Why don't feminists fight for Muslim women?

No it isn't.

Harpy was given lots of time to find on this forum what she was taunting people people about. It was a simple enough thing to do if those comments were actually on the forum but they were not. Even you understand this although for some crazy reason you're pretending not to.

If I were being accused of doxxing and wrote a post saying, for example, "There's a sealed record showing that Legion stole a car and went joy-riding as a teenager ", you would demand that I prove it. And if I couldn't show where I got that info, it would be because I was lying or because it didn't exist. Harpy didn't admit to lying nor would she say where she got the info she posted.

In all of this you have refused to accept what I'm saying is true but you've give no explanation for why I would be lying and Harpy would be telling the truth outside of the usual misdirection.

Like your earlier "proof" this is nothing but a calumnious crone - in this case Y O U - making a claim unsubstantiated by anything. All part of the craven conspiracy of the conniving crone coven.

Did Queen Darla dictate it to you? I see she fluffed you for obediently posting it - after you made a "correction."

Our evidence was substantiated to the people who matter. If you don't like it, file a complaint.

Nobody dictates anything for me, not now, not then, not ever. And you didn't post the reason for the correction, why? "Last edited by christiefan915; 01-13-2012 at 02:40 PM. Reason: spelling."

You wrote "Tell the forum who really set up those accounts and posted that stuff. We both know you won't, faux feminista."

You refused to explain what accounts even after I said I have only one account on JPP and one account on PF. I believe you think I joined the GR forum and made up identities because that's the only other forum that's been discussed here. I believe Toxic has been feeding you a lie that I'm in cahoots against her with Owl because she would like nothing more than to see me banned. I believe you are being played and haven't figured it out yet. I believe that's why you're bringing up this old crap about the harpies, to try and link me to something that's happening on GR.

Prove me wrong.
An apology for what? Claiming that a claim by Queen Darla is not evidence of wrongdoing by the "skanks"?

BTW, let the record show that faux feminista Christiecrite has no objection to slinging sexist slurs and uses them herself, but will precipitously play the pussy card if anyone does likewise to her.

Continue the pretense, it's amusing. You wrote about post 767:

Originally Posted by Legion

If you mean this, it's because it's not a linked post by anyone. It's another of your contrivances, as far as I can see.

I linked the post and you've continued to ignore that. You're dishonest and refuse to admit you were wrong.

Let the record show that you have no objection to the harpy calling us the "c" word but are faux-outraged over the use of skank.
Let the record show that you have no objection to the harpy calling us the "c" word but are faux-outraged over the use of skank.

I expressed no poutrage, faux feminista. It's Y O U who pretend to eschew sexist insults unless you or your conniving coven of crones use them against other women.
Why aren't you posting the rest of the thread, that pertains to this, or are you afraid that it will just add more credence to the fact that you're a liar??

You stalked Poet all over the forum. Poet wrote a message on someone's wall... not your wall but something you found in your stalking... that contained a bit of personal info. You took that message and googled the info. You found a pic of Poet along with more of his personal info. You posted a fake pic of Poet to let him know you dug up more personal info on him.

"Freedom found my picture, obviously, and posted a picture of "Men on Film" from In Living Color, as Damon Wayans character had one small patch of hair on his head (as I do, since "shaven"), to let me know, he knew who I was, and had access to my personal info...as a weapon, seeing that he is lacking in the debating department. He obviously shared the info with my enemies. Chaos ensued."

Damo let you know that was wrong.

People need to back off "hinting" at information you've found in articles and images you've seen off this site. Yes, this does include you. You may have seen a picture of somebody, but "hinting" at their appearance and holding the information over them after they trusted you to act human is not a good thing. Just let it all go. It cannot be that important to you to "get" somebody on such a visceral level. You generally seem sane.

Poet never doxxed you or stalked you. This was just one more episode in your long history of cyber-bullying.
Harpy was given lots of time to find on this forum what she was taunting people people about.

You think demanding that someone prove their innocence is a valid way of proving they're guilty of something you can't prove they did?

Our evidence was substantiated to the people who matter.

No, it wasn't. They said they believed your claims. They saw no evidence, because you have none.

Nobody dictates anything for me, not now, not then, not ever.

That's what your new Queen has yet to discover.
You linked it after I called you out. The post you linked is a claim unsupported by evidence, as we both knew.

Initially I forgot to link and you're making this your argument? The claim was later supported by evidence and you don't have the guts to admit it wasn't a contrivance. Own it already.
An apology for what? Claiming that a claim by Queen Darla is not evidence of wrongdoing by the "skanks"?

BTW, let the record show that faux feminista Christiecrite has no objection to slinging sexist slurs and uses them herself, but will precipitously play the pussy card if anyone does likewise to her.

"BTW, let the record show that faux feminista Christiecrite has no objection to slinging sexist slurs and uses them herself, but will precipitously play the pussy card if anyone does likewise to her.
Thanks, Legion. I now know why everyone calls her 'Christiecrite'.

"If Christiecrite and Rana saw Owl shoot somebody on Fifth Avenue, would they still support her?" I believe the answer is 'Yes'. They are like the Trumpsters that have been smitten with the Cult of Personality.

A shout-out to Owl: Excellent work Owl. I love watching you manipulate these females into eating out of your hand. I remember The Triplets on the Amazon Forum, they would follow you from thread to thread, mimic what you would say, do what you would do. Have you targeted a third 'Burqa Girl' yet? I was thinking 'evince', but she may be too hard for you to control? Any others on the horizon? :thumbsup:
You think demanding that someone prove their innocence is a valid way of proving they're guilty of something you can't prove they did?

Apparently you think asking someone to prove that they got their info by honest means is wrong. Ask yourself why harpy wouldn't provide info that proved we were lying about her, info that would probably have gotten us banned.

No, it wasn't. They said they believed your claims. They saw no evidence, because you have none.

They were given evidence. You're just pissed because you aren't privy to it.

That's what your new Queen has yet to discover.

Again I don't know what this is about but I am wondering how long it will take you to understand you're being played.
"BTW, let the record show that faux feminista Christiecrite has no objection to slinging sexist slurs and uses them herself, but will precipitously play the pussy card if anyone does likewise to her.
Thanks, Legion. I now know why everyone calls her 'Christiecrite'.

"If Christiecrite and Rana saw Owl shoot somebody on Fifth Avenue, would they still support her?" I believe the answer is 'Yes'. They are like the Trumpsters that have been smitten with the Cult of Personality.

A shout-out to Owl: Excellent work Owl. I love watching you manipulate these females into eating out of your hand. I remember The Triplets on the Amazon Forum, they would follow you from thread to thread, mimic what you would say, do what you would do. Have you targeted a third 'Burqa Girl' yet? I was thinking 'evince', but she may be too hard for you to control? Any others on the horizon? :thumbsup:

Go sober up Jack. You don't know what went on here seven years ago and you look like a fool.

Btw how long is Legion going to manipulate you into believing his lies?
You stalked Poet all over the forum. Poet wrote a message on someone's wall... not your wall but something you found in your stalking... that contained a bit of personal info. You took that message and googled the info. You found a pic of Poet along with more of his personal info. You posted a fake pic of Poet to let him know you dug up more personal info on him.

Damo let you know that was wrong.

Poet never doxxed you or stalked you. This was just one more episode in your long history of cyber-bullying.
I knew Poet from another board. Does anyone know what happened to him?
A shout-out to Owl: Excellent work Owl. I love watching you manipulate these females into eating out of your hand. I remember The Triplets on the Amazon Forum, they would follow you from thread to thread, mimic what you would say, do what you would do. Have you targeted a third 'Burqa Girl' yet? I was thinking 'evince', but she may be too hard for you to control? Any others on the horizon? :thumbsup:
LOL. Evince.
You "forgot?". :rolleyes:

My argument is that you tried to claim that a claim by your Queen proved the "skanks" were "hackers". It isn't, and you know it.

The claim was never supported by evidence, only by repeated claims contrived by the craven coven of conniving crones.

Own it already.

Own the fact that a decision was made based on evidence given to the mods and that the board didn't see it because it was personal info.

You have a problem with this, file a complaint with the mods.

Btw, I'm counting down the days until you find out you're being played. :D
There's definitely confusion about who's
"manipulating" who=presently, not past....hmmmm....