Why don't feminists fight for Muslim women?

My proof is that you have presented no evidence of their guilt.

Because she said so...hahaha! an interesting turn of events, Cfan is always telling everyone to prove it, and she can't prove s*** other than she was banned for posting personal information!
Jack must be tripping, the way he thinks he understands what went on here seven years before he joined the forum.

This is what he does -- finds a group to align with -- then does everything he can to aggravate, prod, harass, flea-bite, and harangue till he gets a negative reaction from the ppl that group dislikes. This is esp. true if the ppl are women. Mostly he looks for ppl sure to give him a reaction, and focuses on nipping at their ankles. Jack has no family or woman; his dog took advantage of the chaos following Hurricane Katrina to run off; his new dog died out of spite. So this is how he gets much-needed attention when the fishing fleet is out in the Gulf. You'll know when they hit the docks; he'll vanish for a while. Upon his return he'll mumble something about helping some "son" with "remodeling." We just nod and play along. He'll have a couple of good days (for him). Then it's back to what you see here. If you search for "Jack + (your name)," you'll see where he's been discussing you elsewhere as well.
Let the board note the odious J Craft's nineteen posts that prove he's too righteous to get involved in gossip and false accusations.

Is that what he's doing? I've had him on ignore for months. Figured it had to be something like that, given all the "This message is hidden because J Craft is on your ignore list"s I see.
I believe that is what she said but I don't want to get in the middle of you and Christiecrite.

Yet in the thread she "forgot" to provide a link to (until I shamed her) there are numerous posts by yours truly, and she knew it.
Is that what he's doing? I've had him on ignore for months. Figured it had to be something like that, given all the "This message is hidden because J Craft is on your ignore list"s I see.

He's always been quick to call others gossipy and doesn't see the irony of what he's done here. That's just one of the reasons I call him "the odious J Craft."
Is that your claim? Produce these alleged "numerous posts defending the harpy."

I'll understand if you can't, just as I understand you have no evidence they hacked anyone.

The Sheik of Sarcasm doesn't understand my post? I'll remember to green it up for you in the future. :D

If you think you can goad me into posting the evidence, think again. You know better.
Because you seem convinced that the harpies got the shaft despite the mods' posts on the matter.

I'm convinced that - as much as I dislike the "harpies" myself - there's no evidence that they did what you claim they did.

Why don't you tell the forum how deeply enmeshed I was in your orbit at that time?