.
As always Grind, you are correct in that is how the feminist movement got going. However, like all movements that start out with noble motives they have been coopted by the left. All feminist organizations are nothing more than extensions of leftists. Leftists do not see muslimes as a threat.

why are white christer males such girlymen? afraid of Muslims, lol , not only that, but male crackas are shooting blanks and can't reproduce that's part of the reasons the porch honkey are the shrinking demographic
Did you skip your Focus Factor today or are you just dumb as a stump? Everything I've written here about the burqa is about choice.

#65 I myself wouldn't wear a burqa, niqab or nun garb. If women want to, it's their decision. Apparently BJ thinks every Muslim woman is against that clothing and is in silent rebellion. I don't.

#156 I support women everywhere wearing what they please, when they please and where they please; I condemn these Iranians for punishing a woman who is standing up for her right to wear what she wants, where she wants.

I'm not telling anybody what to wear, either. So what's your beef with me?

#213 All of my comments here are about Muslim women (or any women) being allowed to wear whatever they want.

#263 I think it would be hot wearing a burqa during a workout and a drag trying to swim with one on, but it's the woman's choice.

#296 I have no trouble with burqas because I'm not the one trying to dictate what women should or shouldn't wear.

Christie: "Why do you care so much about it? How is your life affected by a woman in Iran wearing a burqa?"
Jack: This tells me you really don't give a fuck about anything unless it affects YOUR life directly.

Way up on my List of Idiots, are religious cults. They are superstitious and believe in the occult.
The Middle East is where Europe was 500 years ago when Catholics killed Protestants and Protestants killed Catholics.
Now it's Sunni killing Shia and Shia killing Sunni.
Wearing a Burqa means you're either a brain dead religious type or are forced to wear one by the Religious Authorities.

I support Liberated women that want to think for themselves. YOUR statement above ( "Why do you care so much about it? How is your life affected by a woman in Iran wearing a burqa?" ) shows you have zero support for women being forced to obey some religious cult Guru.