Why don't feminists fight for Muslim women?

And all because Darla's group, had to stand behind her angst; even when it was explained how she was wrong.

My theory is most men can stand on their own two feet, while women tend to huddle in groups. Owl (and Darla?) know this and provide a Pavlovian Elixir to susceptible women. The women are so desperate for the Elixir, that they sell their souls to maintain their Group membership. I'm guessing it has to do with the hormone Testosterone but maybe it's something else?
Don't groups of women out on the town often go to the ladies' room in gaggles?

I enjoyed watching Owl schmooze the women of Amazon, now she's done the exact same thing here. I like watching a professional in action. I will watch in anticipation if the Burqa Girls dance as if on a string by a Puppeteer or if the 'Organ Grinder' turns them into monkeys on a leash. It's fascinating how one person can manipulate others from a distance.
My theory is most men can stand on their own two feet, while women tend to huddle in groups. Owl (and Darla?) know this and provide a Pavlovian Elixir to susceptible women. The women are so desperate for the Elixir, that they sell their souls to maintain their Group membership. I'm guessing it has to do with the hormone Testosterone but maybe it's something else?
Hmmmm, I go to the bathroom by myself all the time, I stopped going to the bathroom in groups when I was in Jr. High.

Why is it some males form gangs? Is it the same principal of women going to bathrooms in groups?
Hmmmm, I go to the bathroom by myself all the time, I stopped going to the bathroom in groups when I was in Jr. High.

Why is it some males form gangs? Is it the same principal of women going to bathrooms in groups?

1. "Hmmmm, I go to the bathroom by myself all the time, I stopped going to the bathroom in groups when I was in Jr. High."
Jack: That was posted by Legion, you'll have to direct your question to him.

2. "Why is it some males form gangs? Is it the same principal of women going to bathrooms in groups?"
Jack: No. I think males form 'gangs' for 'belonging'. I think females go to the bathroom together to ... wait for it ... gossip.
1. "Hmmmm, I go to the bathroom by myself all the time, I stopped going to the bathroom in groups when I was in Jr. High."
Jack: That was posted by Legion, you'll have to direct your question to him.

2. "Why is it some males form gangs? Is it the same principal of women going to bathrooms in groups?"
Jack: No. I think males form 'gangs' for 'belonging'. I think females go to the bathroom together to ... wait for it ... gossip.
I’m sorry I wasn’t aware of this tactic, think it f all the great stuff I have missed over the years. Where do men gossip?

"Burqua Girls" in their pink pussy garb!
Hmmmm, I go to the bathroom by myself all the time, I stopped going to the bathroom in groups when I was in Jr. High.
Why is it some males form gangs? Is it the same principal of women going to bathrooms in groups?

Jackoff's gang theory is ludicrous. Until very recently, all armies were composed of males where they bond in their platoons. Criminal gangs are composed of males. Sports teams are composed of males. As for gossip, as we can see right here on JPP, men are just as bad if not worse than women. lol