Why don't feminists fight for Muslim women?

LOL. Darla said she was hacked on AOL.

I apologize for not finding that convincing. :rofl2:

BTW, she also accused USF of abusing kids in that thread. You didn't see fit to copy and paste that quote.

Post 768. You claimed I faked the back-and-forth with ID because I forgot to link it. Now it's linked and it's real and it's there for anyone to see.

Still waiting for an apology.
People need to back off "hinting" at information you've found in articles and images you've seen off this site. Yes, this does include you. You may have seen a picture of somebody, but "hinting" at their appearance and holding the information over them after they trusted you to act human is not a good thing. Just let it all go. It cannot be that important to you to "get" somebody on such a visceral level. You generally seem sane.

Why aren't you posting the rest of the thread, that pertains to this, or are you afraid that it will just add more credence to the fact that you're a liar??
Terrific issue and discussion guys, really, kudos.

Yes, my thoughts exactly. Glad you could join in and offer your two cents- really amplified the discussion into a more robust and thought provoking thread. Probably why it was started in Off Topic- you know, just so you could come along and straighten it out.

Yes, my thoughts exactly. Glad you could join in and offer your two cents- really amplified the discussion into a more robust and thought provoking thread. Probably why it was started in Off Topic- you know, just so you could come along and straighten it out.


You're welcome, now, what's your burning issue again?
You're welcome, now, what's your burning issue again?

Well, Fentoine. As far as I can figure, there was this Girl Gang and their Leader Queen was Darla. And Christie and Phantasmal were, like, gang members that had pink bandanas. Then, there was this other Girl Gang that had baby blue bandanas, and they had some 'harpies' that would 'harp' and stuff. And then one of the 'harpies' posted some unflattering pictures of Darlas' Gang. So, there was this HUGE hissy fit, and naturally, Grind and the Moderators had to get involved. Through months of intensive interrogations, evidence form both Girl Gangs, and sworn testimony, a decision was reached. The 'harpies' Girl Gang was perm-banned. Now ... 7 years later, the 'Conspiracy Theorists' are sifting through the assembled evidence, re-questioning the surviving witnesses, and questioning the Moderators decision and conclusion.

Any other questions?
Well, Fentoine. As far as I can figure, there was this Girl Gang and their Leader Queen was Darla. And Christie and Phantasmal were, like, gang members that had pink bandanas. Then, there was this other Girl Gang that had baby blue bandanas, and they had some 'harpies' that would 'harp' and stuff. And then one of the 'harpies' posted some unflattering pictures of Darlas' Gang. So, there was this HUGE hissy fit, and naturally, Grind and the Moderators had to get involved. Through months of intensive interrogations, evidence form both Girl Gangs, and sworn testimony, a decision was reached. The 'harpies' Girl Gang was perm-banned. Now ... 7 years later, the 'Conspiracy Theorists' are sifting through the assembled evidence, re-questioning the surviving witnesses, and questioning the Moderators decision and conclusion.

Any other questions?
Good morning, Jack...thanks for the "update".... that explains a lot...there's hope!
Well, Fentoine. As far as I can figure, there was this Girl Gang and their Leader Queen was Darla. And Christie and Phantasmal were, like, gang members that had pink bandanas. Then, there was this other Girl Gang that had baby blue bandanas, and they had some 'harpies' that would 'harp' and stuff. And then one of the 'harpies' posted some unflattering pictures of Darlas' Gang. So, there was this HUGE hissy fit, and naturally, Grind and the Moderators had to get involved. Through months of intensive interrogations, evidence form both Girl Gangs, and sworn testimony, a decision was reached. The 'harpies' Girl Gang was perm-banned. Now ... 7 years later, the 'Conspiracy Theorists' are sifting through the assembled evidence, re-questioning the surviving witnesses, and questioning the Moderators decision and conclusion.

Any other questions?

Christie hates Darla, she found out exactly what a snake in the grass she is
Christie hates Darla, she found out exactly what a snake in the grass she is

It looks like 'Darla' is history. I see Christie has accepted the Burqa from Owl. Owl will now be the NEW Queen of the Burqa*Girls (pink bandana team). Sadly, I've noticed Phantasmal using the word 'we', rather than the word 'I', when she speaks. Meaning she has become part of the 'hive', the 'collective', the 'Burqa*Girls'. She's always been bright, fun, happy, outgoing, upbeat, loquacious, and inclusive ... if Owl puts the Burqa*on Phantasmal, and she accepts and subjugates herself to Owl, all that will change. She will become a clone of Owl, ... translation: mean spirited, angry, unhappy, man-hate, sullen.

Praise Be to Allah, the Most Merciful ... I hope that doesn't happen, :(