Why don't feminists fight for Muslim women?

Four. It started with three women and freedumb. Then one of the women just disappeared off the board and the others carried on without her.

Well, that explains a lot about Freakdumb and why he's got himself all tangled up in Toxic's skirts. Looking for another dominatrix and girl gang to join.
Well, that explains a lot about Freakdumb and why he's got himself all tangled up in Toxic's skirts. Looking for another dominatrix and girl gang to join.

You have no idea how deep he was into everything even though he pretended otherwise.

Here's another person they doxxed.

"See, that's the thing...she DOES have my personal info and she's passed it to the other "Christians" she associates with...she's posted my wife's and daughter's names on these forums and everyone remembers(everyone but you, conveniently) the wonderful "Christlike" things she accused me of doing with and to my daughter...and during all that time, you just sat back and said NOTHING to her...so I'm sorry, but you are the disingenuous one.. "
You have no idea how deep he was into everything even though he pretended otherwise.

Here's another person they doxxed.

"See, that's the thing...she DOES have my personal info and she's passed it to the other "Christians" she associates with...she's posted my wife's and daughter's names on these forums and everyone remembers(everyone but you, conveniently) the wonderful "Christlike" things she accused me of doing with and to my daughter...and during all that time, you just sat back and said NOTHING to her...so I'm sorry, but you are the disingenuous one.. "

And another one.

harpy: "You Google; email; PM about myself and others-ALL of what you then prance around on the forum decrying of anyone who you dislike, but excusing same behavior for yourself and your pals."

me: "Oh, I email and PM about you and the others? How would you know what I do besides post, your "birdie" tell you?"

harpy: "[Other harpy] has never played the role of birdie... her role was not as specialized, but keep guessing my personal little butt lick"
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You have no idea how deep he was into everything even though he pretended otherwise.

Here's another person they doxxed.

"See, that's the thing...she DOES have my personal info and she's passed it to the other "Christians" she associates with...she's posted my wife's and daughter's names on these forums and everyone remembers(everyone but you, conveniently) the wonderful "Christlike" things she accused me of doing with and to my daughter...and during all that time, you just sat back and said NOTHING to her...so I'm sorry, but you are the disingenuous one.. "

Slimeballs. Good riddance. It appears that Havana Moron was also involved, per this comment:


Interesting how he's yet another of Toxic's buddies and defender of the Oh-you-poor-little-victim-I-know-you'd-NEVER-do-something-like-that whining.
Slimeballs. Good riddance. It appears that Havana Moron was also involved, per this comment:


Interesting how he's yet another of Toxic's buddies and defender of the Oh-you-poor-little-victim-I-know-you'd-NEVER-do-something-like-that whining.

To be fair at that time Havana was on Zap's side and defended him. Their animosity came a lot later.

Here's another one.

"Freedom found my picture, obviously, and posted a picture of "Men on Film" from In Living Color, as Damon Wayans character had one small patch of hair on his head (as I do, since "shaven"), to let me know, he knew who I was, and had access to my personal info...as a weapon, seeing that he is lacking in the debating department. He obviously shared the info with my enemies. Chaos ensued."
You have no idea how deep he was into everything even though he pretended otherwise.

Here's another person they doxxed.

"See, that's the thing...she DOES have my personal info and she's passed it to the other "Christians" she associates with...she's posted my wife's and daughter's names on these forums and everyone remembers(everyone but you, conveniently) the wonderful "Christlike" things she accused me of doing with and to my daughter...and during all that time, you just sat back and said NOTHING to her...so I'm sorry, but you are the disingenuous one.. "

So now liberals can make an accusation and without a single thing to back it up, it's FACT. :good4u:
To be fair at that time Havana was on Zap's side and defended him. Their animosity came a lot later.

Here's another one.

"Freedom found my picture, obviously, and posted a picture of "Men on Film" from In Living Color, as Damon Wayans character had one small patch of hair on his head (as I do, since "shaven"), to let me know, he knew who I was, and had access to my personal info...as a weapon, seeing that he is lacking in the debating department. He obviously shared the info with my enemies. Chaos ensued."

Why aren't you posting the rest of the thread, that pertains to this, or are you afraid that it will just add more credence to the fact that you're a liar??
If you mean this, it's because it's not a linked post by anyone. It's another of your contrivances, as far as I can see.

Christiecrite: "I am a complete and utter hypocrite."

me: "I know, but I like you anyway."

See how that works?

I linked it up. I'll be waiting for your apology.

"What's really funny is with all of your hacking how much I've managed to keep from you. That's because ever since the first time you hacked me on aol I never put another word in an email to anyone from this world that I didn't assume you would read."
Why aren't you posting the rest of the thread, that pertains to this, or are you afraid that it will just add more credence to the fact that you're a liar??

People need to back off "hinting" at information you've found in articles and images you've seen off this site. Yes, this does include you. You may have seen a picture of somebody, but "hinting" at their appearance and holding the information over them after they trusted you to act human is not a good thing. Just let it all go. It cannot be that important to you to "get" somebody on such a visceral level. You generally seem sane.